Lake Worth sting

ManSlut's Avatar
I wish we had examples of the ads used? I specifically want to know if it’s one’s that had the rates pre-listed and if the Fucktard shows up after contacting by call or text he is immediately busted, without ever discussing $$, only the when and where?
"The 42 arrested include 41 men and one woman. None of the suspects are residents of Lake Worth, said Chief Manoushagian." Why focus on this if it's not a community problem?

TinMan is right, this is all about getting a federal bump in funding for "trafficking stings." The worst is that the Senate is trying to appropriate more money to states for busts like these to stop "trafficking." So in a world where cities are defunding police, the police departments can pay bills with federal funding after these BS stings.

But just like the war on drugs, where we bust the addict for possession while letting the cartel do whatever they want, we'll do the same thing here cause it works so well with drugs, right?
It's gotta be this ad, this is basically the same ad from the Arlington sting discussed on another thread.
TinMan's Avatar
The only thing I think you left out Tinny is - isn’t it still a misdemeanor for the ones who self-traffick/prostitute themselves in this Great Hypocritical State we used to love?! Originally Posted by ManSlut
Correct. Which is as it should be, just as trafficking should be a felony. Solicitation should at most be a misdemeanor unless the guy actually does solicit a minor or knowingly answers an ad for same.

Edit: just saw the ad linked in the post above this one. That pretty much seals it. How wild that they are reusing this ad we talked about here last month. I know the guy who posted the alert was doubted based on his time on the board…looks like he’s owed a big “thank you” for his report.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-20-2023, 10:21 AM
I wish we had examples of the ads used? I specifically want to know if it’s one’s that had the rates pre-listed and if the Fucktard shows up after contacting by call or text he is immediately busted, without ever discussing $$, only the when and where? Originally Posted by ManSlut
I can guarantee that it wouldn't take much besides a few pics and some general text to get tricks to call and go visit, same as starving people looking for a meal.
TinMan's Avatar
BLM, check out the link a few posts above. That’s pretty much all they did.

They at least deleted the photos of Tyrone and Chad. I guess they finally realized it’s unwise to use face pics of guys who most would assume are pimps…inviting a lawsuit from those same guys if they really aren’t involved.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-20-2023, 10:37 AM
BLM, check out the link a few posts above. That’s pretty much all they did.

They at least deleted the photos of Tyrone and Chad. I guess they finally realized it’s unwise to use face pics of guys who most would assume are pimps…inviting a lawsuit from those same guys if they really aren’t involved. Originally Posted by TinMan
I remember the ad with Chad and Tyrone, it sucks that the guys that don't know any better always get caught up
TinMan's Avatar
Agreed. It’s why boards like this one are still important. No telling how many guys following that other thread decided to steer clear because of the warning.
Ralph Fults's Avatar
It's gotta be this ad, this is basically the same ad from the Arlington sting discussed on another thread. Originally Posted by FrankTank
Lazy ass cops using the same ad.
Lazy ass cops using the same ad. Originally Posted by Ralph Fults
Actually, why change what's working?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-20-2023, 12:56 PM
Actually, why change what's working? Originally Posted by onlyAMPs4menow
LE can run ads weekly and tricks will always fall for them
Who doesnt remeber the TUB CLUB on 121, epic.

Tgere were about 6 if them out there until the mid 90s.
Hectorsilverman's Avatar
Lazy ass cops using the same ad. Originally Posted by Ralph Fults
I apologize in advance for being naive, but how do you think these guys were busted? Did they text the number and ask the donation, gift, roses, etc. Or did the person on the other end freely mention the amount? I always thought the John had initiate the conversation regarding payment in exchange for services?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-20-2023, 03:36 PM
I apologize in advance for being naive, but how do you think these guys were busted? Did they text the number and ask the donation, gift, roses, etc. Or did the person on the other end freely mention the amount? I always thought the John had initiate the conversation regarding payment in exchange for services? Originally Posted by Hectorsilverman
Inquiring is the first step, probably agreeing this and that for $ was the nail on the coffin. Then they show up, game over
TinMan's Avatar
I always thought the John had initiate the conversation regarding payment in exchange for services? Originally Posted by Hectorsilverman
Nope. If she offers it and you agree to it, you’re busted.