Debate predictions...

Trump should tweet hardball questions like "How many of these Dems are for open borders?" and the like so the moderators are forced to ask them. Pin them in a corner.
This is turning into the biggest "Panderfest" in human history.

To the dead beat Millenials, it's the forgiving of all student loans. To the deadbeat kids just graduating high school, it's free tuition to any State College. To dead beats who won't work, it's free Medicare. To all blacks, it's reperations to any who can trace their lineage back to a slave. Reperations to gay couples in the form of tax refunds for not being able to file joint returns through the years. To all illegal aliens, jump to the front of the line for citizenship, and of course, free everything else.

This morning one of the Candidates even promoted the idea of free kindergarten for all children one through five. Isn't that the same thing as free daycare for all.

And who will pay for it all? If you have a job, and are a law abiding citizen, you will.

This is the biggest vote buying scheme ever.

Our Founding Fathers warned that this Republic would survive untill the voters realized they could vote themselves free largess from the public treasury.

We just might be there.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
There is talk that Trump will be tweeting during the debate....good! He'll be that guy in the room (and everyone will listen) who will hear the question and then ask the real question everyone wants to know. For example, "Senator Warren, do you really believe that we should welcome all people into the United States?" Real question, "do you believe in open borders and would you take a good number into your house?" Senator Booker, "Are you in favor or reasonable gun regulations that will protect our children?" Real question, "do you believe in taking the right to own a gun away from law abiding people who have no intention of hurting children or anyone else...unless they're breaking into your house." Senator Klobachar, "Are you still favor of holding impeachment hearings for the president?" Real question, "have you lost your friggen mind as well. There was no collusion and no crime."
Given the time constraints, taking into account commercial time, time to actually ask the questions, and the sheer number of people on stage, I don't see where anybody will have enough time to stand out. Unless the rules go out the window from the word go and it's just a free for all on the stage with people shouting each other down. All the crazy may end up coming out before all is said and done.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Trump should tweet hardball questions like "How many of these Dems are for open borders?" and the like so the moderators are forced to ask them. Pin them in a corner. Originally Posted by gnadfly
except that pins Trump into a corner.. anybody can talk about closing the Border, building a Wall, but the reality is illegals crossing into the US is at an all-time high, under Trump's watch. as he might say himself.. "the highest rate of Venezuelans, more Colombians than in recorded history. more Countries represented in the ranks of illegals than ever"!

And who will pay for it all? If you have a job, and are a law abiding citizen, you will.

This is the biggest vote buying scheme ever.

Our Founding Fathers warned that this Republic would survive untill the voters realized they could vote themselves free largess from the public treasury.

We just might be there. Originally Posted by Jackie S

this is simple rhetoric, nothing more. nobody has been paying for the 20+ trillion dollar debt.. taxes can't pay for a fraction of what the Nation spends. it is created money from the Federal Reserve that does the real spending. sure they collect real money when they sell Government Bonds, but the interest paid is simply rolled into more National Debt. the "scheme" is working.. inflation is barely a blip, in fact, the Fed Chairman is worried inflation is TOO LOW.

the Republic has been giving out free money for Decades.. what is it about today, that makes you think more free money will collapse the Republic? Trump doesn't agree with you, his deficits are the largest in history. what happened to all the Republicans who used to pound the table for a balanced budget?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
except that pins Trump into a corner.. anybody can talk about closing the Border, building a Wall, but the reality is illegals crossing into the US is at an all-time high, under Trump's watch. as he might say himself.. "the highest rate of Venezuelans, more Colombians than in recorded history. more Countries represented in the ranks of illegals than ever"!

this is simple rhetoric, nothing more. nobody has been paying for the 20+ trillion dollar debt.. taxes can't pay for a fraction of what the Nation spends. it is created money from the Federal Reserve that does the real spending. sure they collect real money when they sell Government Bonds, but the interest paid is simply rolled into more National Debt. the "scheme" is working.. inflation is barely a blip, in fact, the Fed Chairman is worried inflation is TOO LOW.

the Republic has been giving out free money for Decades.. what is it about today, that makes you think more free money will collapse the Republic? Trump doesn't agree with you, his deficits are the largest in history. what happened to all the Republicans who used to pound the table for a balanced budget? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

do you think there would be record numbers if the Democrats .. who have said in the past border security was an issue .. now suddenly decided it's not? they are stonewalling efforts to stem the flow. they own the record numbers, not Trump.

not under Trump's watch .. under deliberate TREASON by the Demonrats.
Chung Tran's Avatar
do you think there would be record numbers if the Democrats .. who have said in the past border security was an issue .. now suddenly decided it's not? they are stonewalling efforts to stem the flow. they own the record numbers, not Trump.

not under Trump's watch .. under deliberate TREASON by the Demonrats. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
no, both sides are at fault, but you insist on giving Trump a pass. remember how he was going to remand all these illegals back to their host Countries? bullshit.. he was all bluff. just like Mexico paying for the Wall.. just like "lock her up", he hasn't done shit about Hilary's crimes.
bambino's Avatar
no, both sides are at fault, but you insist on giving Trump a pass. remember how he was going to remand all these illegals back to their host Countries? bullshit.. he was all bluff. just like Mexico paying for the Wall.. just like "lock her up", he hasn't done shit about Hilary's crimes. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Well, Mexico is now spending money securing their southern border and if Congress doesn’t pass a bill by Friday Trump will start deporting. And Chungster, 400 miles of wall will completed by next year. You were wrong about that too.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Well, Mexico is now spending money securing their southern border and if Congress doesn’t pass a bill by Friday Trump will start deporting. And Chungster, 400 miles of wall will completed by next year. You were wrong about that too. Originally Posted by bambino
Mexico is spending a little, granted, after a recent threat. but they are not paying for the Wall.. I will believe the 400 miles by next year when it happens, Trump has said so much lying shit about illegals and Walls, I have to discount almost all of it.

deporting? ha! Trump said, oh, 10 days ago, that "millions" would be deported next week.. oh, never mind, only 2,000. oh never mind, let's see if Pelosi gets something passed in the next 2 weeks.. fuck.. deport the 2,000, damn it. wishy-washy Bullshitter.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
no, both sides are at fault, but you insist on giving Trump a pass. remember how he was going to remand all these illegals back to their host Countries? bullshit.. he was all bluff. just like Mexico paying for the Wall.. just like "lock her up", he hasn't done shit about Hilary's crimes. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

you insist the Democrats are not stonewalling this. and Trump never said Mexico was going to "write a check" for the wall. there's video of what he really said. and you know that.

