
oilfieldscum's Avatar
The multiple over the top reviews with the same fucktards posting in them?

The wanna be white knights posting the same pics of a certain provider in multiple threads and using a provider's pics for their avatars?

Nah that's not too much hype.

Me thincks when it gets to that stage the provider or her management has had some hand in all that promoting.
A lot to be said for UTR's in this case !! Have a really nice one thanks to an eccie bud.. Originally Posted by silverstate53
You're welcome brother! I'm glad she's back.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
OFS all of the above sir....
I wait for a line to be crossed. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Me too...


Of all the things that may stop me from trying to see someone, "Too much Hype" isn't one of them, although I can understand how it might rub some guys the wrong way.

IMHO it makes the guys doing it look worse than the girl...I mean, how many ladies will turn down "free advertising"
drax1's Avatar
  • drax1
  • 02-11-2014, 07:35 PM
I just saw Gemini_Siamese_Seductress. She was the bomb. Four legs, two pussies and four titties. Totally ridiculous PSE. Will definitely repeat!!
I thought about putting a funny/silly response to this, but have decided to be honest in my own experience over the last two years of providing:

There have been times when I was flavor of the *insert time frame* to a specific market. While the hype was- and can be- exciting, it is a lot of pressure to perform at that level, and provide the same services as enthusiastically as I did with the person who put out my latest and greatest review.

During these times, I have to interact with an onslaught of "followers/bandwagon enthusiasts." This means that when a new person introduces themselves, they often say something like, "so I just read some hot reviews on you, and they say you do this, this, and this. I would love to come experience that for myself. When are you next available? And by the way, my package is *insert size here,* do you think you can handle it? Your reviews say that you do *such and such.*"


"I just saw an ISO looking for the best *insert activity* and you cum highly recommended. What's your HH rate?" (sorry, I don't offer HH)

Honestly guys, I don't get excited about dates that start with this type of introduction. Being approached like this is a turn-off. In the end it means I have to work twice as hard mentally to live up to what is written about me.

Along the "stalkerish" behavior lines, I have had a few really uncomfortable instances where a single person was talking me up so much that there was a perception that I had been seeing this person often (when the reality was that I only saw him once). He would literally call his hobby buddies on the phone and brag about our visit. He made it seem like we were best friends (and we weren't). Guys started calling me and saying things like "I talked to *insert stalker name.* He said since I knew him, that you would see me right away." I was infuriated. As an independent provider, I had to make it clear that my affiliation with Mr. Stalker was client/provider only, and that they needed to go through the screening process just like any other. Mr. Stalker said he was just trying to help me and my business. My response was "Thanks, but no thanks."

Don't get me wrong; I am grateful for those who give me props. They do help me to build my business and challenge me to always do my best to be consistent and bring my A-GAME to each encounter.

There are several directions that a lady can take when the spotlight is on her:

1. Money/lucrative amounts of business can make her take every appointment she is offered, but there is danger of burn-out, and the risk of rushing through screening.

2. Continue to handle business as usual with thorough screening/due diligence with every person that approaches you, and ultimately have enough energy to be as consistent as stated in reviews.

3. Something in between. See the law of supply and demand at work and use it her to her advantage. Perhaps a rate adjustment is justified to keep everything balanced and still appreciate the benefits of the hype.

It can be difficult to maintain a level head in this industry. It can be feast or famine. Ride the hype, but put some of it away for a rainy day is what I say. But personally, it has taken me two years to see the big picture. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
I recall you going through some of those cycles. You seemed to have always handled it well. To your great credit, although those hyping you claimed you were a flawless beauty in every possible way, you always advertised in way that guys wouldn't be disappointed when they met you.
Ym had one of the best hype men in the game, Sir Dorky 'N Gay.

His chivalry and bravery was unwaivering as he never hesitated to stand up and do battle to defend the fair maiden YM.

His sword and armor always shone bright as the sun as he was swift and courageous while he valiantly challenged all those who dared speak ill of the object of his undying devotion.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Ym had one of the best hype men in the game, Sir Dorky 'N Gay.

His chivalry and bravery was unwaivering as he never hesitated to stand up and do battle to defend the fair maiden YM.

His sword and armor always shone bright as the sun as he was swift and courageous while he valiantly challenged all those who dared speak ill of the object of his undying devotion. Originally Posted by coolaid

Mr. Goodkat: The reason I'm in town, in case you're wondering, is because of a Kansas City Shuffle.
Nick: What's a Kansas City Shuffle?
Mr. Goodkat: A Kansas City Shuffle is when everybody looks right, you go left.
Nick: Never heard of it.
Mr. Goodkat: It's not something people hear about. Falls on deaf ears mostly.
As far as reviews I believe every provider is ymmv and reviews are based solely on that individuals experience. I don't go in trying to outdo the last guy and my reviews are my experience with her solely. Most good providers are not robots so some of us will have better or worse experiences than others and there are many factors that go into it. Originally Posted by poppy71
Couldn't have said it better. YMMV all day. Learnt that one quickly.
Personally, I try to discourage all hype if possible. I guess I'm just weird that way.

If everyone were to find out how awesome I am, my pussy would be stretched to the point that I could flip it out and use it as a hat. Ain't nobody got time for that.
I need to find out just how amazing you are... I am still very intrigued ever since you reached out to me...ijs

Personally, I try to discourage all hype if possible. I guess I'm just weird that way.

If everyone were to find out how awesome I am, my pussy would be stretched to the point that I could flip it out and use it as a hat. Ain't nobody got time for that.
/s Originally Posted by Amelia Sterling
GenesisNicole's Avatar
I agree with Amelia and a round of applause for Marie's response.

When men contact me saying "I heard about you from...."

"I read all your awesome reviews..." Blah blah blah, yada yada yada.... It does make me cringe a bit.

Don't get me wrong. I love that I have been the object of affection (for the hour or so) for some, but it gets old after a while.

I'm not a robot or machine...I have mood swings and life in general affects me too.

I now tell those men... "Don't believe the hype".

Of course most just laugh and giggle as if I am making a joke. But I am dead serious.

I can't recreate the exact same date for you that I did for Joe Blow last week.

The energy isn't the same, nor the partner I am inviting into my personal space.

I will ALWAYS give the best of me that I can during a date, but I try to keep the bar extremely low so that the gent is not disappointed. (more like blown away, LOL j/k)

Fancyinheels's Avatar
I'll address this when someone starts using my boobs as an avatar or does a half dozen reviews touting me as the Gaelic Goddess of Seduction. Until then, I have no bone in this fight.