Roxanne aka Roxy...always seems helpful and cheerful.

Awhh...why thank ya Space
Texasquest's Avatar
I agree with everyone here Roxanne is always the "Breath of Fresh air" here..Lets start a Petition drive..ROXANNE for MOD !!!!! We definantly know she would do her best to keep it a "FRIENDLY" place. Just my 2cents
GenesisNicole's Avatar

The girl has beauty, smarts and boy, can she make me laugh!!!

I always enjoy our get togethers and that time we went to the club. *wink*

I consider her one of my best friends inside and out of the hobby, and hope we can grow to be life long friends........

Roxanne Rocks tha House!

Genesis Nicole
Texas, thank you for your kind words. If only the allowed female mods in coed

Gen, my dear my sweet friend! You know I love ya girl and thank you for your sweet words...I must say the view from being under you is very nice! I see BOOTAY!!! hehe
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I actually suggest SexyRoxanne for mod once and was told that unfortunately, this site does not allow female mods outside of the ladies only areas. That's quite a loss for this forum.

Anyhow, Roxanne, you are amazing and really are an inspiration. I know you have had a couple of very tough times in the last couple of years but have managed to remain upbeat and positive despite having to overcome difficulties.

Keep up the good work.
Never an unkind word. Although she does kindly call some out for being an ass when necessary.
  • Vyt
  • 02-17-2011, 10:56 AM
But in a very subtle way!

Not only is she fun on the board, she can also drink me under the table. That's always a plus.
runswithscissors's Avatar
My favorite Roxanne "saying " from a frustratingly biting back and forth thread from a year ago that would not seem to die....

"c'mon, people; lets just get naked and screw!"

Rock on, Rox.....

everybody just get naked and screw!
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
It's always nice to see some feminine input in co-ed's & even more so when there's some substance wrapped up in a warm & friendly tone. Thanks for not fading away, Roxy!
Yes nothing like getting naked, screwing and drinking folks under the table! Good times! haha

VYT...what do think is gonna happen when you invite me out to are favorite hang out spot and you keep putting shots in front of me along with half naked women
Have known Roxanne inside and outside the hobby for several years and she is a breath of fresh and real air both in the virtual and real world.

I won't lie being naked in her presence is a cure to what ails ya...
  • Vyt
  • 02-17-2011, 02:39 PM
VYT...what do think is gonna happen when you invite me out to are favorite hang out spot and you keep putting shots in front of me along with half naked women Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne
I haven't a clue *whistles tunelessly*
LOL @ VYT!!!!
Thank you leesideofthestone!
I love me some Roxy!!!!

A sweet and kind woman.
We need to have another together soon, real soon!

Miss you much pretty lady :-)