Just a little respect, just a little bit

Seriously now.. some actually believe Respect is a RIGHT!! you can be serious..that you are entitled to it? lmao..

last time i looked respect was earned..I don't owe anyone respect just for being a human being..

I can show courtesy to a fellow human being..perhaps a common courtesy..but I do not have to respect them...they have to earn my respect..

putting up with horny men that are PAYING YOU..does not fit my criteria for entitlement to respect..

Yes.. men that are not courteous are tough and make this job tough.. but they are not disrespectful.. they are not being courteous to me..

if they call you names.. well if they are true..then he is right, if they aren't.. then why does his opinion matter..he is simply not being courteous to you.

if they don't follow your rules.. they have simply not respected the rules.. it has nothing personally to do with you.. if they ask for bbfs.. that is less than polite..i.e courteous..but they did not disrespect you by asking..perhaps irritated someone..perhaps aggravated.. but there is no respect or lack their of..invovled..

throw your little definitions from your little dictionary.. i read them..

in order for them to have disrespected someone..they would have had to have held you in high regard to begin with..the fact they are asking most likely means they didn't to begin with..

once again.. guys respect what we put up with..they respect what we go thru.. but most can't respect each girl they meet.. they are simply being polite and courteous to you and showing respect for your rules.. thats not you as a person..they still don't have to respect YOU..simply respect your rules.. i.e follow them..they can still think your a nasty whore whom they wouldn't dare do more then fork over some benji's to periodically.. as long as they respect your rules.. so in the end..they still dont' respect YOU..the person..
I don't post often but I wanted to chime in on this subject. Don't worry about those that cannot or will not respect you, regardless of what you do for a living. As long as you are truthful to yourself and are OK with what you do, then there is no problem. I believe this is about fun. If you enjoy what you do, screw (not literally!!!) the others. Some people, for whatever reason, feel that because they provide a donation for your time that gives them the rite to judge. My questions to them is "...what they hell have you done in your pitiful life that gives you that rite.: Hang in there and live your life as you see fit.
mikahranae's Avatar
Firstly I would like to say that I agree with all of the above posts. You are all absolutely right.

I would like to take a moment to show you the oher side of this coin.

This does not apply to most of the fine ladies on this board, but it is out there.

In my hobbying,,,,
I have been robbed,
I have met providers who had track marks and reeked of weed.
I have met providers who dropped out of high school.
I have met providers who were lesbians and/or hated men (ironic they should make a career out of sexing with men)
I have been laughed at, sworn at, almost beaten up by mgmt.
I have met providers who didn't give a damn about the service they provided or the feelings of the gent involved.
One lady even told me "men are just dildos with wallets", her exact words.
I have met providers who had several kids and weren't 21.
I have lost count of how many times I have paid for an "hour", just to be rushed out the door as soon as the first 'pop' happens.

Sorry about he ranting, I just wanted you to see the other side.

I am very gratefull and delighted about most of the ladies on this board. I know that in the civilian world I wouldn't stand a chance with any of you, and for that I am very appreciative. For one hour, you make me feel loved and on of of the world. It may be an illusion, but I am happy to pay for and experience that illusion. Kudos to all of you.

To the OP, I have the utmost respect for you, and what you do.

I will give a lady all the respect in the world, reciprocation would be nice.

I am NOT a "client/customer/john etc.". I am , like you, a human being with feelings.

Respect is a two way street.

(Whew! I'm through bitching now. Thankyou for your patience) Originally Posted by garlandBone
I agree 100%!
Seriously now.. some actually believe Respect is a RIGHT!! you can be serious..that you are entitled to it? lmao.. Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv

Yes. I do. And I am. I'm sorry you feel differently.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Yes. I do. And I am. I'm sorry you feel differently. Originally Posted by tracibrooks
I respect ladies. I give it freely. They certainly don't have to earn it. However, it can be lost or destroyed. After that, it has to be earned. I give second chances, and keep an open mind.
I didn't even acknowledge that post from deanna luv because I couldn't possibly disagree more with her statements. She is entitled to her own opinion on the subject, but in this case I wish she had kept it to herself. Originally Posted by JamieYoung
Keep wishing for that one. She got banned from the Dallas boards over yonder some time ago because she just could not help herself, if you know what I mean. Same shit, different board-you know, the clean slate and all.

I can show courtesy to a fellow human being..perhaps a common courtesy..but I do not have to respect them...they have to earn my respect.. Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
I know I will probably receive points for putting my Philanderer hat on but honestly, I don't really care at this point.

Maybe you don't have/want/need/expect or whatever the same respect some of us other ladies do. You prove that over and over again by your posts and pot-stirring.

