What have you spent in this hobby over your career?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-21-2014, 07:36 AM
To expand on the op's original post, in the process of counting the cost has anyone ever kept a list? Maybe a 'notch on the bedpost' type thing? Originally Posted by JustCause
Do you know how much trouble that would cause you if it fell in the SO's hands!

I've been in the hobby 21 months and it's been around $7000. Maybe it's a good thing my hobby ops are limited. On second thought, no it's not.
ck1942's Avatar
Over 4 decades hobbying ... I don't wanna think about it.

But, despite all of the above, my cars, my house, my kids education and a lot more are all paid off.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-21-2014, 11:16 AM

But, despite all of the above, my cars, my house, my kids education and a lot more are all paid off. Originally Posted by ck1942
How about that last Christmas Party in Houston? Everybody get their charges paid off?

Gucci's Avatar
  • Gucci
  • 11-23-2014, 07:05 AM
About 400-600 a month for about the last five years, yet it's still cheaper than my old side girlfriend. . . . . . 800 rent. . . 400 car payment . . . . This purse. . . . These shoes . . . That shit adds up, so I'd rather find a provider, have a lot of fun and leave when I cum. No attachments no feelings no late night phone calls waking up my wife because she misses me just sex and roll just like I love it worth every dam dime.
I can relate to CK1942. $200-300/week for a few years in the ASPD days then nothing for a couple of years and then back at it for a couple of years all while raising my kids and a mortgage and a business.....I don't even want to figure out how much!!
joesmo888's Avatar
I bet if you walk into any sort of gambling establishment and find a random person and go through how much they have lost their whole life gambling the amount would be far higher than hobbying is. atleast with hobbying you get something out of it, with gambling the house takes all your money to build more casino's with
I would say about $75k-$100k or so over the past 20 years
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
It was just about ten years ago that I discovered ASPD and I saw SecretPassionbyTrysh after seeing a couple of favorable reviews. I have spent a butt-load of money on the hobby during the last ten years; the rest, I spent foolishly.
I would say about $75k-$100k or so over the past 20 years Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY

Wow I guess I'm lucky at only 15k-20k but who really keep track?
pyramider's Avatar
The more accurate question would be how much have you spent on dating in real life? I would wager the hobby number would be substantially less ...
More than I should have but not nearly as much as I am going to!!
$ 12.34

No secret code there...

Twelve dollars and thirty four cents....

And the bitch was happy to get it!
60Plus's Avatar
I have spent exactly $2,933 in my first nine weeks in the hobby, covering donations, gratuities, and gifts. Half of that was spent on one particularly satisfying young lady who just struck my fancy and meets my current hobbying needs very nicely.

I'm sure this rate will slow once I get through this initial infatuation period, but I am planning on dropping some serious bucks on an overnight we have scheduled for next month.

I am fortunate to have recently received a lucrative early retirement package that gives me the time and money to pursue my "interests." At 60 years of age, I think I'm just making up for lost time.
Lets see... Make-up, sexy clothes/lingerie, condoms, gym membership, tanning, cosmetic procedures, travel expenses, higher rates for health/life insurance (as self employed) house fees and licensing (for those who are also dancers in some areas), business/advertising costs, legal fees (hopefully never needed, but it never hurts to have a little set aside)... I'm sure I forgot something, lol... Independence is costly... but you gents are worth it! :-)