I love, love, love walking into a room with a nude lady. Lingerie has never done much for me. If it is our first meeting, and she is uncomfortable with being comfortable, then I prefer she wear jeans and a black top or a dress. But I really, really love walking into a room with a nude lady.
Then there's sauntering into a room with a nude lady. That's almost as good as walking in. But I would never run. That would just be rude.
My preference is walking into a room with a nude lady. Hope that's clear enough.
Originally Posted by Satyrrical
I once visit a provider who was fresh out of the shower and a towel wrap around her with cat eye glasses on. She droped the towel and nothing left but a hot nude body. It was the highlight moment of being a hobbyist.
But overall I prefer meeting a woman in a sexy dress.