Maybe you get enough "courtesy" when you offer up every orifice for MSOG for 130 bucks an hour (you're welcome for the ad). I dunno. But it's not enough for many of us. Many of us have minds bigger than our mouths. Some of our dreams are bigger than our asses.

Maybe folks need to earn "your" respect. Personally, I freely give respect to people until they have given me a reason NOT to respect them-which you did a long time ago. Folks don't have to know me, folks don't have to like me, but they WILL respect me. If they don't, we will never be in the same setting.

putting up with horny men that are PAYING YOU..does not fit my criteria for entitlement to respect..

Yes.. men that are not courteous are tough and make this job tough.. but they are not disrespectful.. they are not being courteous to me.. ..he is simply not being courteous to you. throw your little definitions from your little dictionary.. i read them..if they don't follow your rules.. they have simply not respected the rules.. it has nothing personally to do with you.. Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
Discourtesy and disrespect are one in the same. Or maybe you have a different dictionary than I do. If a guy disrespects my rules, he is disrespecting me. My rules are an extension of me. Maybe you can't understand that since you don't seem to have any rules or limitations.

dis·re·spect   [dis-ri-spekt]
1. lack of respect; discourtesy; rudeness.
–verb (used with object)
2. to regard or treat without respect; regard or treat with contempt or rudeness.

re·spect   [ri-spekt]
10. to show regard or consideration for: to respect someone's rights.
11. to refrain from intruding upon or interfering with: to respect a person's privacy.

they can still think your a nasty whore whom they wouldn't dare do more then fork over some benji's to periodically Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
Well hell, it's not like I'm asking them to marry me, but they respect me enough not to say I'm a nasty whore to my face I can guarantee you that

Either stay in your lane or put it on ice.

LOL.. By simply not telling you anything.. they are being courteous.. they do not hold you in high esteem..I.E RESPECT YOU..

I'm not "deanna luv".. i am someone totally different.. unfortunately many are the persona's they create on this board... I don't need men or women from this board to "respect me" i.e hold me in high regards or esteem.. I have a personal life for that..

and if your gonna put an ad out.. its $150..not $130.. but I haven't HAD TO have an ad in many many many years now.. no need.. cuz your right.. i have made a damn good living that as afforded me many many things off of offering up every orifice with msog for a certain low rate.. I haven't had to come here and ask for financial help, I don't have to come here with my personal problems, medical issues, or any other thing..because unlike some.. I GET IT.. this isn't the place to bring that crap... this isn't the place to worry about respect, to worry about who said what to worry about any of it..

its a place to offer your services so paying customers can make an informed decision.. ya ya.. there are some sappy guys that just love to get all up in some girls personal shit..some wonder why they don't get respected..its cuz they know when your last ob/gyn visit was and what the doctor found.. you wonder why some guys break rules..its because in playing this "game" girls allow guys to think they are closer to them then they actually are..and with that comes the attitude from some guys that believe they are entitled to favors or extras since they are led to believe during the game they are "close"..

being born does not entitle anyone to respect.. i will not and do not expect anyone on a board to "respect" me.. i.e hold me in high regard.. I don't even car to get to know anyone off this board well enough to get to the point where they need to earn my respect.. respect my rules..which is NOT ME.. respect the system we play by.. and I will do the same for the guy.. respect him as a person doesn't need to occur in order to play this game.. i don't know the guy well enough to give him my respect..

if some had lives outside of this world.. they wouldn't have a need to have guys from here "respect them".. they wouldnt' care.. some get so swallowed up by this world that it eats at them..and this is the result..

now if you will excuse me.. i gotta get back to monitoring tar balls and seeing if they wash up on my beach house that ..oh wait..ya..selling that cheap pussy afforded me
Thanks hotlips for saying what I had on my mind You always find the right words to express my same thoughts, so kudos!!!

DeAnna I'm sorry you have such a different view from the rest of it, best of luck with it I guess??
and if your gonna put an ad out.. its $150..not $130..

now if you will excuse me.. i gotta get back to monitoring tar balls and seeing if they wash up on my beach house that ..oh wait..ya..selling that cheap pussy afforded me Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
wow, you have really raised your rates from 100. good job! i like the progress.

yea, your beach house-kudos to you. i'm happy for you, really i am. i hope you are still enjoying it 50 years from now when you waddle on down to the beach in your Depends diaper. i will be right there with ya with my own beach house next summer. i am sooo looking forward to it. perhaps by then they will have the tar balls cleaned up. more than likely i will be in florida myself. 50 years from now i will probably have a walker, so you can join me at my place for a margarita and we can discuss our disdain for one another.

as far as ladies bringing "stuff" to the boards. maybe it's because some of us have formed bonds with some folks on here that you just can't understand. not everybody is so in your face with things like you are, even me believe it or not. maybe in your personal life , you are not the persona you show here-gawd i hope not. but if you are, hey-i respect that too. see how respect works deanna? i don't have to like you, or what you represent, but i do respect your decisions.

it's apparent that this is nothing more than just a job for you, and that's ok too. i 'respect' your right to feel that way. but for some of us it's not. it's more of a family to some, career for others, and a lifestyle for even more. we only ask that you 'respect' the way we feel and the way we handle things, no matter how different it is from what you would do.

