OH2 Whores.....

Just figured out OH2 is ourhome2. Tried to visit the site but no fucking way I am taking the risk. Either they been lazy to (re)established or severally crippled by whatever happened.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-13-2022, 07:47 AM
Oh2 has rules that you can't post your opinion about specific ladies,even in the locker room. Other negative reviews get censored by ladies too. If you can't post an opinion without being banned and labeled a bully or stalker, then oh2 isn't a review board or community to share hobby Intel. If oh2 isn't a review or message board, then it's just an ad site and there are plenty of ad sites not under cyber attack and where the ladies aren't posting your personal info. Originally Posted by Anthonylewis50
That about sums up the simp site, just to be clear that I'm not attacking every whore in there there, there's a small handful of toxic whores that lead the pack with the drama and nonsense that mess it up for the ones trying to have fun in there, the main old bitter cunt needs to hang up her granny panties or check herself and better her attitude. She's the Karen of the hobby, always snitching, thin skinned AF
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
Snitching implies you were doing something wrong, and she was upholding the community guidelines.

I should put you in time out like the bad boy you are. Oh wait, that would be me stepping out of my place. Let me go back to my kitchen. *eyeroll*
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-13-2022, 10:52 AM
Snitching implies you were doing something wrong, and she was upholding the community guidelines.

I should put you in time out like the bad boy you are. Oh wait, that would be me stepping out of my place. Let me go back to my kitchen. *eyeroll* Originally Posted by LadyAnastasia
I was good until I read what that CUNT was posting about me, just giving her something to chatter about, she knows who makes her tick, now go make me a sandwich woman 😂
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
Please upgrade to the chocolate diamond package to get the sandwich feature.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-13-2022, 12:49 PM
Please upgrade to the chocolate diamond package to get the sandwich feature. Originally Posted by LadyAnastasia
Sounds really expensive 😛
grail's Avatar
  • grail
  • 04-13-2022, 05:10 PM
Just figured out OH2 is ourhome2. Tried to visit the site but no fucking way I am taking the risk. Either they been lazy to (re)established or severally crippled by whatever happened. Originally Posted by AsianP
OH2 manages to keep a little troll like you out but we're stuck with you a**P. Sigh.

Grail.... is that who I think it is in your photo? MOFO!
Brandofan's Avatar
Please upgrade to the chocolate diamond package to get the sandwich feature. Originally Posted by LadyAnastasia
If there is an actual sandwich then consider me officially off the fence. I'd actually enjoy that.
Snitching implies you were doing something wrong, and she was upholding the community guidelines.

I should put you in time out like the bad boy you are. Oh wait, that would be me stepping out of my place. Let me go back to my kitchen. *eyeroll* Originally Posted by LadyAnastasia
The ladies also aren't supposed to have access to the locker room on oh2,but they do. Personal information on guys shouldn't get posted either, but it does. The rules are selectively enforced.

Guys are the customers but oh2 goes out of its way to target them. I think we can all respect each other in the hobby. You deserve respect and to have what you post in the powder room protected. You deserve to have your personal data protected. Guys deserve the same.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-14-2022, 01:34 PM
The ladies also aren't supposed to have access to the locker room on oh2,but they do. Personal information on guys shouldn't get posted either, but it does. The rules are selectively enforced.

Guys are the customers but oh2 goes out of its way to target them. I think we can all respect each other in the hobby. You deserve respect and to have what you post in the powder room protected. You deserve to have your personal data protected. Guys deserve the same. Originally Posted by Anthonylewis50
"A lot of fools puttin' salt in the game
Until these women get the notion that they runnin' the game" 😁😂
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
The ladies also aren't supposed to have access to the locker room on oh2,but they do. Personal information on guys shouldn't get posted either, but it does. The rules are selectively enforced.

Guys are the customers but oh2 goes out of its way to target them. I think we can all respect each other in the hobby. You deserve respect and to have what you post in the powder room protected. You deserve to have your personal data protected. Guys deserve the same. Originally Posted by Anthonylewis50

CK went WOKE that's why his site is now BROKE.

