Workouts not working!

  • mwise
  • 07-18-2016, 07:42 AM
But you do have to eat enough and often during the day or your metabolism will slow down. Originally Posted by Hogfan69
Actually this is old and outdated. New research shows that your body doesn't actually slow down or go into starvation mode for awhile. Many people are losing weight with and like any diet, its not for everyone, but it is a viable option. Its actually away of life for many.

I agree with most everyone else though, look at your calories! Once you get down to the last 15-20lbs, diet becomes Crucial! Number of calories is the most important thing to watch, but a cleaner diet will net better results faster...

I also agree with the muscle burns fat, so build it and it will go away instead of come! LOL

One more tidbit, don't rely solely upon the scale! You have to either study yourself in the mirror or measure yourself at the waste, thighs, arms etc...
A belt worn daily can be a good indicator as well...

How much sleep are you getting each night?
bladtinzu's Avatar
Sounds like a solid plan but I don't know much about P90X. My uninformed impression is that it might be a little too hard on the joints and back for an old geezer such as myself. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
90X isn't bad but if you have joint issues it is not for you. Weight loss is one thing. getting bulked is another. Cut out all processed foods and carbs. Processed food is junk. This means a lot of veggies and fruits. Space it out to 6 small meals a day vs 3 regular meals. This and your treadmill should work together nicely.

And if you want to shed the pounds and bulk.. Somatotropin stacked with an 8 week cycle of Deca works great. Just avoid the Chinese manufactured brands. Ones from Israel and Turkey are safer and work better.
I have been trying very hard to lose weight since the first of the year, and I did - around 40 lbs, which I have kept off so far. Unfortunately I have more left to lose, and I've been exercising and trying to eat a very low carb diet except for the occasional cheat day, but my loss has slowed to approximately zero. For exercise, I have been using my elliptical at max incline, max resistance and lifting weights (a few basic exercises targeting large muscle groups) 2-3 times per week. I think I will keep the weights up but looking for something better than the elliptical - I can easily go 45 minutes on it (again, max incline / max resistance) and not even be very winded. I'm positive I could go for an hour+ if boredom didn't set in first. Seems like it is no longer a very efficient use of my exercise time. So, what to replace it with? I need something more intense, apparently, but the reason I like the elliptical is that it's low impact (or really no impact), so easy on the back and knees, both of which I've had problems with in the past. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
Try this routine - seems to work for this gent! lol

DO what she is doing
or whatever she is doing!!!!!