My Two Adorables and the St. Andrew's Cross

harkontume's Avatar
Never seen S***.. but I recognize E***.
Seems you took it to a completely new level!
toulmin's Avatar
As a fellow traveler in the realm, and having experienced time with both ladies, I have to compliment Monk on his choice of partners and their...ways. Kudos, my friend, and envy. My loins burn.
lilsmurf's Avatar
Off the hook kinky!
seanes's Avatar
Great episode.
Very nice work sir. Your illustrations are impressive.
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
So I'm going to ... quietly curse your name! With the blandest of oaths, of course. Originally Posted by meldrick
Blather! Blarney! You sure can blandish, you Miles Standish! But when those Adorables say “brandish your braciola right through my Brandenburg gate” I slather on the balsamella and dive for the bran muffin.

Two more daguerreotypes for the boys and the girls.

E** was having a wonderful time taking our pics, wiggling her hips and swinging that strap-on back and forth. “I wonder if they would let me post an ad on Craig’s? Photographer with a strap on? I kinda like this.”

Fabulous legs, fabulous woman, simply fabulous!

Thanks to all of you for your kind and engouraging comments. And thanks to the Adorables.
