What is your favorite post-sex, adult beverage?

bored@home's Avatar
Fresh squeezed orphan tears
berkleigh's Avatar
IBnorthof Dallas's Avatar
Royal Crown Soda - Straight, on the rocks
johnniewalkerblack's Avatar
Ummm....Johnnie Walker Black, On the Rocks. What else would I be drinking with this handle.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Duh, beer! The same as the favorite pre-sex beverage.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I like a cold water. Nothing better
Ice cold water! So refreshing!
micktoz's Avatar
Ice cold water and a great meal. I'm always thirsty and hungry after a wonderful aerobic sex session.
Some good water then a good hoppy IPA!
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Good champagne. Berkleigh nailed it.
I favor dark Caribbean rum. Appleton and Mount Gay are both great.