I Was going to let is Slide

I see it like co-signing a loan. She's stuck if they don't pay. I would also post names, this incident just goes to show their lack of credibility and responsiblility. No different when a provider demands partial payment for a canceled session by a client.

This could be a deciding factor if I was thinking of seeing any of the three.

You just got screwed for studio time. Originally Posted by hd
Yeah, I'd never ever dream of seeing a financially irresponsible hooker.
Post her name.
TinMan's Avatar
Or a mortgage company, or a bank, or a credit card company, or the federal government, or... Gosh! There's a long list!

Raven: You were right in the title to your post -- You should have let it slide. Originally Posted by notdeadyet
Extending credit to the uncreditworthy is no way to run a bank or mortgage company, either, which is why we are in the financial mess we are in. Pawn shops rarely go broke lending to the subprime market because they know how to underwrite that risk. The banks didn't.

So the lesson for Raven is, do a lot more of these deals on credit, then ask the government for a bailout.
cheatercheater's Avatar
Post the names and save the next photographer, mechanic, handyman, computer repair guy, and so on from the same demise.
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Who agreed to pay you? Do you not have any paperwork? Just because someone set up the shoot doesn't necessarily mean she agreed to pay for the shoot. I can see where you feel the gal who set it should pay, but, unless there's more to the story it seems like you left things ambiguous. I'd move on and not do any business with your friend in the future except on a cash basis. OTOH, from strictly my personal entertainment viewpoint, I suggest you name her.
Jasser's Avatar
I agree with TexasDave and Dannie.

This has happened to you before so shame on you for putting yourself in a position to let it happen again.

Don't take it the wrong way, I'm not flaming you. This is a business and the days of trust through a handshake are long gone.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Sorry to read your issue, doing business with someone you know and trust shouldn't require the safeguards of contracts, deposits etc., but this is the occasional price for that.

When I charged for photo jobs years ago the one salient truth I learned was that the more I charged the better the client was to work with. Your rates are extremely good and anyone on the board should be able (and willing) to pay them for the quality work you do. Raising your rate may get you more cooperative clients, it seems counter intuitive, but no good dead goes unpunished.

Maybe this thread will be a wake up call for her (send a link to it to her via email or PM). At least send PM's to the other pro photogs on the board warning them about her.

Good luck!
You knew better. Posting a name will create drama and I don't know a single glamour photographer who does not have a few clients who have a bone to pick with them; even if some of it it bullshit. You could do without the inevitable negative publicity. Charge it to the game.

How is the storage business doing?

Take care...
LazurusLong's Avatar
Another example of how decent guys in the hobby who have a good track record end up getting fucked over.

Does the provider who was pimping the girls owe you? Yes she does. She set everything up and because she even offered up the phone number after it went south, that means YOU never dealt with her directly.

If the provider you took the photos of looked like she would be able to make it here in Dallas, and look around first before answering because it appears as long as she has a pulse and a pussy she can, then give her a call and see if she will still be working and wants the photos.

Otherwise, I'll give you $20.00 for the CDs. At least you'd get paid something for them.
Bid #2 - I'll give you $25 for the CDs and copyrights.
Tina Marie's Avatar
She was guilty from a legal standpoint, but you were guilty from a common sense standpoint. Common sense says you get the $ up front and never mix business with pleasure. Hopefully you will learn from this mistake and not be branded a loser again.

As Otter said to Flounder in ANIMAL HOUSE: "You fucked up. You trusted us."

Being ripped off is a bitter pill, but you also need to listen to Zig Ziglar when he says "How long are you going to give that person control over your life?" I've had the same thing happen to me, and it's tempting to seek some type of revenge - but I've found it more productive, karma-wise, to just learn from it, forget it and move on to more positive activities.

Once you call this person out, they will simply say your photos sucked, they never promised you anything, you misunderstood, yadda, yadda...
DFW, sorry it hapened. I too have had trusted clients screw me over.

I do not think you should continue this on the board. The bottom line is its a private transaction between you and the provider. Anyone truly concerned can PM you and you can decide who you want to release the info to. You have been her long enough to know this will just turn into a shit storm with no true winner. I recomend you request this be closed now.

Just my recomendation. If you want to persue this here, go ahead.
LazurusLong's Avatar
...The bottom line is its a private transaction between you and the provider. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Isn't this ENTIRE board devoted to private transactions between clients and providers?

There are some very relevant hobby lessons here.

The provider pimping the girls must not be able to recruit and retain stable talent if said pimp/provider who arranged the shoot won't make good but SHE's the one who kept pushing for the shoot and told Raven said provider would make good.

The provider who had photos taken has issues that should let future suckers know she can't be trusted. A track record of not taking care of her business starts with the first post where she fails to make good and if she is named here, that might save other guys from their own good intentions that we all know hell is paved with.
How is the storage business doing? Originally Posted by J.G. Wentworth

I like the idea of auctioning off the remaining CD's! You already have two bids...this could be fun!