GOP Senator fathers child with daughter of another GOP Senator

You are missing the point in the same way that Whirly does.

Partisans like to point to the bad behavior of any member of the opposite political group as representative of most or all members of the opposition party. They are remarkably silent when the sleaze/crime is in their own party.

I used Menendez as an example because he is in the news right now and was already the subject of 2 threads in the last few days.

The exact seriousness and/or equivalence of the charges is an irrelevant distraction to the basic issue of the hypocrisy of a partisan's selective moral outrage at the other party while turning a blind eye to his own party. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I don't think so. When you look at the Republicans who have been accused of some type of sexual "malfeasance" they usually get kicked out of office fairly quickly. You wouldn't see an Anthony Weiner situation dragged out in the Republican party.

What are the Republicans supposed to do with this guy exNYer? He's retired. Clinton's exploits come to light when he was holding the office of the Governor of Arkansas or President of the United States.
I don't think so. When you look at the Republicans who have been accused of some type of sexual "malfeasance" they usually get kicked out of office fairly quickly. You wouldn't see an Anthony Weiner situation dragged out in the Republican party.
That's debatable. I don't think Anthony Weiner lasted very long in office. Not any longer than Larry Craig. And both had obvious evidence against them. Weiner had posts on Twitter and Craig got busted by the cops.

What are the Republicans supposed to do with this guy exNYer? He's retired. Clinton's exploits come to light when he was holding the office of the Governor of Arkansas or President of the United States.
I don't think anyone has to do anything with him. Like you said he is retired. But partisans who want us to draw inferences about Democrats because of Menendez need to remember the same thing can happen with the GOP and Domenici. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Then go look up the recent scandals and get back to me. Generally, in the recent decade or two, the Republican generally shun those who get caught AND they force them to resign. Larry Craig is the exception. He pled guilty to toe tapping which was a disorderly conduct charge and finished out his term. Weiner fought it tooth and nail for 3 weeks before he opted to resign AND got backing from the liberal media.

Lemme ask you this: if a Republican was caught doing what Barney Frank did, how long do you think s/he would be able to keep their office?

Oh, I agree situations can happen with candidates of either major party. Its how they handle them that is telling. Republicans usually force them out or marginalize them, in Clinton's cause its lauded. Same with Teddy Kennedy.

I have issues with Menendez. Back in the 2000s I mongered in foreign countries. The law he helped pass that made it a crime for a US citizen to have sex with underaged women on foreign soil was a threat to me and my crew - not that we were looking for underaged women. For the most part we went the the Zonas that have some type of regulations. BUT, it doesn't mean those people in Costa Rica, Mexico, Brazil, etc cant let someone slip thru. THAT meant we could be arrested. The reason we were going out of the US was to not break the US laws (and get good, cheap pussy).

The asshole got caught violating the law he himself passed. The other issue is he wanted to cut down on the sex tourism trade that he himself participated in. I don't blame him for wanting to partake of the LBFMs but don't make it harder for me, and don't do it under the guise of some lobbyist who is basically paying you off.
Hell, everyone knows Democrats have all the fun. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Apparently so.Take Obama for instance. Forbidden topic, CC while getting a blow job. Just ask Larry Sinclaire.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-20-2013, 10:24 PM
The asshole got caught violating the law he himself passed. The other issue is he wanted to cut down on the sex tourism trade that he himself participated in. Originally Posted by gnadfly
A perfectly valid reason to not like him. No argument there. But where is the outrage for the good Sen Vitter, or the long list of RWW bible thumping preachers who rake in the $$$ for preaching hell and damnation for the exact things they do themselves?

ALL folks like that--in both parties--should be considered the scum that they are. But, as ExNY says, both sides tend to only call out the people of the opposing political views. Seems to say neither party really believes what it preaches--or they at least don't believe it pertains to them.

Years ago there was a former well known legislator who was one of the more vocal moralist Thumpers around. If I recall right he made a number of speeches in favor of castration for any sex offenders, including consensual prostitution. I was in DC when he was on the local TV with just such a tirade, complete with a Thumper preacher nodding on camera.

That night I saw him at a fancy formal event that my ATF got me into (she ran in those circles). There is the legislator with a stunning beauty at his side for the night--a lady I was intimately familiar with since she was a colleague of my ATF's.

I didn’t begrudge the lawmaker being there with the lady, but it pissed me off given his speech that afternoon. I wouldn’t do it because of my ATF—and because it would hurt an innocent lady—but if cell phone cameras were around then I would love to have taken a photo and sent it to the press, complete with all the juicy details. Maybe even a copy of her reviews. No, I wouldn’t do it—but the thought would be there. I hate hypocritical bastards no matter which party they are in.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The difference twixt illegal and tacky. Over 30 years ago a GOP senator (Ronald Reagan was president and Bob Dole ran the GOP) had a one shot fling with a young woman. Last month Menendez flew to the Domincan Republic to have sex with underage girls for money. Former senator Domenici came clean when it was thought that someone may damage his reputation. Why? He's out of office. Menendez heads a committee on corruption, handles bills dealing with the brother of his bordello buddy, and is completely at the beck and call of Dr. Sleaze or else he can be outed. To someone of low intelligence this things are comparable??? Please...

