Taking Out Bin Laden- Why You Really Don't Want Blabbermouth T in

  • pxmcc
  • 05-02-2021, 01:03 AM
But honestly pxmcc tried to make it political from the very first post. But granted, the folks tat actually executed the kill deserve all the credit. Politics aside. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
sure crypt. makes perfect sense..

who's your boss by the way? or is that a secret..

Trump was in the thread title, but mentioning him is a thread hijack. folmfao..

here's what i think of that:
LexusLover's Avatar
....the people that were tracking him for 15 years deserve the credit for finding him. That starts with Clinton, ... Originally Posted by targaman85
He wasn't known until after 911, so how could "Clinton" be tracking him while he was President. The courier was not an issue with respect to the attempt to down a WTC building in Clinton's administration. His identity was provided after some "enhanced interrogation" techniques begun in Eastern Europe.

Go back and carefully read the indictment of OBL that was obtained during the Clinton administration and see if the courier's name is mentioned as one of the "co-conspirators" (or at all.) The time line on that guy began in 2002.


‘Joe, what do you think?’

“And I said, ‘You know, I didn’t know we had so many economists around the table.’ I said, ‘We owe the man a direct answer. Mr. President, my suggestion is don’t go. We have to do two more things to see if he’s there.’”
Bitten didn't want to do the raid, because it might cost the "Presidency" for Obaminable, which means the VP for Bitten.
LL, see attached link to declassified documents indicating that we surely knew of OBL prior to 9/11/01. You've clearly forgotten that Condoleezza Rice was forced to sit and testify about this in front of a Congessional committee on 9/11. OBL was on TV in 1997 and 98 telling everyone that his followers would follow in the steps of the bomber that had already tried to bring down the World Trade Center. Let's see, who was POTUS in 1997? Do you think the same group that eventually tracked him down ignored this open intelligence at the time? The courier had nothing to do with it.

Russ38's Avatar
that was an utterly idiotic move. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Taking out one of the worlds most notorious terrorist who was responsible for the deaths of untold thousands (many of whom were American) is idiotic? Then again, I could see where a typical lib would share the same ideology.....Tebow knows O shipped them over a many pallet-o-cash.....
LexusLover's Avatar
LL, see attached link to declassified documents indicating that we surely knew of OBL prior to 9/11/01. Originally Posted by targaman85
Are you making up some false narrative in an effort to discredit my postings? Do you see any statement by me on this board (or this thread) that indicates I believe that "we" didn't know about OBL prior to 9/11/01?

Let me save you some time, and I don't need alleged "unclassified" documents .... a 1998 indictment during the Clinton administration is sufficient, and I've posted that numerous times on this site.

"Reading" .... on what? Have you read the indictment?
LexusLover's Avatar
Are you making up some false narrative in an effort to discredit my postings? Do you see any statement by me on this board (or this thread) that indicates I believe that "we" didn't know about OBL prior to 9/11/01?

Let me save you some time, and I don't need alleged "unclassified" documents .... a 1998 indictment during the Clinton administration is sufficient, and I've posted that numerous times on this site.

"Reading" .... on what? Have you read the indictment? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Apparently, you seem to "think" I believe our intelligence and law enforcement communities didn't know about OBL until after the Bush administration. I'm uncertain as to what leads you to that erroneous conclusion, but save it.

Our discussion was as the OP says: Bush had no intel on OBL to give Obaminable.

You just made him a liar. Thank you! Or are you the OP?
boardman's Avatar
Apparently, you seem to "think" I believe our intelligence and law enforcement communities didn't know about OBL until after the Bush administration. I'm uncertain as to what leads you to that erroneous conclusion, but save it.

Our discussion was as the OP says: Bush had no intel on OBL to give Obaminable.

You just made him a liar. Thank you! Or are you the OP? Originally Posted by LexusLover

What I read from post 17 is that we didn't know about OBL during the Clinton Admin.

He wasn't known until after 911, so how could "Clinton" be tracking him while he was President. . Originally Posted by LexusLover

I was questioning it too when I first read it and I'm still not sure if that's what you actually meant. OBL was definitely known prior to 9/11 and Clinton had a chance to take him out but didn't. Did I read your comment wrong or were you referring to someone else?

