Alot of the messages lately...

Ok let me know when you have a your next dental appt

Nothing like a good blow job while kicked back in my dental chair ......... Originally Posted by MOTOXMAN
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Good point. Lawyers and doctors actually need to go to school for years earning expensive advanced degrees, attain expensive and challenging board certifications and practitioner's licenses/credentials, are subject to numerous and ridiculously expensive malpractice/malfeasance suits or must carry costly insurance to protect them, must constantly study to be apprised of new practices or laws, often employ a staff, etc.

Meanwhile you have three warm, moist holes for rent. I totally see your point. Originally Posted by enderwiggin

I have way more knowledge of the medical field that you are assuming: "Never ASS U ME anything or you'll make an ass out of you & me."

WOW, not sure how I've missed this attitude of yours all these years. smh

Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Are we speaking figuratively or literally? Fuck it. Both will get you traction.

My lawyer keeps me out of jail, paying a fine or higher fine, & keeps me off Maury.
My doctor tells me 4 times a year I can keep fucking.
My dentist allows me to keep receiving DFK. (i.e. no yuck mouth)
My psychiatrist keeps me socially functional.

[/COLOR]Not to be rude but isn't the healthcare thing the reason why you're charging $200+/hr by comparison to my psychiatrist @ $75 (That's out of pocket, because my current insurance doesn't cover my psychiatrist of choice.)
I would really hope so. It's always good to do as much research as one can. Especially when you're going to be in an extremely vulnerable spot for an hour or more.

.... & on that note of reading a prospect client/tricks reviews, please note where we mention all the other ladies that wear lingerie without our having to request said garments. On 1st appointments no less.

Your serve. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Well, being that you've never visited my kitchen Dorian, then you are just going on my three "fictional reviews."

I guess people enjoy my Chef's attire (which changes on a daily btw), as 90% return. What difference would that make to you, other than to stir up drama, as everyone knows you love young spinners.

poppy71's Avatar
I have been reading a lot of the post and responses lately about certain issues and thought I might shed a little light on the subject...

The references I am referring to are , "why do they not wear cute Lingerie" , "Why do they run out the door" , ect..
I can not speak for all the ladies on here but I am sure that some will agree with what I am about to say (I will try to keep it as short as possible)

One thing about these questions above is very simple. Being treated so horribly on here with all the negative post, comments, rude saying ect... Makes it very difficult to actually get supercharged about seeing these people. Most of us do our homework and read the comments, reviews and everything else that is written and after seeing someone speak so rude and dis-respectful about one or more of the ladies... We just can not get excited about it. It is not that we don't want to but, It is very hard to get excited about something when in the back of your mind you are saying .. What is he going to say about me? I made the comment earlier on a post about what gets us supercharged about a client.. So I will clarify it so that those of you who did not understand it, will now. I will give you some examples of what I have experienced and how I offer appreciation to those.

I agree that some of these posts have been pointless and you should definitely do your homework the same way the gents should do theirs. Doing your due diligence prior to an appointment definitely goes both ways but honestly, if the gentleman is not someone that will make you want to be with him based on his posts, etc. it's better for you to NOT see him then see him and give a sub par session and wonder if he'll give you a bad review because you were not into it with him.

Tipping- There is nothing that excites a woman more than this
Compliments- Make her feel awesome and she will show you how much it is appreciated- ALL women are beautiful regardless of weight, race, height or anything else
Positive feed back- Mainly Reviews. I have some clients who will not put up reviews on this site because they are picked apart and rudely commented on. They choose to put them up else where. I don't understand this because the same people who making the rude comments are the once complaining that people don't put up reviews.

