Rangers vs Blue Jays. Lets get ready to RUMBLE!!!

aubie79's Avatar
Hopefully we'll see Darvish's career performance tomorrow.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Paingers 1 Toronto 10 (got that one in the bottom of the ninth)
Bautista goes deep to left, Paingers watch.
Game 5 people, forget it.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Hopefully we'll see Darvish's career performance tomorrow. Originally Posted by aubie79
we may have to, frankly.. Haap pitches for Toronto, he was 20-4 this season, with one of the lowest E.R.A.'s in the league.. I feel like the Rangers will step it up and win today.. I'm going to the game, so I'm sure there's some wishful thinking in that assessment..
  • mdub
  • 10-07-2016, 08:10 AM
Rangers want a new stadium paid for by Alrington voters yet with the best record in AL they may get knocked out in 1st series. They are not making a strong case for people to vote yes.
Tx Noob's Avatar
Don't forget to take your umbrella, Chung. Then again, a small outboard might be needed as well.
Let's get ready to rumble? More like lets her ready to bumble and stumble for the Rangers. The Rangers two aces have two of the worst starts in their entire careers , what the fuck.
Anyone on here enjoy betting sports?
Anyone on here enjoy betting sports? Originally Posted by dentondude4
Anyone on here enjoy masturbating with a cheese grater?

I've gone around the block and back again. Thankfully I learned enough to stop before I lost my life savings. I decided to spend my money on something that gives me more pleasure, HOBBYING.

Why what are looking for? I'm sure there must be many popular blogging websites for sports gambling.

In the U.S. NFL football is by far the most popular team sport to bet on and also the most difficult to win at consistently. You only have look at the games in the last two weeks to understand why. Easy field goals missed, referees blowing pass
interference calls, etc. etc. etc.

Are you thinking about betting on the World Series? The Indians were never expected to be in it. That's why they call it gambling.
I love gambling and was seeing if anyone else loved it as much as I do. I know a good bookie.
Chung Tran's Avatar
the Indians were in control tonight.. great pitching, Chicago is a better team on paper, but I'm taking Cleveland to take the Series.
I hope the Indians crush Chicago....and, if possible, in embarrassing fashion, at that. A four game sweep (all shut outs, too) would be awesome.

Any fan base that can (and did) viciously turn on one of their own (as they did to Steve Bartman 13 years ago) deserves to wallow in misery another century or so. Ridicule and humiliation, death threats, invasion of privacy, etc....we all know the story as to how this man was crucified for doing nothing more than what baseball fans have been doing for decades (ie: when a fly ball is hit their way).

The media kindled the frenzy....and the fans, looking for someone to blame (other than the players on the field).....ran with it.

While I have no ill toward Joe Madden and the Cubs players, I hope the Chicago fan base is the recipient of a major-league nut punch.
I love gambling and was seeing if anyone else loved it as much as I do. I know a good bookie. Originally Posted by dentondude4
Sports gambling is really no different than casino games, in that you need to have a reasonable predetermined stop loss limit that is within your budget, and never ever never exceed that limit. If you exceed that limit your emotions take over and your decisions get worse and worse. Before you know it your betting on the Rangers to beat the Blue Jays.
The Ranger's assistant GM Thad Levine, is leaving to become the GM for the Twins.