Can you pick up some....

If there is a prize, then I win. Condoms and douche. One of those moments when I wanted to buy $100 worth of crap to distract everyone seemingly staring at me at HEB. Yup, can no longer go back there.
moebeedick's Avatar
Condoms and douche. Originally Posted by Cadsatx
Samcro84's Avatar
Hey used to doing most or all shopping at home. I even buy the women's feminine products for their monthly needs. Text me a list will do it.

Wine has been the most requested item to pick up. Have never minded as I enjoy sharing a glass occasionally with a lady.
If I were just picking those up during a regular trip to the store, no problem. However it was the only things I was buying and then the register wouldn't print a receipt so they called for a manager. I thought I was in a sitcom. At the end of the day it was worth every minute of it.
moebeedick's Avatar
If I were just picking those up during a regular trip to the store, no problem. However it was the only things I was buying and then the register wouldn't print a receipt so they called for a manager. I thought I was in a sitcom. At the end of the day it was worth every minute of it. Originally Posted by Cadsatx
Lmao! Bravo to you sir, I may have had to buy the other stuff so as not to feel so embarrassed!
I have asked for a ride somewhere after the session to pick up something quick...normally ask for u a guy to grab condoms...and only one have i asked a guy to bring me stuff to make a chocolate shake stuff but he has seen me before and I did say if he couldn't it was cool
handyGiraffe's Avatar
Why get offended? I have been asked to pick up jim beam, condoms, a hamburger..etc..etc.....
Guest010619's Avatar
One provider gave a discount if provided a bottle of top shelf tequila, the price of which equaled the discount.
I recently asked a gentleman to bring 2 tomatoes. I was cooking for him. Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
awwww how sweet! That's hot

xoxox loves it, Ms Francisca. Nothing like sharing food with a friend xoxox

Some funny post from the rest of you, especially enjoyed that video :P.

I also think it is sweet when someone takes an extra step to show a little care and concern. It's a nice touch, whether you're picking up something because she's about to give you the best xxx of your life ... or if she cooks you dinner. But if you can't, you can't and hopefully the other person will understand sometimes there's just no time for the extra whatever.

It's all about the love y'all xoxo Mwah!
long_rod's Avatar
As a gentleman, if I am being invited to someone's home to be entertained,
I always ask if there is anything that I might bring.
Some ladies are without transportation and my picking
up a preferred drink or some small item from the store only enhances
the overall experience.

Treat her like a lady, she will be good to you!
~Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose
italia's Avatar
A quick swing through the Whataburger drive thru??? I was hungry and it was on his way. Originally Posted by PennyLane
I wonder if his questions been answered... BTW let me stay out of it