Sign a contract??? So he can sue her and get what? Originally Posted by GDLMAN
So that she is going to prison if she opens her mouth. He already has the paper trail of his offense. He needs the equalizer of a paper trail of hers if he is to ensure her silence.

Dude is screwed. But gifting $10K w/o a contract of what it is for is just as stupid as sexting from his primary cell.
All great answers and thoughts and much to debate here. But I guess as his friend-I'm looking for THE answer that will most likely result in the least amount of pain to him. I've thought of these..

Go to police. Great. This ensures an investigation but not necessarily an arrest, let alone a conviction. And when wife asks why the cops are visiting, or calling--then what?

Go to lawyer. OK-but not their shared corporate lawyer. And will a lawyer advise this is a criminal or civil matter? Or is the lawyer supposed to bully her into not sending the info to wife? Who's to say she won't move to Austin--then six months out, when the "financial demand" is off the table and forgotten--she won't drop it in the mail?

Tell the wife. If he had balls THAT big, and the relationship was strong enough to withstand it-that would be the answer. They aren't--either big enough [balls] or strong enough [couple.]
He can pay the $10k for the "tech package" and all other evidence. But what's the guarantee that 1 month down the line , that girl would not ask for money again stating that she has multiple copies of the "tech package". So Harry becomes an ATM man now??

Does she know his address,place of work? How much info does she have about him? If no, then screw her. This is bordering on harrassment or blackmail/extortion. Harry's best bet now would be to contact an attorney.
badlamb24's Avatar
Draw up a legally binding contract. Meet at lawyers office to sign contract. Originally Posted by ReadCT
First both get together with lawyer- explain how serious her crime is (as she clearly stated for money in Email/text) and try her to bring down her demanded amount to 4-5K instead of 10K (or whatever your friend thinks she deserves considering both shared relation for 18 months). I would say this is BEST option and it will surely keep wife away from this matter. Because, if he pays her silently - she will ask again. I will surely choose this option and learn lesson to avoid sexting.
Preserve contract, her emails and text messages which proves her asking for money and payment made in multiple checks at different dates.
She was his "lover and confidant". She knows or has found out all she needs to know about him. Knows his address at home and office. Knows all about family and relational issues. Guys-think about how much real life stuff you and I reveal during pillow talk right after we pay for that GFE. If your ATF has your real name-it's a hop, skip & jump to getting almost anything else.

But this isn't hobby related. This is real life. As for the rugged "screw her" attitude--yeah--we said that for the first twenty minutes. And then I consoled him for the next hour as he contemplated life in an apartment, business dissolved, wife keeping kids....
Badlamb24--but IS it a crime? I know it seems like a crime, but there are such gray lines. I mean-what WE do is also a crime-yet we minimize it as what two consenting adults do, regardless of money involved. I guess her wording of things--selling a tech package--confuses the issue for me, in spite of knowing exactly what her intentions are.

And IF it is a crime, how serious a crime is it? In the grand scheme of things-things "going legal" have almost a nuclear effect on him and his family--as the truth will come bursting out.

I just don't know what to recommend he do. The overwhelming sense is to "get a lawyer involved"--but the best case scenario doing that is still unclear.
  • T-Can
  • 12-24-2010, 09:59 AM
Is she hot?
Read my sig line if she is.........she will be throwing rocks at your friend and have forgotten about the 10K after meeting me..

Seriously, though, how would she get the info to his wife? That could be crucial in all of this - lots of possibilities....
ShysterJon's Avatar
What should Harry do? As dirty as it seems--and as much as my initial gut said "blackmail/extortion"--I don't know that it rises to that level given the exacting nature of her offer. Also-even if it were, Harry couldn't easily expect to go to the police [or anyone] with an accusation-since everything would inevitably come out and be discovered/disclosed. Should he pay? What should he get from her to make sure she doesn't come back for more? Originally Posted by txirishman
I may be uniquely qualified to answer your question because (1) I'm a criminal defense attorney, (2) I have represented clients in Harry's position, and (3) I have been the target of an attempt at extortion.

