"Vaginal Knitting is here ..."

SisterTwister's Avatar
I hope she never takes up fly fishing.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Uhhhh okay.
Part of me is very interested in seeing this in person though lol (just not during her 'days').
These comments have me choking I'm laughing so hard!
PiperPosh's Avatar
Oh my, I love knitting, and this is awesome.
Doesn't it get all crusty, though?
down4fun's Avatar
I bet that would win a sweater contest at a X-Mas party lol..
houston_switch's Avatar
One of the most interesting post/threads ever!
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
Oh my, I love knitting, and this is awesome.
Doesn't it get all crusty, though? Originally Posted by PiperPosh
Does that mean you are going take this ip. If you do, knit something for me and I'll eat it before it gets crusty!

How much would it cost? I would need to start saving.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I would rather have an original Annie Sprinkles boobie watercolor. Originally Posted by Nicolet
Do you think she could knit you a yellow sweater?

JRLawrence's Avatar
Oh my, I love knitting, and this is awesome.
Doesn't it get all crusty, though? Originally Posted by PiperPosh
I was going to make a joke about: knit me a sweater and I will never wash it. But then I went to your web site. You are a beauty. If you ever come to Kansas City, send me a PM. I don't travel much anymore, but I remember when I traveled to Dallas every month.

You are funny girl.

PiperPosh's Avatar
I was going to make a joke about: knit me a sweater and I will never wash it. But then I went to your web site. You are a beauty. If you ever come to Kansas City, send me a PM. I don't travel much anymore, but I remember when I traveled to Dallas every month.

You are funny girl.

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
I've been considering coming that way.
I'll send you a PM now.
And I'll knit you a crusty sweater anytime. It'll be small, though. Knitting takes forever. A dog sweater, perhaps?
ben dover's Avatar
Well this is something. What's next ..selling hotdogs out of her ass?
PiperPosh's Avatar
Well this is something. What's next ..selling hotdogs out of her ass? Originally Posted by ben dover
Not the kind of hotdogs you'd want to eat.

Most likely.
Source of the knitting material, whatever.

How well does she knit?
Forever_Diamond's Avatar
i need a photo shoot can u help
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Well this is something. What's next ..selling hotdogs out of her ass? Originally Posted by ben dover
I found this disturbing photo on Fetlife