Driver service/barter

Treetop78759's Avatar
I have a friend that drives for Lyft and he leases a vehicle from them. I think he said it cost him less than a hundred bucks a week if he does 100 rides which is doable if you do this full time. It's also a new car that can be used for personal use and the only thing he is responsible for is fuel.
Twix's Avatar
  • Twix
  • 06-29-2019, 09:57 PM
Mmmmmm Sounds like a good money making deal . I thought it would be way more than that to lease . Sounds like something I should get into . ;P
Agent220's Avatar
As pointed out by Agent220 in post #11, you can get in a lot of trouble for misusing one's driver privy. Plus Uber has come out with a bunch of policies that specifically address driver behavior regarding inappropriate comments, unwanted sexual advances, etc. It wouldn't take much to get one's Uber driving privileges revoked these days, and I imagine immediately following, criminal or civil prosecution from the offended party. Just FYI, I'd would not try to barter driving for services were I you. I inform the girls I drive, and hopefully they'll get me if the need a ride, but it's just a ride like any other for which they would pay through the app. Originally Posted by squiretuck

I did Uber for a couple of weeks in West Texas. Too much liability at that time in 2017 due to insurance lapse, Uber didn't allow for you to carry weapons in your own car and etc.
mrredcat43's Avatar
So Op likes making minimum wage? Nice.
Nightcrawler29's Avatar
Unless something has changed in the last 2 years, I thought it wasn't worth it as a driver considering the cost of fuel and wear and tear on the vehicle. You never know where the passengers want to go until you pick them up, and that can have you driving all over the city. $15/hr gross might be possible, but once you consider repair costs, cost of tires, fuel, etc., then net earnings turn out to be much less than $15/hr.

Leasing a car for $100/mth might be possible if you make a pretty large down payment. And then who knows what mileage limits you might be subject to.
squiretuck's Avatar
Update to my friends and others whom I don’t know on this thread. Last week I drove on 2 separate days for not very long. My gross earnings (before expenses) dropped to approximately $8.50/hour. Point is earnings very widely but doing Uber is not going to make one rich, and on average it will take me about 3 weeks of driving based on my personal schedule to earn enough gross pay to have a $300 session. So listen to those of us with experience and others who’ve done simple financial analysis; this is not a good way to support your hobby habit.
tpepsi's Avatar
LOL, funny stuff!