First, in my opinion, the girl's conduct constitutes what's commonly known as extortion or "blackmail," despite her attempt to cloak her crime in the sheepskin of a sale of a "technology package." Whether conduct constitutes a crime is for the fact-finder (that is, the judge or jury) to decide, not the defendant. I can say my ass is a Christmas tree, but I'd be an idiot to think the jury or judge wouldn't see my shiny white butt and not a festive tree.

In Texas, there is no provision of the Penal Code specifically making extortion a crime; rather, the conduct is prosecuted as theft. In Texas, a person may commit the offense of theft by unlawfully appropriating another's property with the intent to deprive the owner of the property without the owner's effective consent:

Texas Penal Code § 31.03.

For you legal eagles, a case to read is Roberts v. State, 278 S.W.3d 778 (Tex. App.--San Antonio 2008, no pet.) (defendant's theft conviction affirmed where he had sought pre-suit discovery from men who had had an affair with his wife).

The degree of the offense depends on the value of the property misappropriated. For example, if the girl took $10,000 from Harry, it would be a state jail felony punishable by up to two years in a state jail facility and a $10,000 fine, or both.

I think Harry has four options: (1) ignore the girl's attempted theft; (2) pay the full amount of the demand ($10,000); (3) negotiate and pay a smaller amount; or (4) seek outside assistance.

I cannot render advice specifically applicable to Harry's circumstances without knowing all the facts. However, I can say, based on my experience with such cases and my knowledge of the law, that the fourth option is probably the wisest choice. But before I explain why, I want to review the other options.

When I was the target of an attempt at extortion (by a former provider who'd become my sugar baby), I ignored the threat because of my unique circumstances (that is, my wife is aware of my extracurricular activities and accepts my behavior, and I own my own business). Eventually, the girl gave up on her attempt. But I realize most men don't have the luxury of ignoring such a threat when it could destroy a marriage or result in the loss of employment.

Paying the full amount demanded, or a reduced amount after negotiation, would probably eliminate the threat. I guess receiving the phone storing the incriminating material would help to ensure that the threat would not be renewed. Entering into a written settlement, enforceable as a contract, could also deter the girl from reviving the threat. (By the way, in case you're thinking of the principle that a contract with illegal conduct as its subject matter is unenforceable as contrary to public policy -- ex dolo malo non oritur actio (no court will lend its aid to a man who founds his cause of action upon an immoral or illegal act) -- I think the defense of unenforceability would not be available to the girl, who is the wrongdoer here.) But, of course, there is no guarantee that the girl won't ask for more money later, or carry out her threat despite being paid. And personally I find it repugnant to give some blackmailing scumbag money.

That leaves us with the last option: Getting help. It is not unusual for me to be approached by someone within Hobby World who's the target of a blackmail attempt -- after all, we are engaging in behavior that is both illegal and, to the majority of citizens, immoral. Also, about two years ago, there was a group of women that were involved in a scheme to blackmail men they met on sugar daddy-sugar baby hook-up web sites, and three male ASPD members sought out my assistance.

My approach has always been to deal with the blackmailer directly, politely, unemotionally, but firmly. It normally takes only one phone call to educate the person on the law and the consequences should the person continue to pursue committing theft. The blackmailers always want to vent their anger at my client, and I listen politely. Once they run out of gas, the discussion returns to the reality of a continued course: An investigation by the police and possibly criminal prosecution and jail time. I do not bluff. I do not meet threat with threat. I am very specific in exactly what I would do should the person continue to demand money. By the end of the conversation, the anger has been replaced by a fear of punishment imposed by a law bereft of emotion, and the blackmail game is over.

