What do you remember most about your most memorable hobby experiences?

harkontume's Avatar
[QUOTE=Loxly;1053581319]Sensual...No. Memorable....Yes.


While the basin filled with water I removed my slacks and then started pulling down my thong. (Yes....thong!)

"Ouch! WTF?! I'm STUCK!"

Yes.... something had attached itself to me and my thong. So, crouching down and slllooooowwwly pulling down the thong again, I try to discover what the cause was.

How many times can a guy say "my thong " before he loses point on his "ManCard"
Just saying..

Hey buddy, watch who you're callin' easy. =) Originally Posted by JennsLolli
How are your Cardinals doing this year Lolli?
How are your Cardinals doing this year Lolli? Originally Posted by harkontume
Same as every year: strong start, petering out mid season, and I'm sure there will be an awesome September hustle just before they fudge something up again come October. I'm still trying to get over the loss of Berkman -- DL or not this city sure could use more hunky men in cowboy boots.

As far as hobby experiences go, the weird or negative sessions tend to stick out more than the super awesome ones (sort of how it takes ten compliments to erase a negative bullshit). French plus whipped cream (YUCK! spit and dairy don't mix), the guy who had me bite at his base for every $10 that an overnight would cost (that took too much counting and he was sort of sad at the result either because of my biting or because of my rate), and the guy who kept trying to plan our wedding (he was emotionally off). Sigh.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 08-10-2013, 07:28 AM
LOL... I'd worry about points on my Man Card if I were trolling for choir boys, but I'm not. And in the 13 years of encounters I've never had a complaint from the ladies. Giggles...yes. It's just part of "The Loxly Experience" of fun, sensuality and packaging.
Reincarnated's Avatar
One of my best experiences was about 10 years ago, with an ASPD provider in San Antonio. It was my first hobby GFE experience. Got to her high end apartment, she had a nice bubble bath drawn for me and asked me to join her. Got in the tub and kissed a bit and talked as she she slowly stroked me under the water. After a few minutes she got out and took a towel off the towel warmer, dried me off and took my hand and said in an oh so sexy voice "come make love to me". We made out like teenagers and had a fabulous time. We fell asleep in each others arms and woke up 2 hours later. Got dressed and with a warm embrace and DFK she smiled and said "now that was great. Will you please come see me again?" I would still be driving to SA if some other hobbyist didn't run off with her and marry her. She had a way of making you feel she was really glad you were there and didn't want you to leave...
3daygetaway's Avatar
This was forever referred to as our "Big Red One". Originally Posted by Loxly
Truth is stranger than fiction!
I most remember the way my ATF squirmed and groaned when having an orgasm with me. It was an incredible turn on for me. I miss her very much.
I've had some spectacular memories but I think most of us know that rare feeling of perfectly matched genitalia. You both know it the instant you're connected and your eyes open wide and you look at each other with that surprised look that says "WOW".

I met this particular lady by accident. I had scheduled a threesome with a local provider and my magical lady was the third party. She shows up late, gets undressed, some small talk, as if this was going to be just another encounter. She climbs on top, and bingo....we both knew it....the perfect physiological match. She waited for me in the hotel lobby afterwards (large convention type hotel) so we could exchange contact info privately. We saw each other solid for the next two years, and she retired from the hobby and married a very lucky guy. It was like finding that rare dance partner who could read your mind and match every move. Helps that my cock hit her sweet spot 100% of the time. Hope she's happy...she was one terrific lady.
My most memorable happened to be with my first provider. I had scheduled a 3 hour Incall not knowing what to expect. She was EXTREMELY GFE now that I've been in the hobby awhile. She was sexy, sensuous and very passionate. When we got down to business and we were really "into it" she squirted and I just went crazy as I never had a girl squirt me before. It was not a "pouring" squirt, but definitely enough to have me just get crazy with DATY as I just had to take as much as I could get. This of course just made her squirt some more and I have yet to have another "passionate" session as I did back then. Tough standards to meet, but I'm still searching
Super Head 713's Avatar
I Once Had This Hot Provider Contact Me For A Hour Session. We Had An Amazing Time Together! I Found It A Little Strange At First But It Turned Out To Be An Amazing ExperiencefFor Us both
I've had some spectacular memories but I think most of us know that rare feeling of perfectly matched genitalia. You both know it the instant you're connected and your eyes open wide and you look at each other with that surprised look that says "WOW". Originally Posted by Zhivago52
Sigh. That is quite the feeling. It's like the cheesy lines about soul mates:God made one heart and it split in two, you're my other half and now we're whole blah blah blah bullshit but with cocks and cunts. The parts just fit so nicely. Sigh. Or you can take the Goldilocks approach: half an inch longer and he'd bottom out too easily, half an inch shorter and face smashing wouldn't be an appropriate challenge for me, a little thicker and I'd be too tender to go several rounds, a little thinner and I'd be a little grumpy. Hallmark should really hop on this marketing opportunity like I'm fixin' to hop on his...well, you know the rest.
One of my best experiences was about 10 years ago, with an ASPD provider in San Antonio. It was my first hobby GFE experience. Got to her high end apartment, she had a nice bubble bath drawn for me and asked me to join her. Got in the tub and kissed a bit and talked as she she slowly stroked me under the water. After a few minutes she got out and took a towel off the towel warmer, dried me off and took my hand and said in an oh so sexy voice "come make love to me". We made out like teenagers and had a fabulous time. We fell asleep in each others arms and woke up 2 hours later. Got dressed and with a warm embrace and DFK she smiled and said "now that was great. Will you please come see me again?" I would still be driving to SA if some other hobbyist didn't run off with her and marry her. She had a way of making you feel she was really glad you were there and didn't want you to leave... Originally Posted by Reincarnated