Crazy questions! Wife vs. Providers

If there is a ring on your finger and you find your dick in someone else, it's cheating. You may not be emotionally attached but you are still fucking someone else. I think if a woman HAD to choose between her man being physically vs emotionally involved with another woman, she'd choose physical hands down. Perhaps the OP doesn't feel guilty because there are no "feelings"?
Stevensegal's Avatar
Well said Putanna Di Classe
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
This has been mentioned a few times, but the question hasn't been addressed directly: If both of you have agreed to "forsake all others," is there not an implicit agreement to accommodate, at least occasionally, the needs or desires of your partner?

Somehow, it's just not right for a partner to claim exclusive rights and not exercise them since the Bill Clinton administration.
This has been mentioned a few times, but the question hasn't been addressed directly: If both of you have agreed to "forsake all others," is there not an implicit agreement to accommodate, at least occasionally, the needs or desires of your partner?

Somehow, it's just not right for a partner to claim exclusive rights and not exercise them since the Bill Clinton administration. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot

If she closes the store she ought to open up another location or two I honestly don't understand how so many married women just opt to stop fucking their husbands? I would fuck my ex even if I was mad. Hell, an orgasm feels awesome. I can pick up my fit after I get mine! It's CRAZY!
noober's Avatar
Well... not to put anybody down or anything but...
If u heard from ur wife "I love you I truly do" as you stated in the forum.
"But I enjoy fucking other guys more"
Does this make sense?
We are pretty greedy huh but hey enjoy it but just don't ever tell her or let her know.
If sex is worth the risk of losing ur wife keep doing it. If not then stop.
A real friend would tell u to stop.
A acquaintance will tell u keep fucking.
Since I don't know you I say keep fucking
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
If she closes the store she ought to open up another location or two I honestly don't understand how so many married women just opt to stop fucking their husbands? I would fuck my ex even if I was mad. Hell, an orgasm feels awesome. I can pick up my fit after I get mine! It's CRAZY! Originally Posted by Kendall4U
If you subscribe to the notion that at least some women enjoy sex (I'm a nonbeliever) then I can understand it if the guy's a lousy fuck. And I can understand not wanting to put that icky thing in her mouth ever again. But, dammit, her hands aren't broken.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-14-2016, 12:27 PM
If there is a ring on your finger and you find your dick in someone else, it's cheating. You may not be emotionally attached but you are still fucking someone else. I think if a woman HAD to choose between her man being physically vs emotionally involved with another woman, she'd choose physical hands down. Perhaps the OP doesn't feel guilty because there are no "feelings"? Originally Posted by Kendall4U
Men don't think of it as cheating, we just want to cum with different partners, the op will feel guilty if he gets caught

I agree with the physical connection but that don't mean my woman won't beat a whores ass for fucking her man lol
whitechocolate's Avatar
I agree with Adrienne Baptiste that monogamy is not natural!! Today most wives are having as much sex outside their marriage as their husbands!!! So don't feel guilty about it!!! The wives don't!!!! If your wife is in great shape and working, she is probably being fucked by other men!!! Both husbands and wives have sexual needs which require fucking others!! Providers satisfy both the essential need for variety as well as satisfying fantasies!!!
  • DSK
  • 09-14-2016, 06:33 PM
Is there something wrong with me? I truly enjoy my time with my wife. I honestly do love her. She tries to fulfill my needs and to no fault of her own, I am still here. This community is the only place I can ask this question. Am I a bad person?

I don't feel like I am cheating because it is totally physical. There are things that providers can do that she won't or can't.

Any who. I just needed to tell someone and I think this is the place that I can unload. (No pun intended)

Thanks y'all. Originally Posted by Nsane_native49
You are fine brother. I'm the same way. My wife is the greatest. Anyone ever said a bad word about her, I'd kill the motherfuckers in a heart beat if I could. I love her completely.

I just like to have sex with hot, skinny, young long haired beauties. Nothing will ever stop me, even if I get caught and marry Miss America.

Frank Sinatra cheated on Ava Gardner!!! Go look at her picture for a moment and think about that. How the fuck could you cheat on her??? Fuck, I would, given the chance.

Besides, it isn't adultery unless you fuck a married woman. Read your Bible.
albundy's Avatar
...If both of you have agreed to "forsake all others," is there not an implicit agreement to accommodate, at least occasionally, the needs or desires of your partner?... Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot

When she decided to stop fucking and not hold up her end of the deal and not even bother trying to work out our problems, I was left with four optons as I see it:

#1.) Divorce.
Of course that means not being able to see my kids daily and only be a part-time parent. Also, of course, child support X 3. Having to find a new place AND pay for a place for them (she wouldn't have anywhere for her and the kids to live at.) And the fact that some other guy will be living under the same roof as my kids at some point. Destroying my intact family and devastating me economically. Bad option.

#2.) Girl on the side.
They tend to get "emotional" and feelings can develop making for tricky situations. Hard not to get caught eventually. As my buddy found out, a "jilted" mistress can be a nightmare. Bad option.

#3.) Jerk off constantly.
It's free, disease-free, and you can imagine fucking whoever you want. But, that's only going to work for so long. After a while loneliness and carpal tunnel will cause you to get tired of it. A woman's touch is needed at some point. Bad option.

My choice:

Option #4 - HOOKERS!!!
If you do research, minimal chance of getting caught by LE. Paying for it puts the emphasis on "my needs" and the "fuck and go" nature of a hooker encounter minimizes possible "feelings" developing by the chick. Cons: Costs a lot of fucking money and using a rubber is just awful.

But, it's the best option for me to keep my family together, minimize getting caught, and still have sex and have at least a semblance of an IOP.
PeterBota's Avatar
I will fuck your wife six ways from Sunday. Then ask yourself is she a bad person ?
mrredcat43's Avatar
Damn shoe salesman, you got it down to a Science
Sounds like a sweet arrangement.

I indeed share an open relationship going both ways with my wife. Originally Posted by fantasyseeker
rexdutchman's Avatar
ALBUNDY + 1000% and it is what you can live with , just saying
Iaintliein's Avatar
if my wife actually made an effort to please me, I wouldn't even have an account on here. Originally Posted by tornado82
Yep. After being frustrated for twenty years I googled and found the "old board," ten years ago.

A young provider confided in me that she isn't sure she could ever be in a committed relationship because of all the married guys who see her, thinking any man would certainly stray.

I told her we are all different but there are two very general categories, those who don't get enough (quantity or menu) at home and those who are and always have considered themselves players. And, of all the people on the planet, an experienced provider should be able to tell the difference.