Considering your stated demographic of clients this may not apply to you but for the others who have not eliminated a huge section of men have you considered that the $150 or $200 or whatever they are giving you per hour is ALL that some can afford to give. Have you considered how many blue collar clients there are and how many hours it takes them to come up with your hourly fee and to say that they are not worthy of the same appreciation that someone who can afford to spend multiple hours with you at whatever rate you're charging is makes no sense. The fact that they find you appealing enough to want to take that chunk of their hard earned income and give it to you for an hour of your time should make you want to show your appreciation and is it really too much to ask for you to buy some lingerie. Let's be real, most of these guys don't earn what the women earn and to state that since they don't tip or buy you coffee and lunch or bring you gifts means they should not have as nice a time as the ones that do - that's a big load of bs. As far as compliments, have you ever considered that with ALL of the providers out there, the fact that they choose to spend their time and money with you is a compliment to your beauty, style, sex appeal, or whatever it is that they desire?

I have had some of my clients (regulars) who have tipped, bought me coffee, bought me lunch, bought me dinner, bought me lingerie (for those who like that sort of thing) , bought me flowers ect... These are the people I will go the extra mile for. I have 1 regular whom I have seen for the last year and half who I see every two weeks and each time I will go buy lingerie (out of my own pocket) so that he never has to see the same one twice. The reason... Because he does many of the things I just mentioned. When he calls I will cancel anything else to fit his schedule and undoubtedly am excited to see him every time.

So you are basically letting everyone know that if they do not do these things then you will not go the extra mile for them. So if you give them sub par service because they do not do these things then how do you expect to generate a new pool of regulars for when the current pool decides to drift away?

So my point is this.. If you want us to get excited about seeing you then show us. It really does not take a lot and it makes the experience so much better for all involved. - Just saying Originally Posted by abeautifulsite
The point that many of the gents will make is that if you want us to get to the point that we are excited to see you then show us also. There is nothing worse than seeing the sexy photos of the providers and then when you arrive it's sweat pants and tank tops. That is it's another version of bait and switch. If you are a laid back, jeans and flip flops type of provider then market that way but if you're going to show the lingerie and sexy cleavage in your ads to get the attention of the men and then when they arrive it's no where near that then yes, that is a point of contention for the gents to complain about. Providers ask that we are clean and have good hygiene, and we ask the same of the providers and if we're coming to your incall we ask that it's clean - it does not have to be a better homes and gardens cover but it should be clean, take the time to switch the sheets if they got stained with your last client, take the time to be fresh - we may not be your first for the day but we don't need a constant reminder during the session, take the time to view us as more than a trick and maybe we'll view you as more than a provider. This pendulum swings both ways and part of the diligence we do is reading the reviews, not just for the service level of the providers but for things like how clean was the incall, will you feel safe in that environment, when you kiss can you taste latex, etc.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not discrediting what you are saying but offering an opposing view and like I said the pendulum swings both ways and that's the thing we need to remember.
I have never cooked for either one of them either. To bad, I am actually a pretty dang good cook

Well, being that you've never visited my kitchen Dorian, then you are just going on my three "fictional reviews."

I guess people enjoy my Chef's attire (which changes on a daily btw), as 90% return. What difference would that make to you, other than to stir up drama, as everyone knows you love young spinners.

~ Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston

I have way more knowledge of the medical field that you are assuming: "Never ASS U ME anything or you'll make an ass out of you & me."

WOW, not sure how I've missed this attitude of yours all these years. smh

~ Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
Congratulations. And even with your boundless and extensive "knowledge", you actually think you provide a higher "level of service" than a doctor? I'm not the one who compared sucking a dick to performing a medical procedure, but you picked it up and carried it so you get to deal with the fallout.

As a rule I don't complain about dumb shit like provider's fees, services, etc. They are what they are; arguing about it is for beginners. But this idea that you ladies are all unique snowflakes who MUST BE respected is fucking dumb. Respect is earned and some of you do absolutely nothing to earn it. There are plenty of ladies I've met in the hobby who I think very highly of. But there are WAY more who are useless or basically just thieves or con-artists. So put down the sympathy violin and the Betty Friedan. Your colleagues here and on Backpage do way more damage to your "cause" than an asshole like me ever could.

