Minimum wage

Af-Freakin's Avatar
U dumbass crackers don't get it. we need 2 raise minimum wage 2 help working people. many union contracts adjust pay scale based on minwage.
Doove, where do you get off saying that I have no clue.
Are you that mentally challenged to only be able to come up with a lame ass retort like that?
Come on dude and put some of your remaining unwashed brain to use and think about it a bit. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Troll alert, signature says it all. If you don't feed the animals, they will quit coming to the campground.
U dumbass crackers don't get it. we need 2 raise minimum wage 2 help working people. many union contracts adjust pay scale based on minwage. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
We give a little when we want too. Be happy with what you get and when you get it, lest there will not be a next time.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
We give a little when we want too. Be happy with what you get and when you get it, lest there will not be a next time. Originally Posted by nwarounder
if u got something I want cracker u don't have 2 give it 2 me. ill just take it from u bitch & u wont b able 2 do anything about it. LOL!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-15-2012, 11:03 AM
Doove, where do you get off saying that I have no clue. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Well, my first clue was the fact that you asked the question. That alone should be enough, but then you follow it up and come up with a hypothesis based on what "MAY" be unintended consequences (your emphasis, not mine), only to finish up by suggesting your main proof is whether or not someone can prove the opposite.

Troll alert, signature says it all. If you don't feed the animals, they will quit coming to the campground. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Dude uses terms like "commie" and "socialist", and phrases like "are you that mentally challenged" and "put some of your remaining unwashed brain yada yada yada"....

But i'm the troll.
if u got something I want cracker u don't have 2 give it 2 me. ill just take it from u & u wont b able 2 do anything about it. LOL! Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
I'm not a cracker, I'm a white hispanic. And we both know what would happen if you tried that
Af-Freakin's Avatar
I'm not a cracker, I'm a white hispanic. And we both know what would happen if you tried that Originally Posted by nwarounder
id beat the M1 charge u meatless taco.
ForumPoster's Avatar
Is there any connection to the increase in the minimum wage from 5.15 to 7.25 and the crash of our economy.
Minimum wage was voted to increase in 2007 with the wage rising to 7.25 over two years.
Some said it would cause many employers to lay off workers and have to get by with less employees in order to stay in business.
Is this just a coincidence or a cause and effect.

I believe we were warned this would happen. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Our economy crashed for entirely different set of reasons. First and foremost it crashed due to the fact that nobody can keep on borrowing, spending and not producing forever.

For about a decade prior to the crash you could walk into a bank and get 500,000 loan with 30k salary. Why? Everyone involved in that transaction made money out of thin air. Any one with basic understanding of economics and finance was not asking IF things will explode in disaster, they were asking WHEN that will happen and wondering if by the time it happens they would make enough to carry them over the bad years.

Desire for instant gratification, sense of self entitlement and unmitigated uncontrolled greed are the real reasons we as society are in such shit hole today. Not increase in minimum wage.

Desire for instant gratification, sense of self entitlement and unmitigated uncontrolled greed are the real reasons we as society are in such shit hole today. Not increase in minimum wage.

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
But that is exactly what raising the minimum wage does? An instant raise and gratification for someone who is not entitled are worthy to earn that amount. I agree that it did not cause the problem, but it is the same.
ForumPoster's Avatar
But that is exactly what raising the minimum wage does? An instant raise and gratification for someone who is not entitled are worthy to earn that amount. I agree that it did not cause the problem, but it is the same. Originally Posted by nwarounder

Minimum wage actually affects incredibly low number or LEGAL employees. If you look into statistics provided by the U.S. Department of Labor, of the 76.5 million hourly employees in 2006, 2.2% made minimum wage or less. Most of them were young and worked in food service industry.

That of course does not take into consideration real minimum wage earners - illegal immigrants. They are the ones who get paid lowest wages and won't be affected by increases in minimum wage since they work "off the books" to begin with.

Increase in minimum wages could affect our economy if we were still producing anything that required unqualified manual labor. We no longer do. We happily outsourced out manufacturing and now scratching out heads shocked that economy collapsed.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
This is one of the things about liberals is that they cannot have a discussion on a topic that requires a little thought process to participate.
The fact that the increase in the minimum wage was in the double digits percentage wise could be the ground work for the inflation that was to come.

As far as commie socialists, are you one of the ones that does not believe that communists have infiltrated your party or is it that you are one and do not like people drawing attention to that fact.

Lets start with one of the commies, Maxine Waters and go from there.
In light of this thread does anyone think that maybe some of the big corporations that are exporting jobs do this on purpose in part so that it may force the workers in this country to accept lower wages? It is something to think about. However if the people don't make enough money then they don't spend money and that is not good for the economy either. You need a strong middle class to keep things going a long at a steady pace. You can't be in the middle class bracket if you are making minimum wage or less.
KenMonk's Avatar
Min wage has nothing to do with market value for labor. An individual that has a skill is going to make more then min wage. Min wage is there for younger people, or individuals without skill. What would stop Wal-Mart paying 16 year olds 5 dollars an hour?

I know that is the extreme, but min wage has nothing to do with most Americans. Even kids at McDonalds make more then min wage.
KenMonk's Avatar
Oh and unions are nearly worthless now. They were great when they were needed, but the fed does what unions used to. For every example you can give me about a union helping someone I can give you 40 where they simply took money from folks and did nothing to help them.

I was in a union when I was younger and they didn't help or protect me and I was paying 15 bucks a week on them. All they did was get me a few extra cents per year when I got a raise... Hardly worth it considering what they were taking from me.
ForumPoster's Avatar
In light of this thread does anyone think that maybe some of the big corporations that are exporting jobs do this on purpose in part so that it may force the workers in this country to accept lower wages? It is something to think about. However if the people don't make enough money then they don't spend money and that is not good for the economy either. You need a strong middle class to keep things going a long at a steady pace. You can't be in the middle class bracket if you are making minimum wage or less. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
Here is a real life dilemma I am facing today. I am working on a manufacturing start up. Ideally I would love to keep production in USA, but I can't.

If I actually have all of the components manufactured here in the country, the product will have to be priced out of competition. Even the packaging will have to be manufactured in China for very simple reason. Lowest prices I was able to find here are 2.50 - 3.00 per box. Chinese are willing to supply same packaging for fraction of the cost.

In addition to that, lenders are not willing to fund manufacturing start ups. They will listen to you, nod in agreement and in the end of the day will lend $100,00 to ten internet start ups hoping that ONE of them will end up being next Facebook and bring them 100 to 1 return on the money rather than funding 10 manufacturing start ups and bringing them 2:1 return.

We are running into endless loop - diminishing middle class due to outsourcing of manufacturing, continued outsourcing of manufacturing due to diminishing purchase power of almost non existent middle class.

If government REALLY wanted to fix this problem they could do so by subsidies to american small businesses to cover the difference in production costs locally vs overseas.
