"Call me when you're on your way." Nope! Uh uh..No way!

ANONONE's Avatar
Hmmmm. . .sounds like somebody that knows the details and can translate it to idiots like me needs to do a thread on how to use Google voice on your existing cell phone. i would love to be able to get rid of this hobby phone.
Adonis's Avatar

There are a couple of videos there. The most important thing for us would be using a "hobby" e-mail account for signing up.
I think if you can find a pay phone your lucky. I do think it is a good idea to get a throw away phone. I do like when a guy calls so i know how long i have to get ready. I makes it easier for both partys in this matter. well i hope you can find out how to work out your problem.

Hopefully it works, as smooth as, having a real, hobby cell phone.
Do to the fact, you never know, when I may need, to call it back.
I usually just want an email confirmation the morning of or the night before. But I don't give my apartment number out until you're in the area tho, so at least one phone call is neccesary before showing up. It doesnt make a difference to me though if its from a pay phone.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Not even a couple weeks ago in a mall I heard some teenagers/college kids talking about 'jailbreaking' a phone. I asked them what they were talking about (guess I'm not too old of a geezer that they actually talked to me...lol). From what I gathered, you can take, say an iPhone, download some codes into and use it to disguise your phone to other callers, among other things. Sounded a bit freakish, and even far fetched. Anyone heard of this before??
Captain Caveman's Avatar
I have heard of it in regards to letting the iPhone run other apps besides the Apple proprietary ones, but I hadn't heard of jailbreaking other phones to disguise it.
JohnJohn's Avatar
Jailbreaking is most commonly referred to as using the Iphone with whatever carrier you want to. I dislike AT&T and want to use an Iphone so I "jailbreak" the phone to use the carrier I want to. It's like buying an unlocked phone. You use the phone you want and AT&T never gets a dime from you.

I guess the definition of "jailbreaking" is evolving to more than one meaning. There are "How To..." instructions on the net so you can just do-it-yourself.
Jailbreaking is most commonly referred to as using the Iphone with whatever carrier you want to. I dislike AT&T and want to use an Iphone so I "jailbreak" the phone to use the carrier I want to. It's like buying an unlocked phone. You use the phone you want and AT&T never gets a dime from you.

I guess the definition of "jailbreaking" is evolving to more than one meaning. There are "How To..." instructions on the net so you can just do-it-yourself. Originally Posted by JohnJohn
Thank for explaining this.
I was beginning to think, the pay phone, may be a better solution, than someone Jailbreaking my phone.
Hey, but Jailbreaking ain't so bad.
So I will be allowing pay phone usage.
No calls from pay phones. Nope..uh-uh, no way. Period.

Pay phones are the tool of rip-offs and rapists.

I have been stood up in the past by gents that call from office phones, got close and called for the final directions from a pay phone, and never showed up.

Nope, no way. Learned my lesson. H
With all the stuff out there these days it's to the point it doesn't too much matter anymore. All somebody has to do is use caller ID spoofing. I can call guy A and make it look like I'm calling from library etc. I can even call provider A and make it sound like I am a guy.

All the crazy stuff folks create these days, no wonder it's a criminal's dynasty. And no wonder we screen our asses off.