Party is Over

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-16-2014, 01:41 PM
neophytes and the blind have so much in common;. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

untrue, the tea party and the republicans seem quite divided at present ..
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-16-2014, 05:26 PM
Yeah, funny how all their "principled, take a stand" bullshit about spending gets flushed right down the toilet after the pasting they took last year for shutting down the government. With the mid-terms coming up in November, there was no way they were chucking that turd into the punchbowl. Fucking hypocrites. Originally Posted by timpage
Why are they hypocrites when they basically admitted defeat and gave in? They should be praised for rational behavior, not lambasted.
BigLouie's Avatar

All we want is to take over the country and then leave everyone alone.

.... the constitutionalists see it and noone else does. Does that make us crazy? ... . Originally Posted by LovingKayla
And here I thought that Pollyanna was only a book and movie. This is the most naive, uninformed view I think I have ever read here. How do you think you take over a country? By asking pretty please? No it takes brute force and a lot of domination. Take over and leave everyone alone? All those people you dominated to take over the country, when you leave them alone what do you think will happen? Really, what do you think would happen. Maybe they would want their country back. Ya think.

Does that make you crazy, why yes it does because you are totally blind as how things are run. To get into power in politics it takes money and lots of it. It takes connections and lots of it. And when you get into power the rich and powerful people who put you there are going to want to be repaid in some form or fashion. When the Tea Party people got elected what do you think was the first thing they did. They held fund raisers with the most powerful lobbyist. You think any political party really worries about the constitution, no they worry about how to get power and make money from it. Simple as that. Get use to it.
bambino's Avatar
untrue, the tea party and the republicans seem quite divided at present .. Originally Posted by CJ7
Oh, and the democrats are united? What a dumb fuck you are. Half the Dems are running away from OBama and his stupid HC scheme. The other half thinks he didn't go far enough. You're really not too bright.
And here I thought that Pollyanna was only a book and movie. This is the most naive, uninformed view I think I have ever read here. How do you think you take over a country? By asking pretty please? No it takes brute force and a lot of domination. Take over and leave everyone alone? All those people you dominated to take over the country, when you leave them alone what do you think will happen? Really, what do you think would happen. Maybe they would want their country back. Ya think.

Does that make you crazy, why yes it does because you are totally blind as how things are run. To get into power in politics it takes money and lots of it. It takes connections and lots of it. And when you get into power the rich and powerful people who put you there are going to want to be repaid in some form or fashion. When the Tea Party people got elected what do you think was the first thing they did. They held fund raisers with the most powerful lobbyist. You think any political party really worries about the constitution, no they worry about how to get power and make money from it. Simple as that. Get use to it. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Kayla will be around long after your rotting stinking carcass gets torched. Simple as that... see ya... she is ready
untrue, the tea party and the republicans seem quite divided at present .. Originally Posted by CJ7

How are you "Independents" that support Okingbro, going to survive when SHTF? .... LOL
Why are they hypocrites when they basically admitted defeat and gave in? They should be praised for rational behavior, not lambasted. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Is this basically the same "spending bill" that was a result of Rep Paul Ryan and Sen Patty Murray's deal back in mid-December?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-16-2014, 07:47 PM
Is this basically the same "spending bill" that was a result of Rep Paul Ryan and Sen Patty Murray's deal back in mid-December? Originally Posted by gnadfly
who knows ? nobody read it..

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Congress just passed, and the President will sign a massive spending bill that no one has read, and all some of you care about is that the Tea Party lost a vote? Seriously?

No wonder the country is going to hell.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
the country is going to Salina?

NO WONDER you scored higher than any RWW on any dipshit poll! Deal with that, kneeler!
lustylad's Avatar
Yippee! I knew that damn sequester wouldn't last. Pass the pork, baby! We gotta dole it out quick so that everyone back home is fat and happy come election day!

Is this basically the same "spending bill" that was a result of Rep Paul Ryan and Sen Patty Murray's deal back in mid-December? Originally Posted by gnadfly
who knows ? nobody read it..

snark Originally Posted by CJ7

Is the EMERGENCY unemployment extension in it? Did anyone read the original link? The Heritage Foundation got half of what it wanted.

But the New York Times has declared it a victory. Yeah, the same New York Times that confirms that the Benghazi attack was the result of a video.

BTW, it is President Obama who promised to post bills ready for his signature on the internet for 5 days. He lied. Surprised face smilicon! Surprised face smilicon! Surprised face smilicon!
Did your unemployment run out Ass fly?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Oh, and the democrats are united? What a dumb fuck you are. Half the Dems are running away from OBama and his stupid HC scheme. The other half thinks he didn't go far enough. You're really not too bright. Originally Posted by bambino
Please provide some evidence supporting your claim, old buddy! I think you might be labor ing under a false assumption regarding the Democratic Party. (PSSSST ... They've ALWAYS been in ideological turmoil).
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-17-2014, 09:23 AM
Is the EMERGENCY unemployment extension in it? Did anyone read the original link? The Heritage Foundation got half of what it wanted.

! Originally Posted by gnadfly
Did you understand wtf you read? The Heritage Foundation got half of wtf it wanted in the bill and still demanded a no vote! They did not get wtf they wanted in terms of the no vote. That is wtf the NYT's was talking about.

The Heritage Foundation drafted a lengthy to-do list for the huge spending bill, which included prohibiting funds to build a prison in the United States to house detainees from Guantánamo Bay, Cuba; eliminating all money for Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s cherished high-speed rail projects; cutting the operating budget of the Fish and Wildlife Service; providing money for private school vouchers for the District of Columbia; and significantly reducing the Internal Revenue Service’s budget, with language requiring more oversight of the potential targeting of political groups.
All of those requests — about half the to-do list, in all — were carried out, and yet Heritage Action demanded a “no” vote.
That ideological purity has lost its power.