Finally, there's the issue of the involvement of LE. While I have never had to go to the police to assist a client with a blackmail threat, I often connect client and cop regarding other embarrassing behavior. In my experience, the police are not interested in relaying sensitive information to a complaining witness's spouse. LE is apt to use the information only to pursue the suspect. Cops are in the business of thumping criminals, not causing divorces.
badlamb24's Avatar
Badlamb24--but IS it a crime? I know it seems like a crime, but there are such gray lines. Originally Posted by txirishman
I think ShysterJon already explained in details. Dude hire ShysterJon, you are giving hiring someone very experienced in such cases for different people and himself multiple times

It reminds me of buying my mistress new phone with different service provider and hacking into her email account to delete sensitive mail/ chat by installing Invisible Log program.
Shyster John-I was hoping you would weigh in. I've read your posts ad infinituum, and always found them intelligent, level headed, and largely sympathetic. Suppose Harry decides to either ignore the "attempted theft" or goes for legal assistance.

In the first scenario-he may think the situation has been diffused. But-he then lives the next days/weeks/months of his life waiting for the other shoe to drop. Maybe a letter or package in the mail. Or a delivery directly into his wife's hands. Or a special invitation to contact her through Facebook. With today's technology-the possibilities are seemingly endless. And each step along the way-with any degree of anonymity, the woman would be essentially off the hook. Especially-I would imagine, if any amount of time had lapsed between her request for payment and actual delivery.

Second option--get assistance. Say you (or another nearly as adept as yourself) has a "come to Jesus" phone call with her. All seems placated but she refuses to part with the "technology package." Why should she-legally? Six months passes-and the "package" is hand delivered to Harry's wife. You-the attorney-receive a call from her, left on your voicemail over the weekend--stating that her Austin apartment had been broken into and certain things were stolen and out of her control.

Either way--in either situation--Harry's fucked.

I know this is likely over thinking it--but I assure you, Harry is over thinking this exponentially more than I/we are. He only gets one chance to get this right-and knows he fucked up already.
ShysterJon's Avatar
txirishman: I'm not a psychologist, and it wouldn't be helpful for me to say "anything is possible." But in my experience, having dealt with dozens if not hundreds of cases where the scorned sought to flambe the scorner, anger once dissolved or replaced is not regained.

Maybe one way to put it is the girl's anger should be replaced by a klong, which is a Yiddish word for the sick feeling a person gets in the pit of their stomach when they know something is wrong (such as when a man is ordering his first drink on a plane as he's flying to shoot quail and he realizes he left his prized shotgun in the airport bar). Sure, the satisfaction from getting paid off can probably replace the girl's anger. But why not replace her anger with fear instead? It only seems fair, and probably more effective, in my view. Nothing should happen later to convince the girl that what she was doing wasn't illegal; rather, she should forget about the money and be glad she escaped going to jail.
Jon--you are wise beyond your years. I think I read somewhere you were in your mid/late 20's. Your areas of familiarity (as opposed to expertise) are rare. And you're very fortunate to have such a unique relationship with your SO.

I will convey your suggestions to Harry. I think your last note--to replace her excitement over potential "found money" with relief over escaping jail is sound logic. I wouldn't hesitate to advance it's likely success. That said-this would likely work far better with a "twenty something" than with an educated "forty something" with a real need for funds.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Jon--you are wise beyond your years. I think I read somewhere you were in your mid/late 20's. Originally Posted by txirishman
Thanks, but I'm 51. Maybe you read my IQ is in the mid- to high-20's. Haha.

Best of luck with The Trouble with Harry. Please be sure to report back what happens.
WOW--and a sense of humor too? All of a sudden the paradigm shifts! Your SB should be paying you! Your SO is lucky to have YOU!

Will do Jon--and thanks very much (sincerely) for weighing in on this as intelligently as you have. Have a Merry Christmas--no doubt you will!
GDLMAN's Avatar
I wish I knew you a year ago ShysterJon. Would have probably saved me a couple semesters tuition at a private college. My SB was evil. Rest assured if it happens again to me I will retain your services.