Recline or not?

Ninety percent of the time, it can be a royal pain the ass being a 5'1" girl trying to live in a 5'6" world. But this is one of the few situations when I am so glad that I am only 5'1".

Leg room on an airplane has never been a problem for me. My feet don't even touch the floor most of the time. Being the polite flyer that I am, I usually make a point of leaning forward and letting the person in front of me know that they can recline their seat because even if they recline all the way, there will still be several inches between my knees and the seat in front of me. It is nice to see the look of surprise and appreciation on someone's face when I tell them that they can recline to their heart's content. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

Are you a member of the Mile High Club?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's real nice of you SOTF.

I don't like "recliners" but as long as I see it coming, I can get ready for it.

I've lost a couple of laptops to folks who push the button and then slam back.
Are you a member of the Mile High Club? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Yup Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

Damn... I was going to take you to Cozumel.
Just because I scratched that item off my bucket list doesn't mean it isn't worth repeating LOL
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Damn... I was going to take you to Cozumel. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That would require a state approved permit, wouldn't it, Slobbrin?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The problem isn't the recline feature. It is the seat spacing.

We are the same height. I have been on some AA flights where premium seating has several inches of space in front of my knees and the recline is no problem.

On the other hand, I made the mistake of taking a random seat assignment on Spirit and got crammed into an extra small seat in the back. I had to split my legs in a V to avoid crushing my knee caps. When the woman in front reclined, there was less than a foot of space between my chin and the top of her seat. Fuck Spirit. Never again.

This is one case where the government clearly DOES have a role to play. There should be a regulation on the minimum seat spacing so that people up to about 6'4" can sit without knees hitting. And seat widths should be at least 21 inches, not 19.

Seat size should be standardized. Let the airlines compete on price, service, on-time arrivals, not losing luggage, convenient routes and times.

They shouldn't be competing on how many seats they can cram into a plane in order to lower fares. That isn't going to be something a consumer will be able to find out easily. No airline is going to advertise that their rows are all two inches closer so they can squeeze an extra row or two on the plane.

I never would have taken that seat on the Spirit flight if I had known how small it was. It was not worth the cheap airfare. But how am I supposed to know that if they don't list the seat spacing when you buy the ticket? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Honestly, while what you are describing is annoying, don't you think the free market in action is effective regulation? You've complained in a public forum and aren't going to fly on their airline again. They will lose business if enough people care, someone will get feedback to the airlines that they need to increase their legroom, and they will adapt or die. No need for the gummint.
You could also pay for first class, like you clearly do with your hookers, and get what you pay for in that case, too, most of the time.
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  • 08-29-2014, 10:01 PM
If I bought the seat, I also bought the ability to recline. Originally Posted by pyramider
If I bought a seat I also bought the use of the tray in front of me and the right to use my laptop without having the inconsiderate SOB in front of me breaking my laptop by slamming it back into me. Or knocking my drink onto me.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If I bought a seat I also bought the use of the tray in front of me and the right to use my laptop without having the inconsiderate SOB in front of me breaking my laptop by slamming it back into me. Or knocking my drink onto me.
Originally Posted by Old-T
People who recline their seats, especially those who do so rapidly and without looking, should be immediately tossed from the plane at whatever altitude the plane is. Originally Posted by Old-T
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  • 08-30-2014, 06:21 AM
Honestly, while what you are describing is annoying, don't you think the free market in action is effective regulation? You've complained in a public forum and aren't going to fly on their airline again. They will lose business if enough people care, someone will get feedback to the airlines that they need to increase their legroom, and they will adapt or die. No need for the gummint.
You could also pay for first class, like you clearly do with your hookers, and get what you pay for in that case, too, most of the time. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Spirit Air is only an extra 50 bucks each way to upgrade to their first class.

The airline industry has been getting less competitive with each merger....I blame the government for not being more pro active in their anti trust division. That is why ticket prices have gone up and cattle seating has increased. Mergers.

This is another example of to big to fail in motion.
Generally I don't give a fuck about reclining your seat back as long as I'm not sitting against a bulkhead.

My issue is the parents of out of control kids. Fortunately flight attendants have been more vocal in demanding that those parents force their children to behave.

Before 9/11 I was flying back from Puerto Rico. While sleeping I was awaken by a loud "BANG." I looked around to see a man and his kid laughing. Evidently a balloon had popped. A few minutes later I was startled again by a loud "BANG." The man was purposely blowing up and popping balloons for the amusement of him and his son. Nobody appeared to complain. I threatened the guy and called the flight attendant who told the guy to stop.

Many other times I've seen 3-6 year olds stand up in the their seat and violently (for a child) shake their seat or the seat in front of them while the mother just sits there grinning.
Generally I don't give a fuck about reclining your seat back as long as I'm not sitting against a bulkhead.

My issue is the parents of out of control kids. Fortunately flight attendants have been more vocal in demanding that those parents force their children to behave.

Before 9/11 I was flying back from Puerto Rico. While sleeping I was awaken by a loud "BANG." I looked around to see a man and his kid laughing. Evidently a balloon had popped. A few minutes later I was startled again by a loud "BANG." The man was purposely blowing up and popping balloons for the amusement of him and his son. Nobody appeared to complain. I threatened the guy and called the flight attendant who told the guy to stop.

Many other times I've seen 3-6 year olds stand up in the their seat and violently (for a child) shake their seat or the seat in front of them while the mother just sits there grinning. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Perhaps they don't like the smelly ol' Turdfly's buzzin' overhead!
One time I sat next to Carolyn Farb on a flight from Houston to Phoenix. She had got bumped off first class and was not happy. My 16 month old son was on my lap and she was miserable because of this... fuck her... LOL
That would require a state approved permit, wouldn't it, Slobbrin? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yea, you would need to check in with your probation officer. For sure... but they are strict on your type. So you should just visit the zoo at night and be real quiet. Bring a stump with ya...