Personal Protection

Batshit crazy works everytimeI haven't had to kick anybody's ass in about 2 years Originally Posted by Gabrielle TallCoolOne
I take that back...the first time I posted on BP I had to fight a younger man who thought he could rob me. He ended up running out the door with half a shirt
over the years. I really love helping women out that are just plain scared. Main thing is tell them NO, over and over again, real loud and don;t be scared. I know it's hard to not be scared but being scared will get you raped or killed. I've been teaching Martial Arts for 20 years now and have seen some crazy things.
On rare occasions, providers are victims of fake hobbyists who try to get something for free, or rip them off, or even get physically violent. Much more common is the hobbyist who is just trying to spend a few bucks to get a nut, and:

-provider begins an immediate upsell (ripoff)
-the provider starts a long list of "I don't do that or that or that or that..."
-provider does the cash-n-dash
-provider answers the phone, sends a text, etc (on hobbyists time)
-provider goes "bat-shit-crazy" for no damn reason
-provider is truly just bat-shit-crazy
-provider has friend appear out of closet, bathroom, etc, often with a weapon, demanding more money
-provider takes the money, then says something like "you have to leave, I think you're a cop."

In short, while the profession does present some dangerous situations for the providers, and the risks are real and should be prepared for, the truth is that hobbyists get burned MUCH more often than providers.

My guess, also, is that established, well-reviewed providers are victims far more often than hobbyists, and hobbyists are far more often the victim when dealing with the lower end, non-established, non-reviewed providers (street girls, fly-by-night BP girls, etc.)
carpenter's Avatar
The sad truth is, that when you walk in the shadows you will encounter the dregs of society at one time or another, whether you are a buyer or a seller. There are many many good people out there but yes, there are the bad apples, so be aware, and always listen to your gut.
And if it sounds to good to be true then it is!
34E Whitney Weston's Avatar
~I think everyone should be armed~ IMO

BTW, Bear mace comes in a small fire extinguisher sized shape can which is difficult to conceal.

May I suggest a small hand gun in an ankle holster?
I think any lady in this line of work should take a self defense class. Mace, knives, guns, can all be used against you if you do not know how to use them correctly. I have seen demonstrations were the weapons were taken away before the person holding the weapon knew what happen. If not used properly any weapon offers a false sense of security. If a provider chooses to carry some sort of weapon learn how to use it correctly...

Please be safe...

PS Wixchill...No offense you really don't know what you are talking about... I know plenty of fellow providers who have been beaten, raped, drugged, robbed....and they do this everyday... Please.....