200 reviews? Turn on or Turn Off?

Review counts are misleading in that not every "appointment" posts a review, and not every "appointment" comes through here. Or the other boards, or P411. I think it was Torre Tames who threw out a number quite a bit higher than 200 for her experience over a period of time. If you actually thought about "how many" you'd think of something/someone else to do, just like thinking about cows before a cheeseburger or a chicken before hot wings...or before crawfish ever or the environment of Gulf Coast shrimp. There are even providers who claim low volume and a no review policy. Trust is the key on that one. Maybe they are part timers, and maybe they're pulling a train behind a gas station down off Lover's or in a TCU frat house. Who knows?

I think to participate in this hobby you have to suspend your ability for disbelief and reject a little reality, like watching a movie. Which is a really good analogy for around here since there's always plenty of popcorn moments.

So review counts, taken on their face (or knees or back) are pretty much a useless quantifier of a ladies true level of activity. See who you want. Enjoy the moment. In reality we're ALL sloppy seconds behind somebody.
fletch's Avatar
stay out of the gd drama and i don't give a shit how many reviews you have
If you were in her shoes, making 200, 300, 400 per hour, doing something you love or feels good, would you stop answering the phone after 1 session per day or 3 sessions per week or weekends only? I understand that some providers have regular side jobs and this may be the exception but, I am willing to bet she is not making that kind of money at a regular job. It's not even Logical that she would turn down 200, 300, or 400hr. to go to her 12-18hr regular job. (If time permits)

So, with that said: who cares if she has 200 reviews? That just tells me that she is HONEST and not a liar or hiding her actual count. If a provider has been here longer than a year, you can bet she has 200 reviews from all the boards. I only need about 8-10 recent reviews to get a picture of how my session will go. (Good or Bad)

When I am about to see a lady that has been here a while, like 2 or 3 years, and she has 20 reviews? I already know she is DISHONEST, a liar and will hide the truth. If she hides the truth about reviews, what else will she hide the truth about? Why worry about how many reviews she has? your not going to marry her. Just enjoy her Beauty and her company, while you can. And thank your lucky stars, she allowed you to see her, even for that hour.

IMHO, all ladies should have a 20 most recent cap on YES viewable reviews, And keep ALL NO ones viewable. 200 reviews are just pointless. They only say the same thing over and over. I don't care what she did last YEAR, I care what she did last WEEK or last MONTH. Do you want to know what a REAL turn off is, Ladies that don't update their P411 review links and i end up reading reviews from 2010, 2011, or 2012

jbravo_123's Avatar
Yeah, it doesn't make much of a difference to me. As above, if a provider has 200+ positive reviews that tells me she must be doing something right!
I don't care if she has 2 or 2,000...if she's hot and does the acronyms I want, I can take it from there. And I have bumped in to a guy before I saw a Provider...should have thanked him for warming her up for me 'cause it was a great session!
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
if you think of this as a business, techincally the girls with the most reviews are the most successful right now. Obviously they are desired if they are able to keep attracting clients. You might not be seeing her but obviously everyone else is!

It has to be a turn ON or else reviews wouldnt pile up like that... lol
Reality check: Even low volume, but successful, providers are seeing 1 hobbyist a day, or 30 per month... every month. Many successful providers are actually seeing 3-10 hobbyists per day, which equates to 90-300 per month... every month. I had one lady tell me that she had (so far) had over 8,000 clients in her career, and she was still in her early 20's. If large numbers bother you, you are in the wrong place.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Does she give a good BJ? Is she clean?
I have I think over 230 Reviews last time i counted. My reviews give Men alot too look at and judge if they would like too see me or not. Do I have bad reviews, Yes, do i have good reviews Yes. I think the more reviews a gal has the more info a man has too read about her and make his decision. Just make sure when you want too read all the Tara Evans Reviews make sure you set a whole day aside too so so.
And has for the guys I like seeing those that have a lot or a little. The guys that have done alot of review or have alot of okays hell we just have alot too
talk about. lol. Plus I feel safe knowing that their that popular I guess you would say. As for the guys that have few okays or that have given a few reviews their fun teaching them stuff. So I guess both wins here.
it'd be a turnoff both ways
providers with over 200 reviews are sexy

FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SLUTS UNITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dose that make me a sexy dirty slutty sir?

FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SLUTS UNITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Baby
turn off