PX, you made it political just in the title of your post. LMAO
Boardman, thanks for the support, but:

1) LL has Alzheimer's and doesn't know what he said 15 mins ago, so we should just feel sorry for him and drop it. Or,

2) LL doesn't have a clue what he's saying and is not worth wasting energy debating. Or,

3) LL should get some sleep and not be posting in the middle of the night when he's brain has given up for the day.
  • pxmcc
  • 05-04-2021, 07:12 AM
Taking out one of the worlds most notorious terrorist who was responsible for the deaths of untold thousands (many of whom were American) is idiotic? Then again, I could see where a typical lib would share the same ideology.....Tebow knows O shipped them over a many pallet-o-cash..... Originally Posted by Russ38
Soleimani was a uniformed Irani officer, maybe comparable to the Special ops command in our military, who was invited as a guest of honor and military trainer/strategist to Iraq by the Iraqi government to help shut down Islamic State, Al Qaeda and some Sunni radicals allied with Al Qaeda/ISIS. Trump taking him out was an idiotic move, and could have resulted in Iraq straight up kicking us out, stronger Iraqi Iran ties, a payback assassination of a high-ranking U.S. officer, and possibly war with Iran's million man army, which is nothing like Iraq. This had 0 in common with the bin Laden takedown and the Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi assassination, both of which were justified and excellent moves. Calling Soleimani a terrorist is just straight-up factually incorrect, like calling a senior Russian general a terrorist. You may not like him, but that doesn't make him a terrorist or a direct threat to the U.S.

plus the dude looked like sean connery's james bond. so there's that..
  • pxmcc
  • 05-04-2021, 08:43 AM
You show the depth of your lack of knowledge and engraved bias.


Why you dredge up these stale claims that aren't historically supported is beyond me .... Are you needing attention?

Here's the ending ... of the INVESTIGATION that began in 2002 under the Bush administration and he was being tracked during the second term of the Bush administration ...


Detained prisoners began to disclose his identity as a consequence of special interrogation techniques utilized during the Bush administration in Eastern Europe. If you read the article it is claimed he owned the house and maintained utility connections.

A courier was followed to the house and that courier had been "under watch" for years before Obaminable was elected.

As an aside it is my recollection that Your Man Bitten was opposed to the raid as being risky for Obaminable's re-election chances if it failed .... kinda like your Man Carter and the Iranian disaster.

You and yours can't destroy and rewrite all history. Live with it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
so, in your opinion, torture is consistent with the ethos of the world's greatest democratic republic? waterboarding-making someone feel like they are drowning-is ok as long as it leads to a (coerced btw and therefore unreliable) confession? and when our troops get captured as pows, we shouldn't worry about the hostile nation returning the favor? do we have the moral high ground, or are we barbarians like our enemies?

have you no decency, sir?
Russ38's Avatar
Soleimani was a uniformed Irani officer, maybe comparable to the Special ops command in our military, who was invited as a guest of honor and military trainer/strategist to Iraq by the Iraqi government to help shut down Islamic State, Al Qaeda and some Sunni radicals allied with Al Qaeda/ISIS. Trump taking him out was an idiotic move, and could have resulted in Iraq straight up kicking us out, stronger Iraqi Iran ties, a payback assassination of a high-ranking U.S. officer, and possibly war with Iran's million man army, which is nothing like Iraq. This had 0 in common with the bin Laden takedown and the Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi assassination, both of which were justified and excellent moves. Calling Soleimani a terrorist is just straight-up factually incorrect, like calling a senior Russian general a terrorist. You may not like him, but that doesn't make him a terrorist or a direct threat to the U.S.

plus the dude looked like sean connery's james bond. so there's that.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
You should double check your facts......

  • pxmcc
  • 05-04-2021, 01:52 PM
You should double check your facts......

https://www.iranfocus.com/en/iran-an...-in-syria/?amp Originally Posted by Russ38
who publishes this iran focus, some right wing think tank? never heard of it.

look, syria was and is a clusterfuck. war is hell anyway. there were no "good guys,"-excepting the Syrian Kurds-just bad guys and worse guys. did Iran help Assad? yup. did bad things happen there? yup. pinning all the clusterfuckery on Soleimani seems a bit tunnel-visioned though. i stand by my assessment that killing Soleimani on Iraqi soil when he was an invited guest of the Iraqi government wasn't the smartest move ever. just because we didn't end up in war with iran doesnt somehow make it a smart move, retrospectively.
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