Providers- how often are you attracted to your hobbyist?

If they don't bitch slap me I figure I'm doing good! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Yep. This. ^^^^^^^ SL is spot on.

I'm an older guy with a paunch, substandard equipment, and a reasonably sized wallet. You know how you feel after a really satisfying day at work? You worked hard with a pleasant co-worker and really did a helluva good job?

I figure that's the best reaction I'm ever gonna get from a provider.....and I strive for it.
I actually didn't realise how often I was attracted to my dates until I actually went on a date with a guy I WASN'T attracted to. Like at all. And no he wasn't unclean or mean or anything, he was actually one of my sweetest dates but the attraction just....wasn't....there, and I had to try really hard to stay upbeat. Idk why we didn't connect, but even though I repeated just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I did not continue to see him because of the lack of anything between us. I HATE HATE HATE mechanical sex.

I find it fairly easy to find SOMETHING that I am attracted to in every date. Whether it be a witty personality, a pretty peen, a little bit of chest hair orjust a really easygoing attitude, something always makes me happy. And in return, I make them very happy . So out of my hobbying experience I have only had one time where I was literally like, when is this going to end. The rest of my dates have been so much fun I often go over time without realising it because I am having so much fun and am geniunely interested in the person I am with

I have a pretty open personality when it comes to people, it works wonders for me in the biz. It's like, how am I going to know I don't like somebody if I don't take 'em for a ride first!!! Lol.