Glad you finally noticed my "attitude", sugar-tits. Make a note of it and tell your friends.
I never said that this was mandatory that they do these things- My point I was trying to make was that some men on here keep posting up rude and nasty comments about these ladies and then expect that they will want to see them- The examples I used where to show you why I said what I did. I do believe I also said "Compliments" too. Since when does that cost anything?. Wanting to see me on here is not a compliment- I get guys everyday who want to see me and not in this kind of forum- If I wanted to date someone , I simply would. And again I am saying that it is not like you are not getting anything. So it is not some sort of favor that we see you. I have turned down more clients than I have seen because of the negative feedback on here. This was not something I was making mandatory. I was trying to make a point

The point that many of the gents will make is that if you want us to get to the point that we are excited to see you then show us also. There is nothing worse than seeing the sexy photos of the providers and then when you arrive it's sweat pants and tank tops. That is it's another version of bait and switch. If you are a laid back, jeans and flip flops type of provider then market that way but if you're going to show the lingerie and sexy cleavage in your ads to get the attention of the men and then when they arrive it's no where near that then yes, that is a point of contention for the gents to complain about. Providers ask that we are clean and have good hygiene, and we ask the same of the providers and if we're coming to your incall we ask that it's clean - it does not have to be a better homes and gardens cover but it should be clean, take the time to switch the sheets if they got stained with your last client, take the time to be fresh - we may not be your first for the day but we don't need a constant reminder during the session, take the time to view us as more than a trick and maybe we'll view you as more than a provider. This pendulum swings both ways and part of the diligence we do is reading the reviews, not just for the service level of the providers but for things like how clean was the incall, will you feel safe in that environment, when you kiss can you taste latex, etc.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not discrediting what you are saying but offering an opposing view and like I said the pendulum swings both ways and that's the thing we need to remember.
Originally Posted by poppy71
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Nothing like a good blow job while kicked back in my dental chair ......... Originally Posted by MOTOXMAN
Now THAT was a hott visual for an outcall

I think that people just like to stir things up when the drama slows down, I don't see it affecting business unless you allow it to. Heck, threADs get started every month just to drum up business. Feelings may get stepped on but, we're here to provide a service that we are VERY well compensated for. The best tip is a return visit and although it may not be stockings (unless requested), I don't think that having something sexy on every time that door opens is too much to ask. It should already be understood. I do consider myself a Dickmatologist though...
drax1's Avatar
  • drax1
  • 05-15-2014, 09:55 AM
And for those who do not sit on here all day making rude and ridicules comments... no request is necessary. Again my point was "you get what you give". ) Originally Posted by abeautifulsite
I'm just wondering what you think the $200-$300 + hourly fee is for?
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Well, being that you've never visited my kitchen Dorian, then you are just going on my three "fictional reviews." Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston

I guess people enjoy my Chef's attire (which changes on a daily btw), as 90% return. Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston

That part was aimed at abeautifulsite
What difference would that make to you, other than to stir up drama, as everyone knows you love young spinners. Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
Rory247.... Bella Solis.... Dorthy Monroe.... Glynette.... Diamond Jenet.... PaulinaPayne.... ???

Though I genuinely agree with you about the healthcare & researching tricks part.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Again, someone I have never seen and has no knowledge of me or my background. I guess I struck a nerve with you, wow... you need to find your ATF, sooner than later. Believe me, I've worked every once over my lifetime than anyone holding an MD, DDS, etc.

Congratulations. And even with your boundless and extensive "knowledge", you actually think you provide a higher "level of service" than a doctor? I'm not the one who compared sucking a dick to performing a medical procedure, but you picked it up and carried it so you get to deal with the fallout.

As a rule I don't complain about dumb shit like provider's fees, services, etc. They are what they are; arguing about it is for beginners. But this idea that you ladies are all unique snowflakes who MUST BE respected is fucking dumb. Respect is earned and some of you do absolutely nothing to earn it. There are plenty of ladies I've met in the hobby who I think very highly of. But there are WAY more who are useless or basically just thieves or con-artists. So put down the sympathy violin and the Betty Friedan. Your colleagues here and on Backpage do way more damage to your "cause" than an asshole like me ever could.