FYI - The Russians did it.
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
If there is an actual sandwich then consider me officially off the fence. I'd actually enjoy that. Originally Posted by Brandofan
Babe, if you bring me a Le Vian Chocolate diamond, I will make you any sandwich you want. Even a fancy one that would be featured on "most expensivest shit" with gold-dipped lettuce. Obviously I would also be using your card at whatever store we get the fancy shit from
I tried OH2 for a while, but it just didn't seem to fit my style. Although I do know some who like the site.

Unfortunately, many of the OH2 dudes think that because they are a member, it clears them of any screening.
Newbies, Oldies and in-between sometimes will try to avoid screening like the plague.

As far as the subject of this thread .... The powder room is an important and safe place for providers.
It's a huge benefit for us to exchange information about guys who may appear to be one thing, but BCD are VERY different.
It’s a trust haven we rely on.

I don't know the whole situation regarding sharing private info outside of the powder room.
It seems many are aware of the "infraction(s)" being scrutinized and have determined it was legit.
That’s what this thread is leaning toward.

The johns in the Locker Room .... I KNOW exchange some nitty gritty info about providers.
Don't tell me some of it doesn't leak out. That’s BS.

It’s completely unfair we are not allowed to read the dirty details of our reviews.
This leaves us vulnerable to what clients expect when they walk in the door.
Not to mention the fact that we have no say so in what is posted in the review.
Why wouldn’t we be able to “review” the Review ourselves and give our ok before it is posted?
Give some editing suggestions so as not to put ourselves in harms way (emotionally, physically, etc.)
I may be living in a dream world …. but never say never!

Now, BLM .... dude, you know you've created a plethora of enemies on this site and others.
I'm sure you don't care because it's obvious you've never tried to show any different way of voicing your "concerns".
You always must be the bellyacher, crybaby, grumbler or moaner.
Just a bone killer ... and orgasmic poison.
You should be extremely thankful that we even exist.
And, whoever agrees to see you (I'm sure they're knocking down your door), could very possibly be
suffering from low self-esteem or just doing this for the $$.
That's no way to stay sane when you don't control the situations and resources surrounding you.

The subject of providers thinking we "run the show" ... it's really not that far off base!
I run my own show ... I don't care who's got the major bucks if they don't pass the test, then no cigar.

There are different levels as we all know. Some gals wouldn't want to run the show and/or couldn't because of inexperience.
But some of us are intelligent, intuitive, highly experienced and carry our self pride so distinctly loaded with wisdom.
WE COULD run the show .... and there have been some very successful MADAMS who've done a hell-of-a-job pulling it off.
In fact I think most girls who need guidance would prefer a MADAM instead of a pimp, yes?

Don't underestimate us. In your book ... we're just whores turning tricks ...
but in reality we are controlling the who, why, where and what will be done for what price.
Not a bad gig if you know what your doing.

If we were all mini-me BLM’s we would be bashing the johns left and right pointing out many things like hygiene,
having a condescending attitude, trying to bargain ....
stuff like that.
BUT instead …. We have our lovely clients who are …. Respectful, Considerate, Kind, Interesting, Generous, Attentive, Caring, FUN, etc…etc…etc.
We have the right to pick and choose who we will see and will treat us well. I'd definitely say that's "running" the show.

And there’s my novel of the day.

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-16-2022, 11:08 AM
What a long chapter with insults, cheap shots and delusions! When they allow you out the senior home TT? You disappearing acts are classic, you return years older (not wiser) more delusional than the last time you were here, you were the joke then, nothing has changed!

I can respect that you run your show of Gramps wanting raw pussy, but the reality is that tricks run the show just like any consumer, that's like businesses telling consumers to STFU and take it up the ass, you're Not Apple or have a iPhone quality pussy.

My whores do it for the $, what you do it for? What a stupid comment that was, you're showing us your middle school education level again, I've always ran the show, I get what I want how I want it or I'll take my business elsewhere, I don't follow trends or fold for any bitch. Welcome back TT