On Second Thought . . . I Think I Like You

Guest062512's Avatar
I've had it happen both directions.

There was a lady that i declined to see at one time because a review that I read on her. Now, though, because of some of her posts here and a couple of very interesting PM's, she is now high on my list of "ladies I want to meet." Yeah, she's physically attractive. It was that one review that drove me away. Now through conversation I'm fairly well over that issue with her and anxious to actually meet.

There is another very beautiful lady here who is quite active on the boards who I'll decline to see because of some of the things in her ads and showcase. Not activities or preferences, just attitudes that make her unattractive to me.

But then, WALDT.

(returning soon to a bedroom near you)
Infamous BJ - I wish she post more

I like Lana Warren's post
Carrie Hillcrest

Thank you, LL! I'm an admirer of your posts, as well...and the OP gets cool points for posting this much deserved recognition of Miss Lisa

Another lady I'd like to add, is Infamous BJ. Love her!! I have always been a fan of her posting style and wit. Getting to play with her was probably the most fun I've had in the hobby, and it started with her personality and turned into an all-out girl crush. Originally Posted by Dannie
Another lady I'd like to add, is Infamous BJ. Love her!! I have always been a fan of her posting style and wit. Getting to play with her was probably the most fun I've had in the hobby, and it started with her personality and turned into an all-out girl crush. Originally Posted by Dannie

I am officially jealous.
jstudboy69's Avatar
For me I have seen beautiful women who are physically goddesses but have poor attitudes or next to no personality. On the other hand I have also been lucky enough to meet some women with the rare mixture of inner and outer beauty. When that happens I feel blessed. It just seems more natural. As far as becoming attracted to an authors post, I totally agree. I have wondered about a provider only to see them become more sensual and sexy after reading some of their posts. Its almost like being able to see who they really are.
I agree that we all play "roles" in life from time to time, and cater to ones expectations. But when I read a post and develop a desire for that provider, only to have them end up being more attractive in person based on that perception I feel like one lucky guy. God I need to hobby more.

Yes indeed, the most erogenous zone the one between your ears. I have never seen a provider that I did not like her posting style. I advise newbies to post and read and get a feel of the provider/client's personality. I have only seen a few providers I have not met at a social but I liked their posts, then followed up with a lot of PM flirting. Notably, Dannie, a few years ago (damn time flies) I read her posts and we flirted for awhile, I knew I was going to have a great time, of course when she opened the door I was sucked into her vortex of "hotness" and then BCD I found out that she was THE DANNIE. Another time a provider was attacked to me (yeah, I know beats the Hell outta me) by my posts and sent me a PM and ...well that is another story.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Elisabeth Whispers's posts do it for me just about every time. Agree that I usually don't see a provider that the appointment was somehow prompted by an intriguing post or PM, and sometimes an intriguing review.
Nothing is more attractive than quick wit, charm, smarts.....Nicole Preston's posts were wonderful. Wish I had met her....
onehitwonder's Avatar
Something I tell my daughter all the time is so simple, you can beautiful on the outside but what really counts is what's on the inside. ....

"Pretty is as pretty does "