The booing during the "moment of unity" was quite telling.
It's great to have football back but all the race virtue signaling and back slapping during last nights Texan/Chiefs game was just nauseating. Every free moment there was some type of "end racism" message. The announcers stressed it (fuck Collingsworth), the NFL commercials stressed it, and they even showed messages on the players helmets and around the stadium.Don’t watch it and stop your whining. I’m sure the NFL will do fine without you racist bigots. It’s you that’s the problem together with that hate monger in the WH. He hates the NFL too after the owners blocked him buying a NFL team. They didn’t want him Or any of his criminal element in their group.
The average white fan is tired of being called a racist. It's like a few years ago when Ray Rice knocked his wife out, how everyone got tired of being called a "wife abuser." Bullshit. Ray Rice knocked his wife out, not me. I don't need to be reminded every 7 minutes how domestic abuse is wrong by Peyton Manning.
So what team is Colin Kapernick on? What are the demands other than "end systemic racism?" How is that going to be achieved?Let's start by looking at the boards of your advertisers. Please trot out the BoD of Apple and Google first.
About 25 years ago there was a tremendous push in corporate America for "Diversity." All types of programs where I worked. It mainly benefited white women and gays/lesbians. These programs should have matriculated up blacks and other minorities by now. What happend?
Why should the NFL care? Because a few criminals were killed by white cops and it was captured on camera? Are we going to stop the season every time there is a police shooting? It appears some are even reviewing shootings from months and years past.
Does anyone know that one biracial player recently signed a HALF A BILLION dollar contract? Don't get me wrong, I'm not crying for a bunch of rich white owners who conned local govts to build monstrously expensive stadiums to be used 10-12 times a year. I'm glad to see their team's value go down hundreds of millions of dollars.
I watch the NFL to be entertained, not to be lectured or sent on some guilt trip. Stop the crap and play ball. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Totally agree. If they had stood in unity to fight breast cancer, no one would’ve booed. Stand against racism and for equality, white folks boo. That says a lot I think. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
so all of these blacks were completely innocent, right? jacob black wasn't a suspect in a sexual assault? didn't violate a restraining order? wasn't suspected of car theft? didn't resist arrest?Nothing you’re asking has anything at all to do with white people booing at a football game where people people are standing United against racism.
is that your opinion? notice i'm not claiming it's your opinion, but i will ask you if it is. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
They want much more than just equality. They want special considerations, apologies, and revenge. Originally Posted by friendly fredWho is They? I’m sure football players would be satisfied with equality. They’re rich so revenge, special considerations and all the other Fox News Breitbart OANN foolery many of you are stuck on is likely nonexistent for them.