Jealousy - Why we feel the need to be #1?

Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar

I can't believe I am agreeing with this but very seldom do I feel what I would consider Jealousy of any sort, if it has happen it only for a nano second so what ever. Life of experiences, age and having a great mentor in my past life lead me beyond that point. We are what we are, how we deal with it is what matters.

Some one here had a lady friend that I really enjoyed and cared about, I was jealous for a little bit, then I realized good for him, of course I met someone else and I some how forgot about about her..LOL Originally Posted by Woody of TX
I agree with the above highlighted statement.

I think everyone of us experience "jealousy" from time to time, but it's how we respond to that feeling rather than acting upon it that makes the difference.

Is it healthy for one to compartmentalize one's feelings as if it didn't exist; whether jealousy, rage, anger etc?
Remember that Love is available within you at every moment, and the guidance you seek is there in the heart of Love. Your prayer and your breath will take you there. Connect with nature, find your center, relax, meditate and bring the serenity and tranquility back into your life.

If you would like some beautiful readings to help you heal within, just send me a note... I will forward some to you.
OK, this is how I've been handling it. I think jealousy is a selfish emotion and so I have turned it around by reminding myself it is much better to give love than receive love. So, I tell myself, I'm here to love not be loved. If they love me that's GREAT, but I can't worry about how they feel or if they are loving. All I can do is be loving and give. Whether or not they return the love is out of my hands and should not be my focus.

I hope that makes sense. But, I am his Muse, I'm here for him, he owes me nothing.
Personally, I have found that jealously is a matter of trust.

[ame=""]YouTube- The Killers - Mr. Brightside (Alt. Version)[/ame]
GneissGuy's Avatar
Deep down, we're still territorial animals. Pack animals.

Deep inside, we consider our friends and mates as our territorial property. We tend to want to fight off any other animals trying to steal our property.

Or look at the dynamics of the wolves in a pack. They form internal alliances, dominate each other, etc.

Yes, we have buried some of this down deep in our psyches. We put a lot of higher level reasoning up on top of it. However, there are still those animal urges deep down that make us want to do things.
Or look at the dynamics of the wolves in a pack. They form internal alliances, dominate each other, etc. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
Anyone up for doggie.
If I trust the other wolves in the pack enough not to steal my sushi or crawfish then I'm not jealous of them... for me, it's a trust issue.
TexasGator's Avatar
Personally, I have found that jealously is a matter of trust. Originally Posted by AidanMacKenna

At the risk of admitting agreement with A Mac,

GneissGuy's Avatar
Anyone up for doggie. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Forget doggie. You haven't lived until you've done it Asian wolf style.
Deep down, we're still territorial animals. Pack animals.

Deep inside, we consider our friends and mates as our territorial property. We tend to want to fight off any other animals trying to steal our property.

Or look at the dynamics of the wolves in a pack. They form internal alliances, dominate each other, etc.

Yes, we have buried some of this down deep in our psyches. We put a lot of higher level reasoning up on top of it. However, there are still those animal urges deep down that make us want to do things. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
If I trust the other wolves in the pack enough not to steal my sushi or crawfish then I'm not jealous of them... for me, it's a trust issue. Originally Posted by AidanMacKenna
Funny how sometimes when you try to express a thought and come up with nothing but then you see something that so simply and succinctly describes what you wanted to express that you just want to slap yourself on the noggin. Case in point for me is what GG and Aiden have written. I was married and my ex and I were together for more than 25+ years but I was never jealous of her for any reason. When I got involved with someone else almost five years ago, for the first time in my life, I felt jealousy which to me was a weird, strange foreign emotion since I never had it before in my life.

Until I read GG and Aiden’s thoughts, I never put it together with it being a trust issue. I just thought I had some other defect in my character that I was unaware of even at my age. Yet, I know for a fact the person I was with almost five years ago was someone who I discovered I could not trust… duh! No wonder I felt jealousy when I was with her, since it was because I could not trust her and did not trust my place in her life when I was with her.

Thank you Aiden and GG for putting something in front of me that put an “Ah, Ha!” to a part of my life that I was still scratching my head over whenever I thought about it. Now I know what to do when I have that feeling again, if I get that feeling again.
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
Forget doggie. You haven't lived until you've done it Asian wolf style. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
Forget doggie. You haven't lived until you've done it Asian wolf style. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
Sounds interesting. Do you have a picture?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-12-2010, 03:15 PM
[FONT= No wonder I felt jealousy when I was with her, since it was because I could not trust her and did not trust my place in her life when I was with her.[/SIZE][/FONT]

Originally Posted by LonesomeDove
Well now we are also talking about insecurity. Yours. Why else would you be with someone who made you jealous?

Well don't answer that , GP will make you jealous like a dog with a bone. GTP will flat out make ya crazy!

Manipulative people hook a person on something that they need or were looking for and exploit that feeling by threatening to cut them off from whatever it is they hooked you on. Whether that be passion or some good loving or just wonderment that you are with such a beauty. Boy's watch your wallet is all I can say. You got people marketing LTR, you got big potential trouble!
TexasGator's Avatar
Well now we are also talking about insecurity. Yours. Why else would you be with someone who made you jealous?

Well don't answer that , GP will make you jealous like a dog with a bone. GTP will flat out make ya crazy!

Manipulative people hook a person on something that they need or were looking for and exploit that feeling by threatening to cut them off from whatever it is they hooked you on. Whether that be passion or some good loving or just wonderment that you are with such a beauty. Boy's watch your wallet is all I can say. You got people marketing LTR, you got big potential trouble! Originally Posted by WTF

Now I find myself in total agreement with WTF! What's happening to me?

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