Maximum Wage

do you actually believe rasing taxes a small percent will stop millionaires from making millions?

does Exxon stop producing oil when the price per barrel drops $20 Originally Posted by CJ7


What happens is that rich people lower their incomes. For someone that only gets money from a salary, that is hard for them to understand. When the income for the rich is lowered, the revenue to the government decreases, as well as economic activity.

And yes, Exxon does stop producing some oil from some wells that it is more expensive to get out of the ground than the price of oil.
waverunner234's Avatar
In general, I just can hardly believe why Republicans are so stupid.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Stupid like Democrats.
Proof of stupidity - Shameless Jackass Lee
I can go on.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
In general, I just can hardly believe why Republicans are so stupid. Originally Posted by waverunner234
The Republicans have not cornered the market on stupidity. Unfortunately there is more than enough left over for the Democrats.
joe bloe's Avatar
In general, I just can hardly believe why Republicans are so stupid. Originally Posted by waverunner234
I've been trying to figure out how you write your posts. I've decided that you must be randomly selecting the words and then arranging them into sentences based on the order in which they were randomly selected. Clearly, there is no logical thought process behind your writing. What other explanation could there be for your last post?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I am still interested in what "enough" is.
Is enough $250,00.00?

In business, what do you do when you have made "enough"?
Do you shut the doors and send the workers home because yu have made "enough"?
What if the workers have not yet made "enough".
If the government gets everything that is above "enough" where is the incentive to try to make more sicne you will have made "enough"?
Will the government force us to continue to work after we have made "enough"?
What happens if people still need more of what we make yet we have made "enough" and no longer need to make any more?
Is this when the government will be all about socializing uhm I mean taking over our companies?

Obama is the pied piper and his goal is to destroy the middle class.
joe bloe's Avatar
I am still interested in what "enough" is.
Is enough $250,00.00?

In business, what do you do when you have made "enough"?
Do you shut the doors and send the workers home because yu have made "enough"?
What if the workers have not yet made "enough".
If the government gets everything that is above "enough" where is the incentive to try to make more sicne you will have made "enough"?
Will the government force us to continue to work after we have made "enough"?
What happens if people still need more of what we make yet we have made "enough" and no longer need to make any more?
Is this when the government will be all about socializing uhm I mean taking over our companies?

Obama is the pied piper and his goal is to destroy the middle class. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Socialists are concerned about how much they can take from the average productive citizen before they refuse to work. That's why the concern for how much is enough.

It reminds me of the Maasai people in Africa. Their primary protein source is blood from cattle. They periodically bleed their cattle and drink the blood. They have to be careful not to take too much blood or the cow will die. That's the relationship between the productive citizen and the socialist/Democrats.

The Democrats are blood sucking parasites that feed off of hard working people and then demonize them for not paying their fair share.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-19-2012, 11:51 AM
guess you were absent during the middle class squeeze the republicans threw down during you know who's 2 terms, huh?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I want me some of what T2D and joe bloeme's been smokin.'
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why, RaggedyAndy?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Why, RaggedyAndy? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
cause candyforlittlegirlsrandy went to a school where it was favored
CBJ and R4girls should stay out of Patriot threads. We men are talking it punks...
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Adjust your tampon IIFy, you've got a leak. I didn't know you are a New England fan.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The socialist democrats whatever you want to call them resort to their childish bullshit when they cannot make their minds grasp the concept of the discussion particularly when it exposes them for what they are.
Their smoke an mirrors may work on some and it really pisses them off when they get called out to answer a fairly simple question that requires a little thought process.
Their exalted leader has stated that at some point you have earned enough and the question is what is enough.
It appears his goal is to create a maximum wage or earnings that is enough and I am curious as to what those that support think enough would be.

I would not be surprised if there is some liberal, and I hate to say think tank, that is running the numbers to see how much blood they can squeedze out of the popluace before they are bled dry or just plain quit.

Which will bring up another of my query s as to why we have laws restricting the amount of money a person can take out of the country. That is for another thread, for now if we could just get the liberals to focus for a few minutes and express their thoughts on what their leader wants to do in regards to limiting the amount of money than can be made we could then possibly garner a little bit of insight to what their position is and why rather than to hear them throw insults about like that mental midget Af freakin that insulted my daughters memory.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Oh you mean during Clinton's two terms?
During Bush's 2 terms I made more money than I ever had.
Times were great until the dems took control of the house and Senate.
Shortly there after it turned to shit.
I have made less money the past 3 years than I did during the Bush administration.
I am looking forward to the return to high employment and a great business climate with the new President this fall.

A thriving economy without themeddling of the government does more to increase the wages than government regulation. What that means is that businesses will pay more than the minimum wage to attract the best workers. But I expect that is hard to understand in the liberal socialist mind when they believe that everyone regardless of ability should be treated the same.

I find it interesting how the fact that all people are born equal has become in the liberals mind all people should remain equal. Kill ambition and drag them all down to the lowest common denominator so that nobody is different.