Just a few excerpts from your recent postings:

Bend over and take it.. have the guy pounding you doggie.. in a nasty porn voice command him to spit on it..and have him shove that lovely tool right up the rear..

since 2005 or so been doing guys in the ass on a regular basis.. guys in dallas, houston, new orleans, san antonio, austin and more all partake of it very very often.... but its fun to exchange a mutual pummeling of holes

also love triple penetration.. 1 in my mouth, 1in pussy and 1 in ass.. being "airtight" is freakin hot..

fun position to is to reverse cowgirl the one up my ass and face the guy doing my pussy.. very hot

if they can't fuck me without thinking my real name is indeed "1eyedwilly" then they don't need my money either..

thats why sites, list etc are a complete and utter waste of time and completely worthless..the info is sketchy..even from trusted people and usually turns into just a bitch fest of women pissed off they are having to sell pussy to earn money in the first place.. Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
I only have 2 questions. Were you a sailor at one point? How come you decided this job and not porn?
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
gatewayloco's Avatar
I'm sorry you ladies get treated like this from time to time. I have been with shady providers, but there are shady people everywhere in all different types of careers.

I give respect and expect it back, but if it is not given I MOVE on.

Last note......I have too many planks in my eyes to worry abou the saw dust in other peoples.
ragooh_aus's Avatar
These posts surface from time to time. I agree that coercing a new naive provider into BBFS is a disdainful, deceitful practice that affects not only the their lives but all of us. Since no one here is in a monogamous relationship, we need protection. There are so many folks with disease in the world, we know what the cause is, we know how to prevent it. Choosing not to protect ourselves and others shows little respect for your life and others. I cannot agree that it is to each his/her own. One occurrence puts all of us at risk. There are several things things we do in the name of public safety, party hats should be one of them.

I also agree that respect is earned and that we should be courteous to one another. However, we are humans, not robots. Given the intimacy of P4P, it should not be unusual for us to develop bonds. Even without these bonds, we should conduct ourselves with dignity, self-worth, and respect. I expect to be treated as I treat others. Otherwise, I do not conduct business with you.

Deanna, I know you will respond. I am not criticizing your point of view. Each person is different and we need to adapt to them. I am glad you have a tough skin. That is unusual.

Let's practice a little humanity in how we treat each other.
wow, you have really raised your rates from 100. good job! i like the progress.

yea, your beach house-kudos to you. i'm happy for you, really i am. i hope you are still enjoying it 50 years from now when you waddle on down to the beach in your Depends diaper. i will be right there with ya with my own beach house next summer. i am sooo looking forward to it. perhaps by then they will have the tar balls cleaned up. more than likely i will be in florida myself. 50 years from now i will probably have a walker, so you can join me at my place for a margarita and we can discuss our disdain for one another.

as far as ladies bringing "stuff" to the boards. maybe it's because some of us have formed bonds with some folks on here that you just can't understand. not everybody is so in your face with things like you are, even me believe it or not. maybe in your personal life , you are not the persona you show here-gawd i hope not. but if you are, hey-i respect that too. see how respect works deanna? i don't have to like you, or what you represent, but i do respect your decisions.

it's apparent that this is nothing more than just a job for you, and that's ok too. i 'respect' your right to feel that way. but for some of us it's not. it's more of a family to some, career for others, and a lifestyle for even more. we only ask that you 'respect' the way we feel and the way we handle things, no matter how different it is from what you would do.

Just a few excerpts from your recent postings:

I only have 2 questions. Were you a sailor at one point? How come you decided this job and not porn?

If you do indeed have all of this, then why the hell are you sticking around here? Go back to your beach view. Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
I will address one point first.. I am sure it will go unpunished.. however your one quote..can only be found in the PROVIDER ONLY SECTION lmao.. and was in response to a question of "when i retire".. pretty simple honest answer.. i guess if you can depend on you to reveal that..what else do you reveal from there? are you that careless?