If you mention Kennedy you have to mention the other piece of white bread; Christopher Dodd and the waitress sandwich.
If Menendez faced similar accusations in his home district, the local media would make him "prove" his innocence, or otherwise hound him out of office....but because the charges involve the DR, the media (and Democrats) will give Menendez a pass !

They will hide behind "innocent until proven guilty" on this issue because Menendez stepping down means a Senate seat switches to the GOP !

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-21-2013, 06:46 AM
I don't think most are saying all the examples are identical--but they are all examples of sleazy behavior that each party is willing to ignore for their own favorites. Just like almost everyone on this thread is doing.

And if you want to get into which is MORE morraly corrupt, my vote is for thr bible thumping preachers who scream that anyone else who does what they do will go to hell--and they collect millions for their hypocracy. Go to your bible and look up millstone--or are you being selective about your religeous ferver again. I don't hear your righeous anger directed there, do I?

I will tell you with complete confidence, Domenici could have stood on the plaza in Santa Fe and gunned down saint Theresa in front of thousands and he would still have been reelected by a landslide in NM. (By the way, I do not like Pete D as a person--his brother's pretty cool from the times I've met him--but Domenici was a good congressman, partially because he separated his personality from his politics, and partially because he is a mean SOB when he needs to be).
A perfectly valid reason to not like him. No argument there. But where is the outrage for the good Sen Vitter, or the long list of RWW bible thumping preachers who rake in the $$$ for preaching hell and damnation for the exact things they do themselves?

ALL folks like that--in both parties--should be considered the scum that they are. But, as ExNY says, both sides tend to only call out the people of the opposing political views. Seems to say neither party really believes what it preaches--or they at least don't believe it pertains to them. Originally Posted by Old-T
OK, what's a RWW? What do you consider a Bible thumper? I think Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart got what they deserved but I have no idea what their political orientation was. I know that Pat Robertson was (is?) a Republican. What shows are you watching? Saw some of the local and national debates, along with various interviews with a range of candidate on many news programs. Didn't see a single Bible. Or do you simply consider those who are anti-gay marriage and anti-abortion "bible thumpers?"

Didn't know about Vitter. Did his wife blame a "vast left wing conspiracy?"
OK, what's a RWW? What do you consider a Bible thumper? I think Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart got what they deserved but I have no idea what their political orientation was. I know that Pat Robertson was (is?) a Republican. What shows are you watching? Saw some of the local and national debates, along with various interviews with a range of candidate on many news programs. Didn't see a single Bible. Or do you simply consider those who are anti-gay marriage and anti-abortion "bible thumpers?"

Didn't know about Vitter. Did his wife blame a "vast left wing conspiracy?" Originally Posted by gnadfly
Look, trying to keep count as to which Political Party has the most sleaze bags in it is an exercize in futility. As we learn more about History, it becomes evident that powerful men use that power to get pussy. Wow, I'm shocked.

The big question here is still whether the female involved in this affair was indeed underage. And not by Dominican Law, but by US law.

I can't believe that even the most stouch Democrat Supporters would condone one of their own fucking an underage girl. Hell, even here on a major SHMB, we draw the line on that kind of behavior.
Come on, this is one time that you can not defend the indefensable.
JCM800's Avatar
people have such high regard for these politicians... why? .....just because you're an elected official doesn't mean you aren't corrupt, or scum, or a lying sack of shit.

......most, if not all of 'em are
TexTushHog's Avatar
People in both parties, and voters, would be well advised to quit worrying about the private lives of public servants and start worrying about their policies. We'd all be better off.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-21-2013, 05:25 PM

I can't believe that even the most stouch Democrat Supporters would condone one of their own fucking an underage girl. Hell, even here on a major SHMB, we draw the line on that kind of behavior.
Come on, this is one time that you can not defend the indefensable. Originally Posted by Jackie S
What people that respect the law want are facts that support this right wing blogs contention that he had sex with underage women.

Should someone on the left start a blog and post that Cruz had sex with an underage girl, I would afford him the same courtesy.

You do understand this accusation was made right before the election? That does not mean it is not correct but it damn sure smells fishy. Bring some evidence. That is WTF people on the left are asking for.
What people that respect the law want are facts that support this right wing blogs contention that he had sex with underage women.

Should someone on the left start a blog and post that Cruz had sex with an underage girl, I would afford him the same courtesy.

You do understand this accusation was made right before the election? That does not mean it is not correct but it damn sure smells fishy. Bring some evidence. That is WTF people on the left are asking for. Originally Posted by WTF
Well she needs to learn somewhere, why not from a politician, lol.
People in both parties, and voters, would be well advised to quit worrying about the private lives of public servants and start worrying about their policies. We'd all be better off. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
That may be true but you must admit that it is quite amusing. These guys are up in arms about the "possibility" that Senator Menendez "might" have spent BCD time with a young (not necessarily underage) "hooker" in a foreign country.

That does not even begin to speak to the irony of this being, for lack of a better term, a "hooker" board!