Why Only Do Democrats Openly Wish Death and Misfortune on Republicans? How Come Republicans Don't Openly Wish Death and Misfortune On Democrats?

... You DO have a point about this, HoHound.

But we also need to include the minions of the Liberal news media
into the equation. As THEY are the Democrat Cheerleaders.
Most of the Democrat "attacks" against Trump are due to FRUSTRATION.
Because they can't seem to beat Him. ... And they surely know it.

#### Salty
txdot-guy's Avatar
This post has already triggered 3 Democrats on this forum.
Here are 25 more Democrats that made comments such as "I wish the shooter hadn't missed." Libs of Tik Tok is exposing them and many are losing their job.

Type "libs of tiktok meet" in the twitter search bar to pull up Democrat vitriol towards Trump.

I'm still waiting for an example of a Republican wishing death to a Democrat.

Why can't Democrats just own up to this? The first step in solving a problem is to admit you have one. But instead, they attack me for exposing this. Originally Posted by HoHound
Maybe republicans should start wondering why they are voting for a douche bag who pisses off so many people that someone tried to assassinate him.

The reason democrats don’t own up to this obviously bogus narrative is that there are roughly 84 million people who voted democratic in 2020. You got what, 25 people you claim “only wish death and misfortune on republicans”. That’s not even enough for a statistical poll.

But the most telling point is that you mentioned triggering Democrats. Which is the entire point of this thread.

Maybe the question should be why are there people on this forum who only care about “triggering“ the opposition. That’s not political it’s just mean.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Secret Service Arrests Florida Man Threatening to Kill Joe Biden

Billings man charged with making threats to kill U.S. Sen. Jon Tester, threats against President Joe Biden

Utah man killed after threats against Biden believed government was corrupt and overreaching

Wichita man who threatened to kill President Biden sentenced to 21 months in jail

I could go on. Republicans threaten the President daily.
Nicely done tx-dot. The idea that "Republicans don't act this way" is just more of the typical deflection and misrepresentation. The Democrats as a group do not act this way. Sure, a small number of them do. So do a small number of Republicans. But the average person wants nothing to do with violence. It doesn't matter which party they belong to.

Just like a shit ton of Democrats believe in the 10 Commandments. Implying that only Republicans do is just another way of trying to cause more grief. But anyone who really believed in the 10 Commandments would not judge a whole group of people just because of the actions of one maniac asshole. Or the things said by a small group of people.

Let's look at Number 9 here for a minute.

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor."

Seems pretty clear to me.
HoHound's Avatar
Why did my allegations upset you so much? If they were blatantly untrue, they wouldn’t have bothered you at all.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Why did my allegations upset you so much? If they were blatantly untrue, they wouldn’t have bothered you at all. Originally Posted by HoHound
If I told my boss his wife was a great cocksucker and she swallowed like a champ, would the truthfulness of my allegations still get me fired?
Pretty great. I love it when I see a post I feel the need to reply to and tx-dot does it better that I could. To this I will just add that no one likes to be falsely accused. Or when others are falsely accused.

Read Commandment #9 again. Maybe tx-dots post #2 also. This thread really needs to be over.
HoHound's Avatar
This post appears to be written in such a way as to do nothing but generate outrage. I encourage everyone to simply ignore it so as to avoid the stress replying to it will create. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
I must have generated some outrage. You responded 6 times.
So you took my suggestion and read post #2! Excellent! May this thread RIP.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
When your arguments are so weak you have to shut the debate down. Typical lefty censorship.

If we start closing threads that some one doesn't like this forum would cease to exist.
txdot-guy's Avatar
When your arguments are so weak you have to shut the debate down. Typical lefty censorship.

If we start closing threads that some one doesn't like this forum would cease to exist. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
No one is keeping HoHound from speaking. We’re just calling him out for the tone of the thread. This thread can be compared to a guy poking you in the face over and over again while asking the question “why do you hate me”. In my opinion it is just pointless and unnecessary.

Calling that censorship, lefty censorship at that, is a misunderstanding of the point that the recently banned phil_lashio was trying to make.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
No one is keeping HoHound from speaking. We’re just calling him out for the tone of the thread. This thread can be compared to a guy poking you in the face over and over again while asking the question “why do you hate me”. In my opinion it is just pointless and unnecessary.

Calling that censorship, lefty censorship at that, is a misunderstanding of the point that the recently banned phil_lashio was trying to make. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
I never said anyone wanted to keep him from speaking. Im talking about this particular post.

1) some do not like the post
2) For that reason they want it closed.

You can call that whatever you want but it silences any debate which is censorship.
txdot-guy's Avatar
I never said anyone wanted to keep him from speaking. Im talking about this particular post.

1) some do not like the post
2) For that reason they want it closed.

You can call that whatever you want but it silences any debate which is censorship. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
It’s not censorship, it’s not even a call for censorship. It’s a call for reasonable discussion and debate. Something that the topic of this thread is missing.
Precious_b's Avatar