So i call your bullshit as fake bullshit.

it's on the Democrats lock stock and barrel. had they funded the wall and/or any reasonable extra security like hi-tech this wouldn't be happening now.
bambino's Avatar
Mexico is spending a little, granted, after a recent threat. but they are not paying for the Wall.. I will believe the 400 miles by next year when it happens, Trump has said so much lying shit about illegals and Walls, I have to discount almost all of it.

deporting? ha! Trump said, oh, 10 days ago, that "millions" would be deported next week.. oh, never mind, only 2,000. oh never mind, let's see if Pelosi gets something passed in the next 2 weeks.. fuck.. deport the 2,000, damn it. wishy-washy Bullshitter. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
A little? 6000 troops on their southern border? If the USMCA passes, it’s a positive for the US. I never took Trump literally when he said Mexico would actually write a check for the wall. You must be naive to think that’s what he meant.
Chung Tran's Avatar
you insist the Democrats are not stonewalling this. and Trump never said Mexico was going to "write a check" for the wall. there's video of what he really said. and you know that. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I didn't say the Dems were not stonewalling. they are, that's why I said both sides were at fault. that's the problem with you hardcore rightists, you refuse to accept counter argument on its face, you have to spin the other side to make your invalid points.

I know Trump didn't say "write a check".. never said he did say that. nobody is paying for the Wall. how is Mexico paying? I don't think they are paying at all.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I didn't say the Dems were not stonewalling. they are, that's why I said both sides were at fault. that's the problem with you hardcore rightists, you refuse to accept counter argument on its face, you have to spin the other side to make your invalid points.

I know Trump didn't say "write a check".. never said he did say that. nobody is paying for the Wall. how is Mexico paying? I don't think they are paying at all. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

if you agree the Dems are stonewalling, how is Trump at fault, even partially?

was his rhetoric too tough for the snowflake Dems??

wanna go 99% Dems 1% Trump and cut your losses now?
Chung Tran's Avatar
I never took Trump literally when he said Mexico would actually write a check for the wall. You must be naive to think that’s what he meant. Originally Posted by bambino
neither did I.. why do you think I believe he did? I have written nothing that would remotely suggest I thought Trump meant that. even Waco knows that. try to argue rationally next time.

if you agree the Dems are stonewalling, how is Trump at fault, even partially?

was his rhetoric too tough for the snowflake Dems??

wanna go 99% Dems 1% Trump and cut your losses now? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
nope.. 50-50 for now. Trump had other avenues, but he bailed.. appropriating other funding sources, to use for the Wall. Trump decided to skip that idea. he has not been persuasive in his crisis arguments. Trump believes traffickers, Drug Lords and Rapists are the problem, Democrats think Leadership breakdowns in Venezuela and its neighbors, are the source of the problem. when 2 sides are that far apart, on the root cause, no wonder the crisis continues. but Trump could be remanding these people back home, like he promised.. instead he warehouses people, hoping to deter the next wave. remember early in his Presidency, when Trump and the Right touted the idea that illegals were afraid to try and come, now that Trump was in charge, they were too afraid? that is so funny to think about now.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
neither did I.. why do you think I believe he did? I have written nothing that would remotely suggest I thought Trump meant that. even Waco knows that. try to argue rationally next time.

nope.. 50-50 for now. Trump had other avenues, but he bailed.. appropriating other funding sources, to use for the Wall. Trump decided to skip that idea. he has not been persuasive in his crisis arguments. Trump believes traffickers, Drug Lords and Rapists are the problem, Democrats think Leadership breakdowns in Venezuela and its neighbors, are the source of the problem. when 2 sides are that far apart, on the root cause, no wonder the crisis continues. but Trump could be remanding these people back home, like he promised.. instead he warehouses people, hoping to deter the next wave. remember early in his Presidency, when Trump and the Right touted the idea that illegals were afraid to try and come, now that Trump was in charge, they were too afraid? that is so funny to think about now. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
wrong again. he has tried to redirect funds. guess what happened? Liberal judges blocked it in court.

Federal Judge Blocks Part of Trump’s Plan to Build Border Wall

some funds have been redirected .. via the Pentagon. it's a start but not enough. unless you want US military readiness gutted for this .. when it does not need to be..

Pentagon Has Redirected Money to Build 256 Miles of Border Barriers, Shanahan Says

even some former GOP idiots are claiming Trump's efforts are unconstitutional funny that Trump has a Constitutional obligation to defend the nation and its borders but the establishment hacks claim that is unconstitutional ????

19 Former GOP Members of Congress Denounce Trump's 'Unconstitutional' Effort to Fund Border Wall

Trump is NOT going to give up and it will help carry his efforts for a second term. Bet on that. the smartest thing the Demonrats can do to help their 2020 chances is fund the Wall like they promised years ago before Trump was ever elected. it would take a HUGE issue in favor of Trump off the board but they are too stupid and stubborn to get it.