New Topic..(A Happy one?)

I'm always a tad surprised when the one-legged man wins a butt-kicking contest!

Personally, I'd love to see the Tangerines stay's great for the game! Holloway's interviews are worth it alone! Nice to see the spirit of Stanley Matthews alive & well down by the shore! Originally Posted by Sisyphus
Stan the Man is a legend...or is that leg end lol.
The Tangerines were the first team I ever saw play, as my grandfather was from that neck of the woods. There were tears when I switched to the other 'pool.....btw Ciao Torres....
C xxx
Valerie *sigh* the part about her turning churches into Brothels was a joke in keeping with your "happy" post. If it makes you happier, she could turn them into Universties. She could, but of course she wouldn't. Egypt? Never mentioned it. And yes...things would have to get EXTREMELY bad for her to intervene..but that doesn't mean she cannot. She can. It is what it is.... Originally Posted by Camille
As I said originally....she has no REAL can tell me all day long that she can she can she can, but the fact is, she won't, she wouldn't...She knows her place...

The UK is a democracy that is governed by an elected parliament....

We are just going to have to agree to disagree....
Mojojo's Avatar
I know the tourists love the whole "having a queen" and monarchy crap....but that's all it crap..The Windsors are not good people (in my opinion)...Especially Charles, he's a prick....I don't even know why we still have a bloody queen, she has no REAL power.....She meets with the prime minister on Wednesdays and he basically appeases her by filling her in on what's going on in Parliament....Every new session of parliament she will make a speech ( a formality )...but she's basically just a puppet...a really rich, old puppet...

Sorry Mazo! I started this thread to talk about happy things and here I just broke my own rule! Originally Posted by Valerie

Holy crap you read my mind! I wish they'd put their royal asses on the street, damn freeloaders! The only reason she might have influence is because theres no one with nuts big enough to tell her to go f*** herself.

Now back to the topic . . . . someone think of something lol!
Sisyphus's Avatar
Stan the Man is a legend...or is that leg end lol.
The Tangerines were the first team I ever saw play, as my grandfather was from that neck of the woods. There were tears when I switched to the other 'pool.....btw Ciao Torres....
C xxx Originally Posted by Camille
Stan's bio is a great read! Long...but a great read. Reminiscent of David Moraniss' bio of Vince Lombardi, When Pride Still Mattered, on this side of the pond.

If your boys keep it up, perhaps you can switch allegiances again. They're in the hunt for promotion...and without all of the asshats they overspent for in a vain attempt to stay up a few years back.

First team I ever saw play were the old Washington Diplomats, the year with Cruyff. My dad sang in a barbershop chorus that would get asked to perform the national anthem a couple of times a season. When Pele & the Cosmos hit town, you'd get 55K folk into RFK for the match. I suppose we could be forgiven for deluding ourselves that football would someday take it's place besides "throwball" as a big time sport over here!

Oh & learn!
Is that REALLY what San Franciscans want? I found the place colder in July than December! Originally Posted by Sisyphus
Yes, December really can be our best month. I remember when I lived in Europe I could not wait to come home for the holidays.I blamed it on having to visit my parents, but really I was just desperate to see warm weather. Summer can get pretty nasty I have nearly driven off the road because the fog is so heavy you can barely see two feet in front of you.

At least we have no snow
When Pele & the Cosmos hit town... Originally Posted by Sisyphus I wish I'd seen him play....*sigh*
If your boys keep it up, perhaps you can switch allegiances again. They're in the hunt for promotion...and without all of the asshats they overspent for in a vain attempt to stay up a few years back.
Originally Posted by Sisyphus
You talking 'bout Leeds? It will be a cold day in hell before I support them again after the clusterfuck players they were buying and playing at the turn of the century. Rapists? Racially motivated attacks? and not an ounce of remorse between them. Bad players, bad management. There's still a black cloud over them from all that fiasco....disgrace. Bring on the 'Pool! xxx
Sisyphus's Avatar I wish I'd seen him play....*sigh* Originally Posted by Camille
He & Cruyff were mere shadows of their former selves by then...but they were STILL fair & away the best two players on the of Giorgio Chinaglia's protestations to the contrary...

For your general amusement, check out the book & or documentary, Once In a Lifetime. Great thumbnail sketch of the rise & fall of the NASL from the New York Cosmos perspective.
I saw Beckham play (pre Posh spice) at Halifax...when Halifax were in the Vauxhall Conference lol. It was a cheap way to see Man Utd play...but man they whooped Halifax's ass lol. Beckham was probably just coming to his peak then and was still very shy. Great player to watch then...
I last saw him down at Gillette, playing the LA Galaxy. What a difference! He's too old now and much less focused...but he can still bend 'em...

Ok bed for me now or I'll be yakking about footie with you all night xxxxxx
So...all this arguing is making my blood pressure go up! Lmao...So can we discuss something happy!?...Please....

Ironically enough, I can't quite think of a specific topic, but hoping someone has a suggestion? Originally Posted by Valerie
Well let's see..

I love cats? LOL

Now how about it? Who loves cats? Discuss..

Mazomaniac's Avatar

First the royals, then football, now cats.

We're supposed to be cheering her up here guys!


First the royals, then football, now cats.

We're supposed to be cheering her up here guys!

Mazo. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
Well we can always go back to discussing sex!
valerie decides she needs to see niagara falls and tours the area. she offers 150 hour incall with msog , cim and greek to put smiles on faces of all the buffalo/rochester/niagara falls boys. petiteassman enjoys the first and last appointment of the tour and can die a happy and contented man
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  • WTF
  • 02-03-2011, 07:52 AM

First the royals, then football, now cats.

We're supposed to be cheering her up here guys!

Mazo. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac


I'm sorry about your thread Val but glad to see it is not just my threads that are impossible to control!
Stan the Man is a legend...or is that leg end lol.
The Tangerines were the first team I ever saw play, as my grandfather was from that neck of the woods. There were tears when I switched to the other 'pool.....btw Ciao Torres....
C xxx Originally Posted by Camille
i thought stan the man was musial