gangbangs & peoples wives

when the economy went to shit I stared looking around for cheaper fun and found alot of gangbang groups on yahoo. So i start going these gangbang which were fun & free besides just puting in on the room. A lot of ladies came with husband. so anybody esle gangbanging or letting their SO get banged. yes I know who else would bring up but its good thing Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit
My main concern with a g.bang would be keeping it "clean" - that is protection? Is that ever a concern, is protection used? Is there a shared effect of any kind? Used to watch a few porno's way back when, and it always seems like the wrong kind of things could be shared very easily.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
i always wear my deep sea diving suit but are some that are bareback and some that they want papers saying your clean. fun times oh we go thru a lot of towels.
i always wear my deep sea diving suit but are some that are bareback and some that they want papers saying your clean. fun times oh we go thru a lot of towels. Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit
The thought that some would even chance their health on barebacking a bunch of strangers just screams....Danger LOL, but seriously that doesn't sound like good decision making to me. Papers saying they are clean? Okay so you have these papers that you get say a few days before. But you just can't wait til the gangbang, and you fuck a few people before hand. Those papers now are worth absolutely nothing! Besides that, there is a 6 month window on HIV and testing results. Basically you have about 6 months after the last person you fucked to show up positive if you are going to. Just thinking the safe way to play on that crowded of a playground would be to cover those dudes up!

"We go thru a lot of towels"? Okay that's it....I'm Out LOL! Like I said I would be quite curious to try an all girl party, but I would not want any men there, watching or participating. One man is great, a group of men not so great (at least in my personal opinion which is really only important to me LOL). I would be happy to just watch, not participating, possibly taking some sweet pics or video for a keepsake. I would probably make a better director than an actor/actress, as being a voyeur is often more sexually satisfying for me than actual participation in the acts.
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How about a reverse gangbang? Now that would be fun! Originally Posted by Fred Garvin

I wouldn't want 5-6 guys and 1 gal on me! No thanks!
I'm sorry, but I have to ask....
What in the world do these people look like? Only reason I bring this up is that I have watched some shows on these, and the women and men were not the best looking or in the best of shape. So then I watch a porn like that, and everyone there is pretty much good looking and fit. A few years back a guy I met told me about this party thing he runs out in I think Springhill area or something like that. I was very curious to go just even to observe (get some new masturbation material LOL), but someone later informed me that I may not have as much fun because the people were probably not of my taste/preferences.
So I was just wondering if it is a mix of peeps, or mostly different kind of peeps? I have no problem with overweight women as everyone is of the same value, but my preferences for women tend to lean more on the shorter/slimmer/naturally cute with very lil makeup types. Also is everyone expected to participate with each gender? Because I would have no desire to fuck any guy there unless he made a serious impression on me. Also do they have these type of parties where NO guys would be there at all...maybe something like a "Cock Free Party"? Now that is a party I would definitely go to. Originally Posted by BottomlessFilth
I've been to a local 'swinger' party before...and I have to admit...the pickings are slim(and I'm NOT referring to weight) I noticed FAR too many people not playing safe to even CONSIDER joining them...
You are not expected to participate with anyone...but as is the case just about anywhere you might go, you will find some pushier folks than others there
I've not been to an event with the "beautiful people" crowd.

The events I've attended were with truly "average" looking people. Several ladies are "Rubenesque" and the guys clearly drink beer. The events are about erotic interaction and fun. Competition to have sex with the cutest person there isn't the goal. It's about respecting other people and their feelings (e.g., guys shouldn't touch another guy unless invited). And about letting go of your illusions and inhibitions. And feeling good and having fun.

It is similar to a nudist resort in that respect. After a slight initial surprise, the appearance of the other people doesn't matter. Originally Posted by BiggestBest
I guess I am just a snob
You said, "I'm not free, but I can be had." LOL You are funny.
So I rebuttal, "I'm not free, but I am free, AND I can't be had, but I have been had before." LOL
I like your personality. It's titillating!

Well I'm not much for the "beautiful people" crowd either. Sadly a lot of people who are outwardly physically attractive tend to be some of the most shallow and unkind people I have ever met. Rarely do you meet a girl or guy that is good looking, open sexually, intelligent, funny/witty, has a great body, even better personality, super fun and is a genuinely kind and helpful person. I guess you could say a person like that, if found, is "One In A Million!"

On a serious note though, if you hear of any all girl parties I would be up for checking something like that out. I'll bring my strap on LOL.
Originally Posted by BottomlessFilth
I've at least dabbled in the 'lesbian' community in KC for many years...and have never come across anything like what you've mentioned...
There ARE grrrrrl parties...where exclusively female enjoying females attend...but They usually take place in public, Not the orgy type experience

Hope that helps
Is there a support group for that? Gangbangers anonymous? If so, wouldn't it just be one HUGE gangbang anyway? Ha ha. Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
Always a risk you take with support groups!