Pat Buchanan rips Jennifer Rubin a new one on Iran

For the same reason you don't know that I'm an anti-Semite dumbass. Glad you get the point.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Timpage, you have revealed yourself to be an anti-Semite. Iran wishes to destroy Israel. Israel is the home of God's chosen people. The USA must protect Israel no matter what the cost. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Are you gonna start this again JL?

I believe in Israel, but I don't condemn everybody who speaks against Bibi Netenyahu's right wing government as an anti-Semite.

As a member of Gods chosen people, I choose to pledge allegiance toothed flag of the United States of America!
CJohnny54's Avatar
+6 FU Originally Posted by MsJane69
Banned Already
bojulay's Avatar
Why did God choose the Jews? What did he have against Hittites? You can't truly believe that the Old Testament describes the actions of a loving, compassionate god. There is no god like that, no chosen people, and no real estate granted by said god to any specific group of people. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
God didn't choose the Jews he chose Abraham and gave Abraham
promises that carried down to his descendants which happen to be
the Jews.

Which included land that belonged to them forever in Gods terms.

Jews aren't special just because they are Jews, they are special
because God keeps his word once he gives it.

Jews and everyone else should understand that.

The true essence of God is power, not loving compassion.

When I take over in place of God someday I plan on having different rules.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Whose god promised that? Was that Kali? Or the Great Spirit? Or Buddha? Or Krishna? Or Zeus? Or Horus? Or Osiris? Or Mithra?

There are a great many people on this planet who do not recognize the god of Abraham.

What gives the god of Abraham the authority to hand out real estate, more than these other gods?
bojulay's Avatar
Whose god promised that? Was that Kali? Or the Great Spirit? Or Buddha? Or Krishna? Or Zeus? Or Horus? Or Osiris? Or Mithra?

There are a great many people on this planet who do not recognize the god of Abraham.

What gives the god of Abraham the authority to hand out real estate, more than these other gods? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If you make the stuff I guess it would be yours to hand out,
would be my summation.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
But you are only acknowledging the Old Testament concept of "god". That acknowledgement is far from universal. Why should the world bow to the Old Testament definition of ''god" over that of the other great religions?

Even the people displaced to make room for Israel, who accept the Old Testament, didn't accept the idea that "god" had chosen the Children of Israel. In fact, they believe the inheritance and promises belong to the Children of Ishmael. Don't they have a right to the land as well?
bojulay's Avatar
But you are only acknowledging the Old Testament concept of "god". That acknowledgement is far from universal. Why should the world bow to the Old Testament definition of ''god" over that of the other great religions?

Even the people displaced to make room for Israel, who accept the Old Testament, didn't accept the idea that "god" had chosen the Children of Israel. In fact, they believe the inheritance and promises belong to the Children of Ishmael. Don't they have a right to the land as well? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Why do people pick coke over pepsi, ford over chevy, democrat over

Frame Of Reference, everyone is under the control of a Frame Of
Reference, the only difference between an enlightened and
unenlightened person is that an enlightened person knows
and understands what Frame Of Reference he is under the
control of.

Now which one is the right one?

The old testament says Issac not Ishmael, that's what it says.
And that was before the Jews or Islam.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That's what I'm asking you. Which "god" do we listen to? I'd suggest that the god of Abraham fails miserably as a deity. He commits genocide, kills innocent children, recommends harsh punishment for minor infractions, favors the rights of men over the rights of women, etc. Much of which we no longer accept. Why then should we respect the granting of land to a certain people by this "god"?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think I need to listen to the context. I can imagine 1970 and someone says that Yasser Arafat is a threat to world security. WTF laughs and says the guy is a student and a nobody. He thinks he can actually unit terrorism world wide....what a joke. Forget Arafat, history will. Or maybe you didn't think that the Ayotollah Khomeini was not a problem in 1977.

Iran can lead the radical Islamic movement (and is the current leader) better than any other muslim country. They have oil, training, experience, connections, and (hopefully not) nuclear weapons soon. Who would they follow otherwise; Detroit?
bojulay's Avatar
That's what I'm asking you. Which "god" do we listen to? I'd suggest that the god of Abraham fails miserably as a deity. He commits genocide, kills innocent children, recommends harsh punishment for minor infractions, favors the rights of men over the rights of women, etc. Much of which we no longer accept. Why then should we respect the granting of land to a certain people by this "god"? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If the story of Job is a true story why did he allow all those
terrible things to happen to him? I don't know.

When you own something it's yours to do with as you will.

I suppose you own a house, if you wanted to build a garage
onto it or a swimming pool in the back wouldn't it be your
right to do so? Would you want someone telling you that
you couldn't, it's your property right?

If I got the idea that I could come along and tell you what you
should do with the house that belongs to you because I
thought that I knew better than you, how would you respond
to that?

Like I said, the true essence of God is not love or compassion
or any of those wonderful things, it's power. If you have the
power you have the right and ability to choose.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't think the story of Job is true. Not sure how to answer. However, he had no choice in what happened to him. God was gambling with the devil using Job as a pawn. Not sure how your property rights argument relates to the topic at hand. My point is that I don't think god has a "chosen people", except insofar as we all are chosen.But no specific group is loved more than another by the Divine.
I think I need to listen to the context. I can imagine 1970 and someone says that Yasser Arafat is a threat to world security. WTF laughs and says the guy is a student and a nobody. He thinks he can actually unit terrorism world wide....what a joke. Forget Arafat, history will. Or maybe you didn't think that the Ayotollah Khomeini was not a problem in 1977.

Iran can lead the radical Islamic movement (and is the current leader) better than any other muslim country. They have oil, training, experience, connections, and (hopefully not) nuclear weapons soon. Who would they follow otherwise; Detroit? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That will never happen. Iran is largely Shia. That reason alone will dictate that they will not be leading the middle east anywhere.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They seem to be doing the leading now. Not through religion in particular but through terrorism and politics. The religion will take care of itself.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
For the same reason you don't know that I'm an anti-Semite dumbass. Glad you get the point. Originally Posted by timpage
I never called you an anti-Semite dumbass, just an anti-Semite. Please don't put words in my mouth.
However, I should have said your words were anti-Semitic, not you. I apologize.
In deference to Yssup Rider, I will stop commenting on this thread.