FSB Thank you Sweetie

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  • PSD
  • 09-12-2010, 05:22 PM
???She??? ???ours??? wrong board Sweetie. Originally Posted by Lacey Companion

Noooo...the absolutely RIGHT board! Mr Chan loves you! You've found your niche, doll!

And still, I sit here laughing with your silly posts! hehehe
I have been reading your posts all over the site too. I guess we are just entertaining the hell outta each other today Kiss! At least you have the capacity to realize there's some entertainment value here. I don't believe I am switching niches though. That would make me really nuts. So who is this "she leader" you are referring to Sugar Britches? It kinda does hurt my feelings that you haven't read enough of this bs to know it's a "he leader" since ya feel the need to respond and all. That's like a D on your homework... sorry Baby. But yes I do know that Mr. Chan loves me. He follows me everywhere I go. So does a few more... especially the leader. He actually even expresses his love to me in private messages and those discussions are so much better. Maybe I'll get lucky and you'll love me too. I think there's a pretty good chance, don't you? Nice to meet ya! See ya soon!
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  • PSD
  • 09-12-2010, 09:45 PM
I guess we are just entertaining the hell outta each other today Kiss! At least you have the capacity to realize there's some entertainment value here. That's like a D on your homework. But yes I know Mr. Chan loves me. He follows me everywhere I go. So does a few more... especially the leader. He actually even talks to me in private and those discussions are so much better. Maybe I'll get lucky and you'll love me too. I think there's a pretty good chance, don't you? Nice to meet ya. See ya soon! Originally Posted by Lacey Companion

No idea where to start here. You're cute but damn you talk too much. Give that part a rest and us Okies wont give a damn who the leader is, we follow pussy very effectively!

And be nice to Mr Chan, he's a good guy even if you 2 dont see eye-to-eye. Frankly, he cracks me up on a daily basis so let that go, girly girl.

Now, Pm me and lets flirt and end this board drama BS. The Arkansas guys might appreciate me a little bit more for that!

Game on!

I knew I loved ya when I saw ya on the national board. FRICKIN DEAL BABY!

BIG WET KISS! You should be the leader...heeheehee!