Sadie Hawkins--what a concept

Chevalier's Avatar
Remember Cathy, the provider who ONLY booked through her own initiations?

She would PM gentlemen she thought she would enjoy being with.

She took the Sadie Hawkins Day theme and ran with it. I haven't heard of anyone else scheduling exclusively through contacting the gentlemen first. Originally Posted by HoneyRose
A clarification. I suspect that, although Cathy would take the initiative to contact gentlemen, she did not (always?) explicitly suggest an appointment. Sort of like what Lana describes. That may have occasionally caused some confusion -- guys who read that "you don't pick Cathy, she picks you," assumed the come-on would be more direct, and as a result mis-interpreted PMs as normal friendly banter rather than an implied invitation to come see her. Or maybe such clueless, oblivious guys are few and far between.

Most ladies are disinclined to do this sort of thing often, perhaps because of the fear of rejection. There are no guarantees that a guy who piqued her interest will also be interested in her, or may just not have the time and budget or inclination to play. Not to mention that it's difficult for a lady to determine whether she really would enjoy time with a particular guy. I'd guess that it's harder for the ladies to gauge that than for the guys. A guy's posts may not be a reliable guide, because many of us are different in person than through the computer. (Not me, though; I really am an antisocial, unpleasant, opinionated curmudgeon.) And as far as what other ladies may have said (how much gossiping about us do you ladies do, anyway? ), surely WALDT and CASG apply at least as much in that regard as the other way around, n'est ce pas? There are some ladies who enjoy my company (God knows why, but I'm thankful) and other ladies to whom I'm Just Another Client or fungible wallet. I still recall one time that a ladyfriend gave me a glowing reference, but the lady to whom she gave the reference didn't really click with me; after I left, she must have been shaking her head and wondering about that reference.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
You mean Cathy PMing me was a come-on? Shit. I guess failure to figurethings out may be one reason I could never get laid outside the hobby.

Anyway, it's occurred to me, being the prototypical PL, that, strictly speaking as a business matter, it might be a lot more likely to work with previous clients for whom hobbying is a necessity rather than an option or a luxury, the guys can't get companionship at home or elsewhere, who are decent clients but who wouldn't be at the top of a lady's call-him-when-I'm-horny list. IMHO, making a guy feel like he's being sought, even if it is just for business, is likely to bring him back to you next time he has a few extra dollars in his wallet and might be thinking about trying some strange.
Chevalier's Avatar
A further thought.

Three basic categories occur to me of reasons that a lady might want to see a particular guy:
  1. He's a good client. (Polite, respectful, doesn't haggle, good hygiene, enough money to play frequently, perhaps he tips, reliable, doesn't no-show or cancel on short notice, etc.)
  2. She enjoys his personality. (Which mostly affects how much she would enjoy interacting with him before or after the sweaty fun stuff.)
  3. She is attracted to him sexually. (The "call him when I'm horny" list? )
I suspect categories 1 and 2 are much more common than 3, particularly since the latter would be by far the hardest to assess for a guy she's never met before. I can usually qualify under #1, and for some ladies under #2. (I know it sounds odd, but WALDT/CASG.) Number 3? Most ladies I see don't have to suppress nausea at the thought of sex with me, but neither do they have erotic dreams about me. But as long as we have a good time together, I don't mind that it's Matthew McConaughey that she dreams about. Just don't shout out his name at the climactic moment.
AgoodMess's Avatar
Remember Cathy, the provider who ONLY booked through her own initiations?

She would PM gentlemen she thought she would enjoy being with. Originally Posted by HoneyRose
I remember exchanging PM's with Cathy, and even chatting online in those ASPD rooms late at nights. I know she liked to stay UTR, but not that that was her ONLY method of booking. Guess I'm dumb enough to miss all the subtle cues, if there ever was any. But she was a wonderful lady to talk to, I wish her all the best, wherever she is.

Ladies, if you send me a PM, please don't be subtle!

Sire Lancehernot: agree with you, we should've treated those PM's differently
FYI, Cathy is still alive and sending PMs
Ok.. I will await the day when I hear from a provider first knowing that she either found me charming or heard good things. But alas I will not hold my breath.
tsrv4me's Avatar
I would enjoy getting a PM from a provider ..even if it just said HI Tom ....saw your post on (whatever) and thought it was great ....or You suck ...which I do with a nice provider .LOL oops that wasnt quite what I meant .....I have had several really great conversations over the last year with a few ladies that dropped a PM to me ....and have also met a couple of them ...Very nice ladies I must admit ....but
If I had to meet a provider by way of PMs I would be really be in Trouble I think .and my EGO shattered ....but if any of you want to send a PM please feel free to do so .....
Randall Creed's Avatar
A few of my sessions have originated from the other side. Few being about a half dozen. They were lucky. Their timing was good.