Gifts for the ladies

Gifts are good as long as she likes what you're getting. I will usually call and ask what she likes. Then make a few suggestions on what I was going to buy. I started doing this after a lady didn't like the bottle of Patron I bought for her. I thought I was being thoughtful since I read she liked to drink margaritas. Not so much though when she opened it up. Originally Posted by PoppyToyota

Wow! That is a shame, serious lacking in social graces. I have received some gifts I though a bit odd, but never did I let on to the giver that it wasn't exactly my cup of tea. And as it has been mentioned before, we are not expecting gifts and just the fact that someone thought enough about us to spend the time and extra money is heart-warming and should be acknowledged with a big smile and a thank-you.

This is an excellent thread by the way!
Guest062512's Avatar
flowers, chocolate, and wine, oh my.

If I give a gift, I'd like it to be memorable. I've given such things as dishes and linens for house warming gifts, to jewelry, to funny t-shirts, to fireplace logs (my favorite - by request during the winter storm), to souvenirs from recent vacations, to antique books. Take the time to think about it. Take clues from her P411 and showcase. Then use some imagination.

It usually works, but not always. Recently I bought back one of the gifts I had given via ebay auction (at a higher price btw). We had a good laugh when I reminded her of where she got the item.

Oh well, you can't win'em all, I guess.
FishGuy13's Avatar
Funny topic, I had a guy see what I wrote on p411 as gifts. Which is bud light for my drink and flower a sunflower. So he brought me a 40 in a brown paper bag and had a bag of sun flowers seeds. I have never laughed so hard. But I loved it. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Love it Tara & the thread! That sounds like something I did for my ex I came home one day with a whole flat of pansies, she was so happy she cried, her ex never got her any flowers ever. I, for one, have been known to see one of you ladies even when I really don't have the extra money to add a gift on top of your rates and I don't want to look cheep with something too small. I have seen some profiles that state a favorte drink from starbucks or 7-11. I really like the way ALL the ladies state it is just extra and not expected, but what is a good price range and are gifts are more given on a first date, second or after several visits? I also may have missed it but what about how should it be presented sly like the money on the table, or given like we would to a RL GF, or even at the end say a gift card or say 'Oh I almost forgot as we are leaving and run out to our car, if we had a great time?'
Oh I forgot to mention one of the BEST gifts I ever got was from a hobbyist who actually went through the trouble (and the extra time driving there) to find out where I get my manicure and pedicure and got me a gift card to the place! Nothing as fabulous as a free mani-pedi! Especially in this economy where some of us can barely afford to keep our hair and nails done.

Additionally he had given me at least twice that I can remember gift cards to a well known spa for a massage. Those were TOTALLY awesome and I did not let them go to waste.

I see the question about the price range, that is the hardest part about gifting. I would say focus less on the price and more on if it is something she likes. I would be just as pleased to get a $5 bottle of Muscato as I would to be a $50 gift card for a massage. To me it is the thought that counts!
texasmarine's Avatar
I know that gifts are not required or asked for, as I've seen a couple of you state. So please don't think I've got the wrong impression. If I were to bring a gift(s), it would probably be in the form a gift card to make sure you were able to get what you really wanted. I read in one of the first responses that the gift is not to be handed to the woman. I think another responder is looking for that to be confirmed also. I'm a newbie still healing from a small procedure which I mentioned in another post, but I'm close to 100%(my dr. had vice grip hands) and I'm trying to make sure I don't do anything that makes my first provider put up any red flags and throw my ass out.
Thanks for all the comments
pmdelites's Avatar
all of the above....

if i were going to gift her something very expensive, i would double check w/ her to make sure she still wanted/needed it. if so, and it were a large item, i'd suggest an outing to purchase and haul it to wherever she wanted it hauled. throw in some lunch or brunch or a snack and make a fun excursion out of it.

when i do bring a gift, it's usually chocolates, wine, liqueur, clothing, etc. occasionally, a gift card or cash. a couple of times, i've offered a nite at a nice hotel for our overnight encounter.

but, make sure it's something she'd like or use or appreciate. even if she does disguise the fact that it's not what she thought she wanted, it does register. so better to do your homework.

and i always bring my best behavior and my patented pmdelites beard massage [tm] if she so desires. no extra charge.
A sweet gentleman brought me the sweetest gifts recently. I thought it was terribly thoughtful - not just that he brought the gifts, but that he took time to learn what things I liked. The best part was the lovely thank you note, which is a lost art these days.
I get wine,crown royal and my favorite perfume,boy shorts,toys,chocolates,gift cards to victoria secret or a visa card to use anywhere...I even get cards with my donation saying thank you.I love it when i get gifts....
mmcqtx's Avatar
I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and gave some lotion, took a chance on the scent, but it was received well. It will be interesting to see if she is wearing it next time I see her.
I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and gave some lotion, took a chance on the scent, but it was received well. It will be interesting to see if she is wearing it next time I see her. Originally Posted by mmcqtx
I was given sum lotion and spray from there and I'm about out but i love it it was brown sugar and fig
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
saw my atf a couple years ago... was her end of the day appointment. she told me she was hungry and wanted a chicken. i suggested she go to the albertsons up the street and get one of those whole roasted chickens.

next time i saw her, another late in the evening appt, i stopped in at Whole Foods and bought a whole smoked chicken. had a great session and we shared the chicken later before i left. and was finger licking good.

and back in november another atf had a birthday and i got her a gift card for pappadeuex's... her favorite restaurant. i've had dinner there with her a couple times and that girl can put away some steak and lobster. boy howdy!

as far as the 32" flat screen...i hope she gets it. from someone.