Non BCD Dates

You laugh, but I've actually been the "distraction" for a gentleman before.

And as a side note:

You know what else would be great? If ladies could just mind their own business and not worry about how others conduct their business. I'm getting more than a bit weary of people who worry about what others charge, whether or not they negotiate, how they arrive at their rates, etc. Quite frankly, until someone else is paying my bills-- how I choose to conduct business is my concern. If I want to negotiate-- that's my business. If I want to run a special deal-- that's my business. Originally Posted by GracePreston
There you go again, promoting independent thinking and free market principles. Cut that shit out, will you please?
darkchoc6's Avatar
Ladies if I may interject, this wasn't and isn't about negotiating rates. By no means am I a negotiator. I understand that I am paying for your time. If your time for cuddling and non BCD activities is the same as cuddling with BCD activities that's fine. As far as a man getting a woody from cuddling of course we would get a woody. The whole premise is that there are some men who can cuddle, get a woody and still not want nor expect anything else. This may apply more to the older and more mature crowd of hobbyist but we are out there.

Some younger hobbyist may call us desperate or stupid but there are guys out there who have had more pussy than the law allows and at this stage of our lives, an hour or 2 of having a beautiful woman in our arms is something that may not be possible in the real world but this is fantasy island right?
I would love to do a lunch-only date, but wouldn't be able to pre-book.

If you wrote on Monday and asked for a Wednesday lunch and I agreed, then Tuesday another hobbyist writes and asks for a lunch-time appointment on Wednesday, well, I would have to go with the second date as this is my bread-and-butter. (or move our lunch to tea time! LOL)

The range of figures mentioned sounds about right ($50 to $100) depending on:

Have I met you before? (lower rate because of comfort factor)
Is the restaurant close to my home? (lower rate because of stress-free drive)
Is the restaurant remarkable? (lower rate because .....YUM!)

It would have to be same-day with about 2 hours notice.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Like this base from another thread about showing up to a providers home unannounced and when she wasn't home....

So then according to your logic I guess all guys will think it's okay to just show up at a providers house when she isn't there, do some landscaping, bring gifts for the kids and basically claim his territory to any neighbors that may have seen huh?


Listen...hon...I'm not sure if the caffeine fairy paid you a few extra visits this morning or what. I was referring to myself, ME, as in "I" gave thosr rates and it seemed fair based on MY research of cuddling and social time. Not sure why you are so inclined to turn it into an issue but by all means, keep going. It looks great on you! Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Sorry you don't understand hon. No worries, I don't just help others, I Also help myself. If ya like all the hagglin', gettin' upset when gents run the rates, of maybe not a strong woman, but others not so strong, no worries. You're totally excluded....yes pls Negotiate with Hot Nurse, her biz, not mine or others who believe as I..

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Ladies if I may interject, this wasn't and isn't about negotiating rates. By no means am I a negotiator. I understand that I am paying for your time. If your time for cuddling and non BCD activities is the same as cuddling with BCD activities that's fine. As far as a man getting a woody from cuddling of course we would get a woody. The whole premise is that there are some men who can cuddle, get a woody and still not want nor expect anything else. This may apply more to the older and more mature crowd of hobbyist but we are out there.

Some younger hobbyist may call us desperate or stupid but there are guys out there who have had more pussy than the law allows and at this stage of our lives, an hour or 2 of having a beautiful woman in our arms is something that may not be possible in the real world but this is fantasy island right? Originally Posted by darkchoc6
You are 100% correct, kind sir. Our business , our rates, issues should not come to light here. My apologies.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Or how about this.. how about you mind your own business when it comes to what other ladies are willing to charge?

News flash. There are several 400/hr ladies in Dallas that are quite successful. They aren't on the boards complaining about what others do or how others handle their business. Why? Because they are too damned busy to have the time to trifle with what others do.
Sorry you don't understand hon. No worries, I don't just help others, I Also help myself. If ya like all the hagglin', gettin' upset when gents run the rates, of maybe not a strong woman, but others not so strong, no worries. You're totally excluded....yes pls Negotiate with Hot Nurse, her biz, not mine or others who believe as I..

.??? Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen

I'm sorry were you asking a question with "???"?

I don't believe I have a history of complaining about rates or hagglers, ma'am. My BCD rates are posted and comparable to other ladies in my niche market. Having gone to marketing school, I'm sure you already saw that.

This thread is about nonBCD rates which is hardly even a small fraction of overall hobby habits or spending so it really doesn't matter what I charge since no one is buying it. I'm sure they taught you that in your marketing class too.
bored@home's Avatar
Sort of slammed into a prison bus there for a minute...
To the ladies who have posted that they are willing to do this, let me ask this question:

What are your feelings on being treated to lunch/dinner after the BCD?

I have actually met a few providers before a BCD for lunch because it was a part of their screening process. It was Dutch Treat, and "off the clock." I still paid for it because I felt like it was the gentlemanly thing to do.

I have also treated ladies to lunch after a BCD, and on a separate day all "off the clock." I make sure they know and I know that there are no strings attached. I thinck this is in the similar category with the "Can Hobbyists and Providers Just Be Friends?" threads, or something like that.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Generally speaking-- as long as I have time in my schedule, I've gone to lunch many times after BCD. In fact, I prefer going to a meal post BCD as opposed to pre BCD.
I love dinner dates, because I enjoy dining. After BCD, food tastes simply delicious!
I love dinner dates, because I enjoy dining. After BCD, food tastes simply delicious! Originally Posted by Eva Damita

I guess this debunks the old wives tale of, "Don't eat right now, or you will spoil your dinner."

I've had both before and after experiences, and I agree with Miss Eva's statement.
melannie_star's Avatar
Ladies if I may interject, this wasn't and isn't about negotiating rates. By no means am I a negotiator. I understand that I am paying for your time. If your time for cuddling and non BCD activities is the same as cuddling with BCD activities that's fine. As far as a man getting a woody from cuddling of course we would get a woody. The whole premise is that there are some men who can cuddle, get a woody and still not want nor expect anything else. This may apply more to the older and more mature crowd of hobbyist but we are out there.

Some younger hobbyist may call us desperate or stupid but there are guys out there who have had more pussy than the law allows and at this stage of our lives, an hour or 2 of having a beautiful woman in our arms is something that may not be possible in the real world but this is fantasy island right? Originally Posted by darkchoc6

After further review.. you have actually given me a remarkable idea!!
I will include this in my profile and see how it works out.
Movie night dates-- no extra activities..just cuddling and watching a movie.
150 hr sounds reasonable to me

OTC dates have happened very seldom with me. It has to be a special occasion and some one who I have arrangements with
After further review.. you have actually given me a remarkable idea!!
I will include this in my profile and see how it works out.
Movie night dates-- no extra activities..just cuddling and watching a movie.
150 hr sounds reasonable to me

OTC dates have happened very seldom with me. It has to be a special occasion and some one who I have arrangements with Originally Posted by melannie_star
There is no way I could just cuddle with you with out trying something lol. I'm sure there are plenty of kids who were conceived because their mom was just "going over to watch a movie" I used to do that shit and put the worst movie ever into the VHS player (yes i said VHS). Shit was bound to pop off because the movie sucked haha. Oh high school I miss you sometimes!
After further review.. you have actually given me a remarkable idea!!
I will include this in my profile and see how it works out.
Movie night dates-- no extra activities..just cuddling and watching a movie.
150 hr sounds reasonable to me

OTC dates have happened very seldom with me. It has to be a special occasion and some one who I have arrangements with Originally Posted by melannie_star
I have "chick and a flick" affairs often, big fun!