Let's Have Some Fun

  • oeb11
  • 11-04-2021, 08:46 AM
OK - Let's have some Fun

rexdutchman's Avatar
Its the 70s again ,we're even paying opec Hmm and people though carter was bad , at least you could understand what peanuts boy was saying
Apparently reading comprehension isn’t a strong suit.

Thanks LM. Fun thread. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You have a problem with just PLAIN comprehension...
bambino's Avatar
This is so much fun.
I would like someone to list ONE good thing he has done for America.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Okay, I was just going to post this in another thread but decided to start one on my own because the same thread originators seem to always pollute the 1st page with links they believe are interesting to them because they wrongly assume that everyone else believes the same.

Okay, no links from me but just a simple civilized discussion (if that's even realistic in this forum).

I'll start. A lot of you people are pretty harsh about Biden without taking into account the fact that dinosaur hasn't even been in office for a year. I'm not sure what kind of jobs you guys have had, but it's pretty common for people to give people at least a year before you label them long term. I understand people want quick results but think how long it takes for a new president to settle in and make changes. It's human nature for people at any high ranking job to try to "put their stamp on it". Think about the ego you have to have to want to do that as the most powerful person in the world to do the same when you know most people want drastic changes from their former POTUS.

Now am I saying Biden will get things figured out? Fuck no, that's why I believe in ageism. He's too old to figure out jack shit just like Trump is IMO. What I am saying is that I am not going to call a president's term a complete failure when they haven't even been in office for 10 months because IMO, it's way too early to even grade his paper when he is not even a quarter of the way done with completing his test.

Anyway, this thread was not meant to flame. People are welcome to insult me if you like if it makes you feel better. But keep in mind I am neither liberal nor conservative. I just want someone in the big house not to fuck up my money so I can feed and put my little rascals through college and have a few bucks left over for me when I retire by 50 so I can stop being a corporate whore.

Oh, and I'm a corporate working bitch so if I check in sporadically throughout the day, it's because of that. It's not because I'm dodging anyone's posts... as a bonus, if your insults towards me make me laugh, I'll give you a like as always has been the case with me. I have to give credit where credit is due when that happens. Haha Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

the media was calling for Trump to be impeached before he was even sworn in. and you think people should wait at least a year to begin "grading Biden's term paper"?


Professor TWK grades Beavis Butthead Biden ...

Lucas McCain's Avatar
TWK, is there a curve for that test? LOL

oeb, when the fuck did I say I was ever insulted at work? You really have some creative imagination when you jump to silly conclusions that make absolutely no sense. I wish I was insulted at work. I would sue them for a hostile work environment and retire but I guess you have never heard of HR which is why that will never happen. LOL

Edit: TWK, your post below made me laugh. I got my like in before you could. You're slipping, homeboy.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
TWK, is there a curve for that test? LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain


but Biden's economic inflation has creeped into the classroom ..

OK - Let's have some Fun

Originally Posted by oeb11
... Crikey! ... Wouldja look at THAT!

... Me bludger-mate Yssup had a $10,000 wager
with the book that THIS cartoon would surely
make its way into this thread.

... And HE WAS CORRECT! $$$$$$

Congratulations, Yssup! Enjoy the Money!

#### Salty
Here's something "fun"...people were calling for Trump to not even take office, after he won the 2016 election...and hadn't even been inaugurated yet.


So don't give us this BS about calling someone a failure prematurely. What was good for the goose, is good for the gander.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
So don't give us this BS about calling someone a failure prematurely. What was good for the goose, is good for the gander. Originally Posted by SecretE
I guess that's why Trump got a second term. He was obviously a huge success... Oh wait, NVM. My bad. How is that for "fun"?

If it makes you feel better though, Biden won't be getting a second term either.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
H I M won
winn dixie's Avatar
H I M won Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Supreme leader knows of this! Shhh It makes Supreme Leader mad!
LM, the point is missed on the fact, yes the fact, that Biden has been a stupid fool his entire life.

Now he is just an old, stupid, inept corrupt piece of shit.

Sorry if that offends people. The truth needs to be told about the entire Biden Clan’s corrupt enterprises.

As far as I am concerned, Biden can go straight to hell.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-05-2021, 05:38 AM
Its the 70s again ,we're even paying opec Hmm and people though carter was bad , at least you could understand what peanuts boy was saying Originally Posted by rexdutchman
We're paying OPEC?