Serves him right...

Apparently you've authored a thread that brings out the, ahem, best in you and your pals.

Hope you feel good about that. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's called irony, DSOY. Look it up...
rioseco's Avatar
We're getting close to a real, meaningful. Ice amen for you, IF... Your continued ignorant, irrelevant and childish outbursts are sealing it, IF! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
If it irritates your tired ass, then I feel as I am going the right direction.
Yeah you,Fuck face !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Naw, Bubba. This is really only about you being an asshole.

I would never wish you ill. Or anybody else, especially the fucking president.

Very classy, "DSOY!"
Naw, Bubba. This is really only about you being an asshole.

I would never wish you ill. Or anybody else, especially the fucking president.

Very classy, "DSOY!" Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Show me where I wished him ill, you little fucktard...SHOW IT!!!!!!!

Here's a little tutoring for you, DSOY, in case your wet nurse isn't around to read to you. Irony, as in, it's ironic that this narcissistic moron, who gives those of us who love this country heartburn every day with his fundamental change bullshit, actually has heartburn himself. Musta been eating some of Moochelle's school lunch menu...

Poor Lil Assup, he's only upset because he can't get a free CT scan like POTUS did, due to his shitty health plan under O'BlunderCare. (Of course, I addressed the cause of his sore throat earlier in this thread...)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Show me where I accused you of wishing him ill, you fucking idiot.

Did you or did you not author this thread, in which your fellow idiots did?
Keep talking, Bubba. You sink lower with each post, each insult, each epithet. You started yet another ignorant hillbilly lynch mob.

Now you can tell all your pals down at the Mensa hall!

What an asshole...
Show me where I accused you of wishing him ill, you fucking idiot.

"I would never wish you ill. Or anybody else, especially the fucking president."

It's called implication, dickhead. Here, I'll save your wet nurse some time looking it up for you:

- verb (used with object), implied, implying, implication.
1. to indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated

You did the implying, Assup, not me. I simply posted a news story. Not surprisingly, the irony went over your head.

Did you or did you not author this thread, in which your fellow idiots did?
Keep talking, Bubba. You sink lower with each post, each insult, each epithet. That's rich, coming from the queen of moronic insults and epithets. You started yet another ignorant hillbilly lynch mob.

Now you can tell all your pals down at the Mensa hall! No, they have less personality than even you do.

What an asshole... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Back to my self-imposed hiatus. Still no point in getting on here because every thread is hijacked by little dicked, no sense of humor pricks like you who hide behind their keyboard waiting for the next person to say something about your dear leader so you can jump to his rescue with your bomb throwing idiocy. I thought I might come on here and have a little laugh, but unfortunately you're still here. (And, no, I'm not wishing you were ill...not out loud, at least.) Your sole purpose in life seems to be making everyone else as miserable as you are.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass, Bubba.

Tell everyone at your Mensa meeting you showed your ass on a hooker board and got it handed to you.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
With apologies to Winston Churchill, "The President is sick? Nothing trivial, I hope."
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Did he choke on a pepper?
"Obama, complaining of sore throat, diagnosed with acid reflux"

I throw up every just about every time I see him. Payback is a bitch... Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
You throwing up each time you see him will result in acid reflux.
LexusLover's Avatar
Did he choke on a pepper? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
No. He asked "What the fuck is a "choke-hold""?

And Biden .... gave him a demo!