Also I appreciate you taking the time to track down my post.. unfortunately you are correct.. I do not do business in a certain mold that sadly so many feel trapped in.. I am what I am.. I am fucking people..raunchy, dirty, kinky fucking.. strap-ons..anal.. facials.. dp's, 3sums, 4sums, and more.. excuse me for being so open minded, sexually confident in what I like and dislike, and my willingness to explore sexual fun I had no idea would offend so many people engaging in this hobby..

as far as my rates.. sweetheart my rates have always been 150/1hr and 100/half hr..all inclusive.. yep.. unfortunately again I apologize for believing that its not how much you pay that makes the pussy so good, but what kinda fun you have while you pay....plenty of guys pay more and get burned, have bad times, not as much fun.. sex doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg.. you can get your fantasy fullfilled and do so at a lower cost..and still recieve top notch service as the reviews always displayed. Perhaps it offends some that I can be so brash, I can be so open, i don't have to wiggle and giggle and still had great reviews, still seeing the same guys all the wigglers and gigglers are.. hell they use half of you as references when trying to see me lol.. its called marketing 101.. find a niche and work within it.. there aren't to many on here that offer decent service, full menu at a great price.. found my niche and stuck with it..and all be damned it worked.. doing all that while being able to be myself, speak my mind and not have to be fake and two faced.

As far as my "outside" life.. I invested and continue to do so quite well.. let me explain something though.. for only the second time ever..

I like sex.. its fun to fuck perfect strangers..makes it even more fun to get paid.. I am happily married of 13yrs to a successful business man who likes what I do.. we started as swingers both with couples and just doing 3 sums and moresomes with single guys.. then started webcam shows.. then escorting.. I like fucking other men.. its fun.. it was never completely about the money..it was the fun of seeing how other men do it.. I have a safe, stable, secure both financially and emotionally personal life that I am quite happy with.. I don't depend on people from this board for support in my personal life, to solve my personal issues, to raise money for any funds or occurrences i may run into.. I simply come here to offer myself up for horny men to have fun with.. some find it refreshing, others offensive.. but I am not trapped..can and somewhat have walked away..I love the attention, the reviews, the excitement guys had when i toured that they were getting some kinky good fun..they didn't have to respect me..nor me them.. I don't hold just anyone in "high regards".. like you, i can respect someones right to speak their mind, to be a certain way.. to respect their rules.. but not have respect for them as a person..its simply being polite.. not holding them in high regards or esteem..

its quite simple.. I don't really like "telling my personal business".. but some just don't get it.. you think i blow smoke..you think this or that.. so what.. always have always will.. fact is.. when i tour, i go home at the end of the day like any guy with a job.. this world doesn't consume me, peoples thoughts about don't effect me, they don't make me act a certain way, do certain things.. I can be myself, talk how i want.. put it in terms that are honest, factual.. it does offend some.. just like we are all prostitutes.. that offends some.. but we are.. we fuck guys.. we no matter what are offering up sex to strangers.. some need to get to know the guys they think..but still you only know what they want you to..just like the guy only knows what you allow..

I do in fact have successful business ventures, a few nice places, etc etc etc.. all stuff that not only selling pussy got me.. but having a successful husband afforded me as well .. some don't get it.. some never will.. I don't have to run off and bitch in private, i don't have to be two faced..what you see is what you get...honest, up front, down to brass tacks.. some "respect that" others do not.. but they don't know me enough to respect me as a person
Deanna, if I did indeed pull something from a ladies area, let me apologize. PM which statement that was. In the meantime, I am going to take some time to look, because honestly, I was not looking at where the quotes came from. I just copied. I should have been more careful. And no, your rates have not always been that way. I can remember when you ran 100/hour specials for same services. But hey, that's neither here nor there. Nor does it matter at this point. I have something to do right now, so if this is still open later on, I will come back and finish. In the meantime, I am apologizing again if I made something public that should not have been. I am going to go back and double check it. My bad...more to come later.


EDIT: I found my error. My deepest apologies to Deanna and the board. I was careless and not paying attention. I will take my warranted punishment. Original post edited to remove the error of my ways. Again, my apologies D.
Deanna, if I did indeed pull something from a ladies area, let me apologize. PM which statement that was. In the meantime, I am going to take some time to look, because honestly, I was not looking at where the quotes came from. I just copied. I should have been more careful. And no, your rates have not always been that way. I can remember when you ran 100/hour specials for same services. But hey, that's neither here nor there. Nor does it matter at this point. I have something to do right now, so if this is still open later on, I will come back and finish. In the meantime, I am apologizing again if I made something public that should not have been. I am going to go back and double check it. My bad...more to come later.

Meg Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
LOL.. thats why its called a special!! not my normal rate.. lmao.. some people RESPECT getting specials.. and appreciate them lmao.. but also just kinda reinforces my whole post above.. as far as what quote.. pm headed your way..