Police Device Used To Steal Your Cell Phone Data During Traffic Stop

JackJohnson's Avatar
Jack, you make me wet.


- Jackie Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
OK counselor, you win lol.

I know when I'm licked... or when you should be!

That's the best I got. Really... its 430 am... I shouldve beenin bed a long tmie ago... but I'm not.
Not to appear stupid but.................What difference does it make if LE does know who you called. It would be like arresting everyone that drove on Indep. Ave. Be spotted crusing the ave repeated times in a single hour and you better plan on being stopped. Tell them you are looking for Aunt Molly's house or whatever but everyone knows why your there. Unless there is a law against intent to commit paying for services. You have done nothing. Nobody but you knows if anything transpired out of the call besides talk. What difference does it make anyway??
Sometimes dealing with LE, as well as life in general...it is one big poker game...i.e. bluffing the person into making them think they know alot more info, when they only know a little bit of info. Playing the cards in such a way, that you can get the guy to start talking, and then really having him caught into a corner.

For example, in this case...LE sees 2 phone calls lasting 7 minutes to a telephone number that has been ID to a known provider and asks
what you have to say about that. I would say it was my ex-mother-in-law's old number...but it's a ploy to get you to start talking.

Sometimes you can win as much money with a pair of kings, as you would with a royal flush...it is what the other players think your holding, as much as what your actually holding
@big country

In addition to what VK has mentioned, if you check the article in depth or do a search for more information regarding these devices, deleted text messages, deleted visual voicemail, etc. - even data from applications within your phone that utilize the GPS feature . . . All of this can all be captured with these devices.


- Jackie
most patrolmen do not have this in every car and even if they did they would have to have a real suspicion as to why they need that info...Those items work great for major crime units but for this I really dont even think todays patrolman is gonna take his entire evening trying to download some random carstops info so he can see who you called unless hes concerned about the crime that was or is about to be committed....Especially in KC metro the officers there are so busy working other issues that unless a sting is being conducted I highly any of us will ever see this being used and if it becomes to heavy if not already the ACLU will get involved and other agencies.
As far as the Terry Frisk it is only used when an officer is wanting to pat you down for any weapons for his safety while conducting a stop or progressing to ultimately a car search. When a vehicle is searched only items in plain view can be confiscated ( so yes do not give consent) but all they have to do is if they feel you are hiding something is to get a warrant and then they can go into the glove compartment and trunk. If you give them consent they can get more indepth and go ahead and search all of that...if you dont consent and they want in.....they will get in..... unless a judge says no but thats rare!
So alot of what you all are saying is correct....Unfortunately Im so damn old I cant remember a damn thing about the law....lol
Bottom line is these devices dont scare me! I wont talk and I will lawyer up and try it in court....period the burden of proof is on them
LOL-LOL, A friend of EDS after not knowing that consent did not have to be given for searching friend's vehicle, so the friend gave it ...Ummm', the look on the Officer's face upon Officer pulling-out and holding-up cute fuzzy animal print plastic handcuffs with matching blindfold - UTTERLY PRICELESS! LOL-LOL!

malwoody's Avatar
BTW, I do not doubt a lot of local LEOs know nothing of this technology - but, I have personally witnessed two officers from two separate Agencies (here in KS and MO) use this exact product (both were patrol [beat] officers) and yes, although this technology has been around for quite some time, the automation, ease of use, portability and software that assembles "target" data is new(er).
- Jackie Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
This is a very good thread with a lot of thought provoking info.
I don't really expect you to address this & I suppose it's nobodys biz
but when you said you "personally witnessed" le using the technology
that has been discussed...I find that interesting. I wonder if ride alongs
are still allowed? if not I wonder just how you were able to witness said

With all due respect, I am not trying to create any controversy here, I'm just damm curious..that's all..
malwoody's Avatar
ss4699, oh, sorry - I mean "newtotown" (no one is buying the "I'm not from here name change", ss);

A) sarcasm has always been wasted on you; and,

B) if your experience has shown YOU that a female attorney is better than a male, great! Good luck with that, and I am glad it works for you! We look at it from two very different perspectives. IME the vast majority of the legal system is still very much the "old boys club" (even more than ECCIE - LMAO) and I want a man to navigate those waters, not someone that may be on the outside looking in due solely to gender bias . . . and,

C) did I ever say or imply that my statement would be anything other than respectful or appropriate? Projecting a little when it comes to "attitude" are you?? Yeah, I think so . .

