HealthCare.Gov - Capacity problems are being fixed.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-08-2013, 08:59 PM
people with any insight understand you have 6 months SIGN up.

People with any insight understand customers have as many as 50 choices

People with any insight understand not to expect 30 million sign-ups the first week

partisan hacks bitch, piss and moan about the numbers 6 moths in advance.
The system capacity was set up to handle 50,000 users logged on at the same time. They have been getting 5 times that amount. The additional servers will solve the capacity problem. So far 98,000 users have set up accounts. Far more people are looking for insurance than they had originally planned for. Originally Posted by flghtr65
So help me understand the math here. We live in a country of 300 million+ people. The proponents of O'BlunderCare claim 30 million or so of those are uninsured and will be clamoring for this wonderful new government program. Not to mention the millions being thrown off of their existing plans who will be checking the costs of the new government mandated plan for them. You can also assume there will be a fair amount of tire-kicking/window shopping just to see what it's all about. And their IT plan called for a capacity of only 50,000 users at a time??

Government central planning at its best. Fucking morons.
This is bullshit. The issue was NOT because so many people tried to sign up. The CTO admitted he fucked up and did not code the site correctly.

You don't plan for 1,000,000 people to sign up and it takes 1 person 24 hours to sign up. This is a disaster just like the healthcare law!!!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-08-2013, 09:07 PM
Link? Or are just making this up? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
people with any insight understand you have 6 months SIGN up.

People with any insight understand customers have as many as 50 choices

People with any insight understand not to expect 30 million sign-ups the first week

partisan hacks bitch, piss and moan about the numbers 6 moths in advance. Originally Posted by CJ7
Actually you can only choose for three months, then the force kicks in.

A little insight on Maryland for example reveals: One of the few states with a site that has not had many problems with their website enrolled 326 the first week, roughly 4,650 per week, less than what they need from that state to reach kathleens goal.
But still that doesn't tell you how many were healthy, that could be 326 people with cancer for all we know, and all they will tell us.
flghtr65's Avatar Originally Posted by CJ7
COF, that is the link. You have any other questions? CJ7 thanks for finding the link.
that could be 326 people with cancer for all we know, Originally Posted by nwarounder
or that could be 326 people who have never had cancer for all we know.

or that could be 326 people who have never been sick a day in their life for all we know.

or that could be 326 people........and so on and so forth!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-08-2013, 09:31 PM
COF, that is the link. You have any other questions? CJ7 thanks for finding the link. Originally Posted by flghtr65

took me less than 60 seconds .. if COF wasn't a lazy ass old bitch, he could have done the same thing

EXTXOILMAN's Avatar Originally Posted by CJ7
From the article:

"Whoever thought it would draw 60,000 people wasn't reading the administration's press releases,'' said David Brailer, former national coordinator of health care information technology. "The Medicare Part D site was supposed to have 20,000 simultaneous users and was (built for) 150,000, and that was back when computing was done on an abacus. It isn't that hard.''

Fucking morons.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-08-2013, 10:32 PM
From the article:

"Whoever thought it would draw 60,000 people wasn't reading the administration's press releases,'' said David Brailer, former national coordinator of health care information technology. "The Medicare Part D site was supposed to have 20,000 simultaneous users and was (built for) 150,000, and that was back when computing was done on an abacus. It isn't that hard.''

Fucking morons. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN

In your expert opinion, does that mean the system can't be fixed or are you saying the fix is simple and you're ready to start eating crow?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
COF, that is the link. You have any other questions? CJ7 thanks for finding the link. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Uh, that link quotes an Obama advisor. Do you have a link that tells the truth?

And really, 98,000 have signed up? Out of what, 30 million plus who have no insurance? Pretty damn weak. I thought people were demanding access. I guess not.
In your expert opinion, does that mean the system can't be fixed or are you saying the fix is simple and you're ready to start eating crow? Originally Posted by CJ7
Never said I was an expert. Just trying to understand the math. This pathetic administration had three years to prepare for this, why should such a major "fix" be needed immediately upon rollout.

Don't really care much for crow...kinda gamey.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-08-2013, 10:42 PM
Uh, that link quotes an Obama advisor. Do you have a link that tells the truth?

And really, 98,000 have signed up? Out of what, 30 million plus who have no insurance? Pretty damn weak. I thought people were demanding access. I guess not. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

count the numbers in 6 months, until then go sit in the corner. If we need you we'll have whirlie ring a bell or something
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
count the numbers in 6 months, until then go sit in the corner. If we need you we'll have whirlie ring a bell or something Originally Posted by CJ7
So you're a psychic now, eh, CBJ7? Tell us, what will the numbers be in six months?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-08-2013, 10:51 PM
So you're a psychic now, eh, CBJ7? Tell us, what will the numbers be in six months?

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

unlike you seem to know already, I have NO idea ... then if the numbers are horrible or as horrible as the simpletons seem to think, I'll make my comments, negative or not

complicated aint it chump?