Glad you finally noticed my "attitude", sugar-tits. Make a note of it and tell your friends. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Again, someone I have never seen and has no knowledge of me or my background. I guess I stuck a nerve with you, wow... you need to find your ATF, sooner than later. Believe me, I've worked every once over my lifetime than anyone holding an MD, DDS, etc.
Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
No nerve struck, just bored waiting on a teleconference to start. And my current ATF has no idea about SHMBs like this.

Hooker-to-English translation on that last sentence, someone? I'm totally lost...
poppy71's Avatar
I never said that this was mandatory that they do these things- My point I was trying to make was that some men on here keep posting up rude and nasty comments about these ladies and then expect that they will want to see them- The examples I used where to show you why I said what I did. I do believe I also said "Compliments" too. Since when does that cost anything?. Wanting to see me on here is not a compliment- I get guys everyday who want to see me and not in this kind of forum- If I wanted to date someone , I simply would. And again I am saying that it is not like you are not getting anything. So it is not some sort of favor that we see you. I have turned down more clients than I have seen because of the negative feedback on here. This was not something I was making mandatory. I was trying to make a point Originally Posted by abeautifulsite
Like I said, I agree with you about some of the threads and comments but telling you from the male point of view, your post made it sound as you felt those things are mandatory. As far as compliments go, remember this, a lot of these guys won't compliment their wives and so's so you know they won't compliment you. Now what you don't get is that for many men expressing the desire to see you over seeing someone else IS paying you a compliment. If you're going to say it's not then you don't understand how some men think. They can also choose to offer their time and money to someone else but they decided to contact you because they do like your images, or your words, or whatever it is that attracted you to them. That in itself is the compliment. Like you said, this isn't a dating site and just as you don't treat it as such neither do some of the gents on here. Each party is getting something in return, you are getting paid, they are getting laid - plain as that and for many if they wanted more than that they would not be seeking it here. This is not a roses and diamonds hobby for most. It's a pure and simple exchange of goods for services. There are some of us that when we see providers we do go the extra mile. There are some of us that when we see providers we bring flowers, or wine, or something or we do compliment them but we do it for those that we also feel we are getting something extra from. Again, it swings both ways. Your points on rudeness, etc. has merit but at the same time some people need to have thicker skin and know that not everyone will agree with them on various points and in an open forum such as this we are all free to express our opinions. Some opinions can be expressed in a milder tone but sometimes you just have to consider the source and chalk it up to them just being how they are - take them or leave them - what can you really do about their rudeness except not see them and that is your option to exercise as you stated you do.
citizen44's Avatar
As you were kind enough to troll me in my thread, please let me return the favor.

First let me say that in regards to placing me on your DNS list, I'll be kind and not list all the reasons why this was unnecessary. You would never have made the bucket list. IJS.


1). We are not going to tip you as a default. You are not some single mother scraping by on a shit $2/hr+tips wage. Unlike said waitress, you have the ability to set your own rates. Want more money because of lack of tips? Raise your rate.

2). We will tip, but you need to so something that is above the normal call of duty. If my clients jack me around and I have to reschedule on you at the last minute, and you have to jump through hoops to still fit me in later? You're getting a tip from me.


Don't know what to say here. Saying something nice doesn't cost a person anything more than breathing out over your vocal cords. Even horrible people like me are kind to providers. Which by the way, is why you didn't see any providers coming forward and backing Ruby up by saying I am rude in person.

Positive Reviews:

Either earn it by blowing a guys socks off so much he just can't wait to tell everyone, or pay for it by offering discounts or free kitty.
Wow enderwiggin did you seriously just say that? You were the one who brought up md,dds ect... Oh my gosh I almost laughed myself of my chair lol

Hooker-to-English translation on that last sentence, someone? I'm totally lost... Originally Posted by enderwiggin