
cockring's Avatar
I think the tip is for flattering her but where is the chivalry guys do you clean up before you go?
sucking up...whats the point???

Isn't giving someone $200 for an hr of their day flattering enough? If I've gotta start bringing flowers to appts, I'm getting outta the hobby. Originally Posted by That.guy001
Texasquest's Avatar
My Momma taught me Flattery will get you everything...has always done well for me..To each his own i guess..kinda goes back to treat everyone how you want to be treated..Just saying..One may be surprised how much a Kind word can light up someones day..and good deeds usually came back to you in spades..
My Momma taught me Flattery will get you everything...has always done well for me..To each his own i guess..kinda goes back to treat everyone how you want to be treated..Just saying..One may be surprised how much a Kind word can light up someones day..and good deeds usually came back to you in spades.. Originally Posted by Texasquest
That all makes sense if your looking for a prom date. I'm not saying be rude. I like to think I'm courtious and friendly, but you guys act like this is not a business transaction. You can be nice without sucking up.
BDevereaux's Avatar
Now what is wrong with a little sucking up and being extra friendly or for that matter even bringing flowers? It's nice, it's thoughtful. We could turn it around and say "Ok, dude you finished now leave" because you came and got what you paid for without having to spend an extra five or ten minutes cuddling, caressing, and talking afterwards. Yes, I know some men and women don't go the extra mile, but it doesn't hurt nor take much effort.
Now what is wrong with a little sucking up and being extra friendly or for that matter even bringing flowers? It's nice, it's thoughtful. We could turn it around and say "Ok, dude you finished now leave" because you came and got what you paid for without having to spend an extra five or ten minutes cuddling, caressing, and talking afterwards. Yes, I know some men and women don't go the extra mile, but it doesn't hurt nor take much effort. Originally Posted by BDevereaux
There is nothing wrong with being extra friendly. These guys are coming across like they are going to see a real life GF. My point was that all the flattery and flowers you can get wont get you in the door without the envelope, and the guys need to remember that, because you can bet the ladies do. As far as goiing the extra mile that you refer to,,,, that is good business practice. That is what you do to get repeat customers. The girls that don't provide that sort of service don't get much repeat .
We can all be friends and really like each other, but the bottom line is we are customers and you are selling your time.When is the last time you went and paid for a service anywhere that you felt obligated to suck up to the person you were paying?
We have a double standard here. You want to be treated like it's not a business, but are quick to point out that it is.
cockring's Avatar
I never feel obligated to suck up I give willingly sorry if you are taking it the wrong way that's just the way I am.

Thanks Brandy hope to see you soon.
That.guy001's Avatar
Mr. Smith, you've taken the words right out of my mouth!

Brandy, the "...extra five or ten minutes cuddling, caressing, and talking afterwards" is GFE and its part of the package. You don't "throw it in".
Some basic level of politeness should be a given. Beyond that....

I think of the extra flattery (or extra $$ or extra gift) not so much as a tip for past actions, but as a little extra incentive to help her rember me and continue to expend that extra bit of effort in the future.

Will she be willing to go out and get a particular outfit or toy to accomodate my next request? How willing will she be to get all gussied up and "fake it" if she's having a crappy day? How much energy will go into her next strip-tease and BJ? Will she let me ogle and fondle her nakedness afterwards, or will I be rushed out once the deed is done?

A minimum level of service may only merit a minimum level of compensation, but the reverse is also true. So while it may make me a selfish bastard, but I give a little something extra not just for her benefit, but for my future benefit.
We have a double standard here. You want to be treated like it's not a business, but are quick to point out that it is. Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111
Pot, kettle, Nasty. I'm rather surprised you even said this.

I'm disappointed. No one is obligated to do anything beyond the base understood exchange of pay for play. If you want the Gods of YMMV to favor you, though, you grease the way with a smile and some kindness. It's what I've always done for you gents - some of you I'm looking at very FIRMLY here (coughThatGuycough). To hear that my going the extra mile means nothing because you figure I owed it to you is, bluntly, a load of horseshit. I owed you nothing. There were easier and more efficient ways to maximize my profits. I did it anyways.

Sheesh, sometimes you people give me sadface.
BDevereaux's Avatar
When is the last time you went and paid for a service anywhere that you felt obligated to suck up to the person you were paying?
We have a double standard here. You want to be treated like it's not a business, but are quick to point out that it is. Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111
One persons being extra nice appears to be another persons definition of sucking up. I try to be extra nice (not just friendly and courteous) to any person I pay or not, my waiter, my mechanic, whomever... You get better service that way. As to your double standard, I believe you are the one who wants it to be treated as if it's not a business and are disappointed when we have to point out that it actually is.

Brandy, the "...extra five or ten minutes cuddling, caressing, and talking afterwards" is GFE and its part of the package. You don't "throw it in". Originally Posted by That.guy001
Actually refer to Mr. Smiths good business practice. It is not part of a GFE (as some of you guys like to point out, GFE is DFK and BBBJ) package. Perhaps the difference is if I spend a requisite two minutes of the cuddle/caress versus 10 to 15 (whether or not it goes over the time).
Pot, kettle, Nasty. I'm rather surprised you even said this.

I'm disappointed. No one is obligated to do anything beyond the base understood exchange of pay for play. If you want the Gods of YMMV to favor you, though, you grease the way with a smile and some kindness. It's what I've always done for you gents - some of you I'm looking at very FIRMLY here (coughThatGuycough). To hear that my going the extra mile means nothing because you figure I owed it to you is, bluntly, a load of horseshit. I owed you nothing. There were easier and more efficient ways to maximize my profits. I did it anyways.

Sheesh, sometimes you people give me sadface. Originally Posted by EmilyHemingway
I'm gonna leave this topic alone now. Thanks for your opinion.
That.guy001's Avatar

This all started with Cockring's, "Sweetie we know each other and you are not thick in my eyes I classify you as in shape. This is where the problem lies I see you one way someone see you another way but I dont care you are a 10 to me."

For me, this was over the top sucking up. It was cute bf/gf talk. IMO.

Some Providers (coughEmilycough) give an extra level of service that money just can't buy. Those Providers are very much appreciated and always have a special place in my hobby heart. They are the exception, not the rule.
BDevereaux's Avatar
Careful... someone may read that as sucking up... LOL just saying :-)
rjdiner's Avatar
The fact is I don't care if you are the paying customer or not, it pays to be nice to people you do business with. I want to be a profitable customer for whomever I deal with.
I am in the service business and I can tell you if you're an asshole or a chronic complainer, you're unlikely to get a break in the event I get a judgement call. On the other hand, if you're complimentary, refer other customers to me or do other nice things, I'll remember. I can assure you that will pay off many times over. I carry that same philosophy over to my hobbying. I have tipped extra, taken wine to a session, told more than one provider how beautiful they are and even bought the occasional Christmas gift. I don't consider that "sucking up" at all. I think it's called being friendly, considerate and compassionate. IMO if you treat people like they're special, you're more likely to get special treatment. Most of you who know me would agree that my gentle, kindhearted nature is not the norm.
(cough That.Guy cough)

On the other hand, if you screw me around I'll hunt you til the day I DIE!!
That.guy001's Avatar
How did this get from one extreme to the other in just a few short posts? NO ONE ever said be rude, don't be complimentary, don't be nice, dont bring gifts.

You can be and do all those things...but in the end, its a business deal...not a real life GF.