If you're so giant of a pussy that you can't assert your rights and you think that phrasing it your way would be better and not entertained as anything other than a smart-ass "challenge", then by all means you go for it and report back with the results.

There is no disrespect in asserting your rights respectfully, there is no "challenge" to be made (that is the part you don't get) and frankly, saying it your way is what perpetuates "contempt of cop" because you're asking them a question which they won't answer and it isn't a statement to prevent any action they may desire to take - you're not asserting fact - they will run all over you . . . IME they have little respect for people that are passive-aggressive like you suggest . . .

Seriously, ss4699, take your meds. Working three jobs has got to take a toll, you need all the psychotropic assistance you can get . . . (and a spell-checker).

- Jackie Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin

Now that is ripping good stuff..
fantastic information, thank you!
This is a very good thread with a lot of thought provoking info.
I don't really expect you to address this & I suppose it's nobodys biz
but when you said you "personally witnessed" le using the technology
that has been discussed...I find that interesting. I wonder if ride alongs
are still allowed? if not I wonder just how you were able to witness said

With all due respect, I am not trying to create any controversy here, I'm just damm curious..that's all.. Originally Posted by malwoody

Not too long ago, while out on the Plaza after dinner with friends (one of whom is also an Escort), and while waiting for the car, we all witnessed a traffic stop in progress in the valet lane right in front of the Melting Pot (one of my favorite restaurants) and Plaza III. One of the gentlemen in the group was an attorney, and noticed the officer returning to the unmarked vehicle with a cell phone from one of the occupants of the vehicle that was pulled over . . . we stood and watched in plain view while the phone was cabled with a device eerily similar to the one described in the link in the OP. In fact, the attorney (a member of this board) who was with us was actually so disturbed by what he saw happening he attempted to ask the officer about it but was acutely rebuffed.

The other incident occurred during a traffic stop of two dancers I was following on 435 coming back from Topeka (this was in early August) - I stopped behind all of them (behind the cop - well far behind down the road) after they were pulled over, as I was following them to a location I was unfamiliar with. The KHP officer waved me up the shoulder as he wondered why the hell I had pulled over too, I explained that I was following the car he had pulled over, he said okay, and they corroborated that fact. He let me wait in my car behind his patrol car instead of flagging me on down the road and on my way, which was cool of him to do . . . He was given consent to search the vehicle he stopped by the driver of that car. He put them both out of their car standing near his front bumper and searched their car, returned to his car with their cell phones (which were in their car) and cabled up to them (it was plainly evident what he was doing). The process took less than a minute or two, then he exited his vehicle, handed them back their phones and a gave them a warning for speeding and then approached me and proceeded to ask me if he could take a look in my vehicle (my response promptly had him calling for back-up). But, I didn't get searched, I asserted my rights. I never did ask if the girls gave him permission to look at their phones . . . they very well may have, they're not the brightest bulbs illuminating the dance floor at the club they work (if you get my drift).

Maybe, because of my involvement in this endeavor (which heightens my sensitivity to privacy issues), I tend to pay close attention when things like this happen.

- Jackie
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I could understand if he asked to frisk you, but the vehicle request was ridiculous.
He was cute enough, I would have let him feel me up if he had wanted to frisk me - even though technically, I wasn't even being detained. What's really bizarre about that whole encounter is that the KHP officer let me sit there in my vehicle behind his own, he turned his back on me multiple (numerous) times, and he never had a care in the world or gave a second thought to want to search my person or the vehicle I was driving until AFTER he got the skinny (that they were dancers and one was also a part-time provider) on the two girls in the car he pulled over . . .


- Jackie
Hey Jackie
When are you gonna have your new website up and runnin?

Hey Jackie
When are you gonna have your new website up and runnin?

Thanks Originally Posted by bigdeal
LOL . . . I'm having new pictures taken tomorrow (Wednesday, October 12th), check back soon!


- Jackie
malwoody's Avatar
I'm not really surprised, I just don't get why they(le)think a traffic stop is probable cause to search but I don't doubt they do search. There are more & more ways to track these days. they are putting microchips in tires. There are all kinds of high tech ways to measure vibrations, features etc. Our drivers licenses & passports are trackable & on & on.. Homelnd security is building a complex that will rival the pentagon & most of it will be underground.

Thank goodness they have from time to time cracked down on dancers and escorts, otherwise I wouldn't feel safe at all...lol