
TinMan's Avatar
I've never minded it, but I've seen in other threads where this has been discussed that there are quite a few guys who don't like it. They probably aren't interested in the lady to begin with and don't want to be put in a position of explaining why they're not interested.

I would only advise it in those cases where the guy has seen you before (and seemed to have enjoyed the encounter) or has otherwise expressed an interest. Frankly, I'm not likely to become a repeat customer unless I'm solicited...too many other fish in the sea tugging on the line for me to arrange dates with everyone I'd like to see.
How embarrassing would it be to Pm someone you are interested in meeting, only to have them respond, "No thanks"? I think I will just keep my interest to myself and my self esteem I am a chicken!
BobRoberts's Avatar
Reese, you never have to worry about that. You're much too cute to be turned down.
  • PT4ME
  • 11-17-2010, 12:59 PM
How embarrassing would it be to Pm someone you are interested in meeting, only to have them respond, "No thanks"? I think I will just keep my interest to myself and my self esteem I am a chicken! Originally Posted by reese foster
No different than it is for us "gents" when we do the same..... complete with references at that.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
I don't mind it at all. In fact, I like to get "fishing" PMs, even if it's not necessarily a come-on to get together. But I've noticed some guys don't like it, so that may be why it's not as prevalent as you might think. As for me, I'm always flattered.
TinMan's Avatar
How embarrassing would it be to Pm someone you are interested in meeting, only to have them respond, "No thanks"? I think I will just keep my interest to myself and my self esteem I am a chicken! Originally Posted by reese foster
Something tells me, Reese, that you would never have that problem.
No different than it is for us "gents" when we do the same..... complete with references at that. Originally Posted by PT4ME

There is a difference. If you got turned down, it wouldn't be because of your looks, since we ladies don't get the privilege of seeing the gentleman prior to a meeting.

Thanks Tinman
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I tend to like aggressive women.....Usually the ones who approach or write me are the ones who tend to cut in line. Only twice have I seen a lady that didn't email or approach me at a social. I didn't realize it till I started thinking about all the ones I've seen. Since I'm not as "experienced" I am still able to remember each encounter.
I'm with Poppy .... the illusion of desire is a wonderful thing - while the lady may not 'see' us before the initial pm, she should know a little about us from our posts.

Cathy made contact with me years ago on the other board and while we never actually made face to face contact (and I regret it still) it was so damn sexy!!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Who is Cathy?

*giggle* Originally Posted by ~Ze~
if this is the same Cathy from the old board, she was suppose to be the best screw sinse Cleopratha, it is late and the dewars has sit in

you did not contact her, she contacted you and she did me only to find out her live in bf played on the same golf course
TinMan's Avatar
Ze was joshing...she and Cathy have known each other for years.
I kinda like fishing
Reese, PM me... You would NOT get rejected... LOL!

I do need ot try and get back with Cathy, a wonderful lady that I had to cancel on and deeply regret it.

I have had ladies PM me with interest, as I do practice some different areas of the hobby. I know I have not gotten back to all of them, and for that I am also deeply apologetic. With my change in status, I now have time to make those right.

I have received numerous PMs from ladies I have never seen. Usually after a comment I make on a trhead, perhaps about them.

The smooth ones, the ones that get my attention usually are just making conversation. The ones that mention their rent due date not so much.

If I have seen a lady or had previous contact with a lady, well, pretty much anything is acceptable.

And Reese, you can drop me a note anytime.