Our leftwing valued posters on here are in the minority and it just get smaller everyday!!

Lucas McCain's Avatar
I am certainly no conservative, and I am certainly no liberal. Let's be honest though, the right-wing dinosaurs in this forum have their circle jerk crew. You guys piggyback off each other because you are too weak and simple to stand alone without help from your boyfriends. I don't see that with the left-wing crowd. They tend to just ride solo, and they carry their own water because they don't need help.

That is just my observation and feel free to slam away if the truth offends you because I could not give a flying fuck less. But hey, sometimes reading the truth hurts. You old goofy Trumpette blouses will still be okay in the short run.

The good thing is that you dinosaurs represent just a minority sample size of this country so enjoy your circle jerk on a whore board while knowing your archaic way of thinking matters not. LOL
Go back to your last 40 threads topics...TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP.
You still haven't debunked to topic of the thread
The American people have every right to be feed up clowns destroying the country, but to you is some type of "derangement."
You like the rest of the left can admit the REALITY of the disaster we are experiencing. None of the posts of yours or the other leftwing poster on here disproved this!!
Now get back to your DEFLECTION...
I am certainly no conservative, and I am certainly no liberal. Let's be honest though, the right-wing dinosaurs in this forum have their circle jerk crew. You guys piggyback off each other because you are too weak and simple to stand alone without help from your boyfriends. I don't see that with the left-wing crowd. They tend to just ride solo, and they carry their own water.

That is just my observation and feel free to slam away if the truth offends you because I could not give a flying fuck less. But hey, sometimes reading the truth hurts. You old goofy blouses will be okay. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I can see reading the truth here hurts you or you wouldn't have responded.
You say "I'm no conservative I'm no liberal" you must be a middle of the roader...they get runover!! You're too transparent...you're not fooling anyone. If you can't see what is happing in the country you must be living in another world.
I don't give a shit about you either, the problem is you or no one else can debunk the disastrous state America is in right now other than the natural deflection from the topic of the thread like the other leftwingers. Does the truth trigger you often??
And what does this tripe you're spewing have to do with addressing the topic...NADA AS ALWAYS.
VitaMan's Avatar
Go back to your last 40 threads topics...TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP.
You still haven't debunked to topic of the thread
The American people have every right to be feed up clowns destroying the country, but to you is some type of "derangement."
You like the rest of the left can admit the REALITY of the disaster we are experiencing. None of the posts of yours or the other leftwing poster on here disproved this!!
Now get back to your DEFLECTION... Originally Posted by bb1961
My last 40 topics have not been Trump. If you paid attention you would know this.

What is this ? Aboutism...some general double speak...a joke ?

You want a response debunking a poll, which is supposedly the thread topic ? Or what ?

Your BDS is so bad you can't frame an argument clearly.
My last 40 topics have not been Trump. If you paid attention you would know this.

What is this ? Aboutism...some general double speak...a joke ?

You want a response debunking a poll, which is supposedly the thread topic ? Or what ?

Your BDS is so bad you can't frame an argument clearly. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Brandon fucking Americans and in your mind that is bashing...some sick shit there.
Again you hijacking my thread...YOU DON'T HAVE A COUNTER ARGUMENT PERIOD!!
Back to your incessant Trump threads like 2000 mules...you love beating dead horses!!
You haven't addressed the topic of this thread YET and you won't!!
VitaMan's Avatar
I guess your topic is asking to debunk a poll.
No I'm just stating facts that libtards can't handle so instead of admitting that brandon is hell bent on destroying America the leftwing responds are complete deflection and hijacking as you have proven.
Thanks for the confirmation...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And THATS why the OP is on ignore.

Rage whining no attacking others is NOT a topic for discussion, it’s a challenge for a fight.

Not cool.

Angry Man on Ignore.
... Too right, Yssup. ... I surely agree with you.
Rage whining and insults to others surely seem like a
challenge to a fight and uncool.

But I'm not gonna put Lucas on ignore for him doing that.
I believe that we all sh--- Oh, didja mean bb1961?
Sorry, thought you were referring to Lucas there.
With HIS insults and what-not.

But let's all strive for better form here, mates.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
Well spoken

The radical right wing posters just lost another. They just don't seem capable of self control, and issue many insults, rude comments, harassment, and everything else mentioned not to do by the rules of this forum.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Facts are one thing

But much like when Trump was President-- I don't take polls seriously. Polls are, in and of themselves, collections of opinions. I can ask 100 of the "right people" any question and get the exact data I want.

Now-- if we want to talk about facts like inflation, unemployment, the market, consumer spending... those are numbers that are "hard data". Those are numbers worth discussion. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

And that "hard data" is bad and you would assume that no matter who you asked, they will have a negative opinion on where we are heading as a country on those issues. So whether Biden is at 45% or 35% in the polls, he and the Democrats on the economy, crime and education are under water.

That's really all you need to know, we just don't know yet how all this will be reflected in the mid-terms

Will abortion and guns be a more powerful pull to the ballot or will the economy, crime and education win the day for Republicans? What do you think Grace? What is your best guess?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Would love to see the Republicans run on education.
You're going to see the Republicans running on stopping the left from futher destroying the country and it looks like the voters are going to vote just that way.
Whether you like it or not the VAST majority of Americans don't like what libtard policy's are doing to their lives. The red wave in November is going to be historic.
Well spoken

The radical right wing posters just lost another. They just don't seem capable of self control, and issue many insults, rude comments, harassment, and everything else mentioned not to do by the rules of this forum. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Hmm, you were just called out on one of your threads that maybe you should step away from the forum if you can’t take the heat of other members pointing out you less that truthful assurations...
Grace Preston's Avatar
I don't see a historic red wave coming. I can possibly see the Senate flipping back to red.. but I don't see the House flipping-- sorry guys, I just don't.

Here's the thing--- the problem with the way some Republicans are choosing to run-- is that they are focused on "Running against AOC" or "Running against Biden".... rather than running against their actual opponent in their race.. and none of em are telling people what they WILL do rather than what they want the other side to stop doing.

I'll vote for the person who tells me exactly what they will do over someone who continually points at "that other guy" every time (assuming their plans line up with my beliefs, of course).

Too many people on both sides are too busy running against "that other guy" to tell me WTF they plan on doing for the country. We don't need any more AOC's or MTG's--- too much talk and not enough actual work being done for their constituents.