Obamacare Begins Child Sterilzation in Oregon

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  • 10-20-2012, 08:01 PM

In simpler terms, their brains haven't fully developed until 19-20 yrs of age.
As a result, children under 17 cannot be tried with murder because of these scientific facts of human development. Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???
Are you even old enough to be on this site? There are thousands of cases of kids being tried as adults for murder. those kids are the one's in the most need of a vasectomy, btw. We take away their right to vote, I don't see why we can't take away their right to reproduce.




CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WDF, you are an imbecile beyond belief. You're arguments are so completely vapid, formulating a response is futile.

You think kids should be able to make life changing decisions without their parent's consent. Schools can't give them a tylenol without parental consent, but birth control, abortion and sterilization, do not even require the parent to be notified. Does that REALLY make sense to you? Really?

You are what's wrong with the US.
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  • 10-20-2012, 08:15 PM

Oregon, being one of the most liberal states, wishes to do what it can and where it can, to "free" children from the oppression of
parents; for them to find solace in the arms of the state.

. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I thought you Tea Wacks were for State Rights?

Or is that just when it suits your desire?

Coupling Oregon and the Obama administration is a recipe for, well I won't say it but you decide. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Let me say it again. . .


But really, I think the Federal Government should not decide , nor the state government but each person. Free Choice. Let the kid decide. You can undo them you know. Not that big a deal, but to you Tea wipes that want to get inside everyone's pants and tell them what to do with their privates. Good Lord, if this was the thirties, you'd be pushing for prohibition! When are you turd heads ever going to get out of the stone age?

Do you just like to post to feel your weenie grow?

. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
If so, my weenie would be bigger than Jack's Beanstalk

I had so many comebacks to that line ... I might not be done never.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-20-2012, 08:22 PM
WDF, you are an imbecile beyond belief. You're arguments are so completely vapid, formulating a response is futile.

You think kids should be able to make life changing decisions without their parent's consent. Schools can't give them a tylenol without parental consent, but birth control, abortion and sterilization, do not even require the parent to be notified. Does that REALLY make sense to you? Really?

You are what's wrong with the US. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'm for personal freedom/choice cocksucker. Deal with it.

I can't help that all the shitty parents are worried that their kid might make a choice they do not agree with. The good parents know their kids will do the right thing. I thought you weren't for the nanny state? Jeez Louise...
WTF's Avatar
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  • 10-20-2012, 08:33 PM
Under Oregon State Law, the state’s revised statutes (ORS) defines “informed consent”. . .


CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Parent's rights supersede state's rights, moron.
KenMonk's Avatar
wow that just stuns me...
WTF's Avatar
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  • 10-20-2012, 08:49 PM
Parent's rights supersede state's rights, moron. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

If you want to beat your childs ass, you can do so? The state has no say?

Please tell me where this is happening....asshole.

Fuc with somebody that won't throw back your own hypocrisy, you state right loving SOB.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 10-20-2012, 08:55 PM
wow that just stuns me... Originally Posted by KenMonk
I could see where it would stun a 'Chat Mod'

What I find stunning is that none of these asshole's are willing to debate my thought about forced sterilization on felons. We take away their right to vote. Why not their right to have baby felons?

And , what I find amusing is the illogical logic of these STATE RIGHTS cheerleaders Shutting the Fuck Up.
Are you even old enough to be on this site? There are thousands of cases of kids being tried as adults for murder. those kids are the one's in the most need of a vasectomy, btw. We take away their right to vote, I don't see why we can't take away their right to reproduce.




http://www.ksat.com/news/Trial-for-m...n/-/index.html Originally Posted by WTF
That was the judge's decision, not typical protocol. When he was 15 (same age as this law), he was in juve detention.

Anything to protect your precious God, Obama, right?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

If you want to beat your childs ass, you can do so? The state has no say?

Please tell me where this is happening....asshole.

Fuc with somebody that won't throw back your own hypocrisy, you state right loving SOB. Originally Posted by WTF
Stupid argument, but expected. Why would you assume that the right to be informed and have a say in a minor child's medical decisions is the same as beating the child?

It's because you got nothin' but strawmen. You're ignorance is epic. And your trust in government is ridiculous.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
and your paranoia is pathological...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I thought you were going to prove that it isn't true. So I guess . . . you got nothin'.
LexusLover's Avatar
What I find stunning is that none of these asshole's are willing to debate my thought about forced sterilization on felons. We take away their right to vote. Why not their right to have baby felons?

And , what I find amusing is the illogical logic of these STATE RIGHTS cheerleaders Shutting the Fuck Up. Originally Posted by WTF
"STATE RIGHTS" has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with sterlizing felons, and nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with children giving consent to sterlization......

... not to mention the thread topic.

Typical WTF bullshit.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 10-21-2012, 07:10 AM
"STATE RIGHTS" has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with sterlizing felons, and nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with children giving consent to sterlization......

... not to mention the thread topic.

Typical WTF bullshit. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Wait, wait Romney said Obamacare is a state's rights issue. Let each state decide. Sounds like the great state of Oregon has spoken but you state righters are not happy with wtf you heard so now it is a nanny state parential issue. Typicial from you Tea Pukes.

I see how you did not address the fact/irony that we take away former felons right to vote. That point went way over your head. If a felon can lose the right to vote by law, why not the right to reproduce? You don't get it do you?

Should a felon lose his right to ever vote again? Even COFuc was smart enough not to fall into that trap.

Care to address that issue ? Or are you scared I will it make you a bigger hypocrite than you already are.