Stripper age limit

I like lolahhhhh she sounds funnn!!! Originally Posted by Awesome41

Thanks guys ;*

I'm a cum dumpster and I'm proud of it! Lol
Was in Houston last week, they can still dance from 18 to 20. Somehow a drink showed up on the table for her, of course she downed it. 10 minutes later she was fired, dressed and out the door.

If I can defend my country at 18 I should be able to buy a beer, if she can have a baby at 18 she should be able to support her baby dancing.......ijs. Speaking of which, time for a glass of wine. Originally Posted by holmes50
You are trying to express logical and sensible thinking. You know "they" have no place for that.
Are you an escort? Or a client? Or...neither?
Ever woman becomes a provider for different reasons, and I know plenty of us don't do it out of desperation. Please don't lump all of us in to the same category. Originally Posted by KatiforYou

TRUTH! ...less than 10 minutes later! Excellent work by KaitforYou(me)!
  • MrGiz
  • 08-11-2016, 08:54 PM
When I first noticed this Thread Title... I figured it would be about "How Olde" can a stripper be appreciated????

How many guys here would object to a Julinka* Lap Dance???? * Not Me!!
She easily, continues to blow away any* teenager I have EVER fucked!!

Don't get me wrong. . . I DO appreciate extraordinarily fine, young, slutty, horny, and "available", (legal) teenagers, too!!

But give me a Julinka , Nikki Tylor, or SknyDiva first. ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!!
I started at 21 but I know quite a few as a matter of fact a very popular stripper turn artist from Houston started at Abt 16..😳😳😳
Are you an escort? Or a client? Or...neither?
Ever woman becomes a provider for different reasons, and I know plenty of us don't do it out of desperation. Please don't lump all of us in to the same category. Originally Posted by KatiforYou

If you don't mind me asking what are some other reasons ladies would decide to be providers? Myself, I can't think of any other reason. If the lady just liked to have sex she would most likely have a preference in who she had sex with. Having sex with whoever shows up doesn't seem to be the ideal situation to me. However, I'm never in doubt, but not always right. Thanks
KatiforYou's Avatar
If you don't mind me asking what are some other reasons ladies would decide to be providers? Myself, I can't think of any other reason. If the lady just liked to have sex she would most likely have a preference in who she had sex with. Having sex with whoever shows up doesn't seem to be the ideal situation to me. However, I'm never in doubt, but not always right. Thanks Originally Posted by Scratchynuts
I like sex but I don't like going to bars (I don't drink) and like the gents, I want sex without commitments. Ever have sex with a stranger and then they text or call for days afterwards?
It's not always, for me, just about the sex. I miss the companionship of another adult, and with some of my gents I'm able to get that...along with sex!
Money has to be a little involved here. You are not with men without pay? Pretty near everyone likes sex. Sex with the right person. None of us here are the right person or you would have sex with him for free. You tolerate us touching you and Iif makes sense the more you know a dude the more tolerable his touch becomes. But still not desired touch. People become doctors with knowing their salaries are pretty damned good. Prostitutes are stigmatized, give up any hope of a normal life, have to have large secrets from family or others, have to deal with creepy dudes texting for days even though they paid for the sex, and other undesirable effects like risk of jail. Women do this because usually because they see no other way to make this amount of money. I appreciate your response but believe money has to motivate you in some form or fashion or you would be fucking for free. Where else can you make $300 an hour?
KatiforYou's Avatar
Money has to be a little involved here. You are not with men without pay? Pretty near everyone likes sex. Sex with the right person. None of us here are the right person or you would have sex with him for free. You tolerate us touching you and Iif makes sense the more you know a dude the more tolerable his touch becomes. But still not desired touch. People become doctors with knowing their salaries are pretty damned good. Prostitutes are stigmatized, give up any hope of a normal life, have to have large secrets from family or others, have to deal with creepy dudes texting for days even though they paid for the sex, and other undesirable effects like risk of jail. Women do this because usually because they see no other way to make this amount of money. I appreciate your response but believe money has to motivate you in some form or fashion or you would be fucking for free. Where else can you make $300 an hour? Originally Posted by Boudin3112
I dunno, this doesn't pay my bills. I couldn't imagine working so much that it did. The money's nice but seriously?
For some reason you seem to think we work every day and get appointments every day to add up to the amount of money you think would motivate me to do this...

My original point was, everyone has different reasons, and we don't all do it out of desperation. That was all.
  • MrGiz
  • 08-15-2016, 05:55 PM
Escort Work... Hooking... Call Girl... Internet Prostitute... whatever name you want to put on independent women, operating their own business. . .

It's a JOB. . . a rather well paying JOB!!

What is so difficult to understand about that???